

What will you do if the guy you’ve been talking to on social media happens to be the most popular guy in uni? Will you stay and get to know him a little more, or will you run for the hills, like a scared little mouse running away from its predator? But the real question is, can you stay away?

Lucidbunny · Celebrities
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41 Chs

Chapter IX

"I'm ready."

You say with a determined face.

You need him to understand that you mean no funny business. If there's anything you want right now, is for him to be physically intimate with you.

You like him in an innocent way, you still do, and you aren't exactly sure where this urge came from. You're not simply attracted to him because of his physical features, no, although that is a big plus, but his individuality and his disposition in life played a huge role in it.

Sehun isn't a douche, he was never selfish, and he isn't the player you thought him to be. He proved it to you many times and more.

Maybe this need started when you were with him at the library. When you felt his lips against yours for the very first time. You remember the little jolts of electricity coursing through your veins, making you yearn for him even more.

Perhaps it's because of when he visited you out of the blue so late at night, making your knees weak, telling you things that excited you, things that corrupted your mind. It was a low point in your life when you dreamt about him forcing you to give yourself to him. You were certain back then that he isn't available, that he is in a relationship, and you feel so bad that your illusion about him is to that extent.

Maybe it's because of the things he said, all those threats he told you, made you wary and portray him as someone dark and mysterious.

Or perhaps it was because of the way he flirted with you.

You swear you have never met anyone who's a bigger flirt than this guy. He gave you his full attention, showed you his playful side. Then one day you found out that the only thing keeping you away from showing your true feelings for him, is non-existent. It was all a rumor made up by the people who hated your guts.

You should've known better than to believe them. You were once, and still is a victim of false information, and yet you hear them gossip about him once, and you fell for it.

You realize that every one of these factors has molded you into this, a woman who is certain, a woman who will do everything in her power to make this man hers.


You whisper his name as he fails to give you any signs of approval.

There he is, staring back tensely at you. You can feel him struggling. The inner turmoil going on inside his head must've been too much for him to handle, but you didn't back down. You know that there is no turning back now, and there is no way you will let this end awkwardly.

You bravely press your body against his, and you notice Sehun furrowing his brows, as you lean closer to him, so close than not a single air can pass between your bodies. You nibble on your bottom lip as you feel his manhood poking at you. He feels big and hard against the rough fabric of his jeans, and it makes you nervous and excited at the same time.

"Please Sehun." You say with pleading eyes.

You watch as Sehun places his hands on your shoulders, slightly pushing you away from him as he nervously licks his lips.

"No sweetheart." He finally responds. "We can't."

You're confused.

Isn't he the one who told you he wants you? You believe him because of obvious reasons, and the bulge in his pants is proof enough. You have no idea why he's suddenly bailing out now.

Seeing how baffled and rejected you are, he tries to explains himself.

"This is hard for me too baby." He gives you a soft look. "I don't want to scare you away."

But somehow, his words only made you a lot more determined than before.

"No, you won't scare me away." You assure him. "I won't run away this time, I promise."

"Sweetheart, you don't understand." He says, his eyes pleading.

But his words only made you feel dejected, forcing you to move away from his grasp.

"What don't I understand Sehun?" You ask.

The male is looking so troubled, but you've had enough of his mind games. If he doesn't want you, then so be it.

"Fine." You whisper weakly as you look away. "It's late, you should probably go."

"Please don't be that way."

"Be what way Sehun?" You ask bitterly.

"Look, I get it, okay? You want me and then you don't want me." You sigh.

"Just…go home."

You tried to look away, but this time, he is more determined to prove himself.

"You don't understand." He crosses the distance between you, and cups your face as he looks intently at you, and once again, you are lost inside those menacingly stunning orbs.

"If we're going to do this, then you have to know…"

You watch the male as he swallows a lump in his throat. It is so obvious how he struggles to tell you his dilemma, something you can't find yourself to understand.

"You have to know, baby that once we start, I can never…" He heaves a heavy sigh.

"I can never stop myself from wanting you more. I have never felt desire so intense before, not with any woman." He said huskily and you feel warmth consume your entire being.

"If we do this." He continued, "I can't promise you," He kissed your forehead, "That I won't take you again,"

He kissed your nose. "And again."

He gives your lips a peck.

"And again."

You bite your lips nervously, his words send delicious shivers down your spine, and you can feel yourself starting to get wet down there.

"Then don't." You look at him. "Don't stop."

Sehun lets out a groan. Hearing you say those words did so little to his heart. If he was trying to contain himself before, then he isn't about to stop himself now.

The male lungs towards you. He cups your face, as he ruthlessly kissed your lips in a sensual and savage passion. You can feel his frustration, his want, and his need in that single kiss, and you couldn't help but smile through it. You feel pleased with yourself for unravelling this man with just a few words. It felt so good, it felt exhilarating knowing that you are the cause of his actions.

"Sweetheart, you may think that you're experienced with this." He stated, his breathing shallow, his chest moving up and down. "But you're not."

"Because I fuck baby."

He says as his thumb starts stroking your lower lip sensually. His eyes are boarding into yours as he lures you into this dark void filled with erotic and carnal promises.

"I fuck long."

"And hard."

"And rough."


"What's up?"

Kai gives you a smile, as he sits beside you, while you lounge and drown yourself with coffee.

"Hey." You smile weakly at him.

It has been exactly fourty-eight hours since you've had proper rest. The magazine you've been interning at is due for an issue, and Baekhyun has officially assigned you to take photos for a couple of articles needed for the magazine.

"Hun you look terrible." Kai stated.

He stares at your unkempt hair, and the dark circles under your eyes.

"I feel terrible too." You reply.

"Baekhyun hyung is overworking you. Do you want me to have a word with him?"

"No." You said, shaking your head.

"I love what I'm doing, and besides, those good looking models are a good enough reason to stay." You say playfully.

"I don't think Sehun will be okay with that." The male asserted, making you snort at his words.

"What about Sehun?"

"Can't fool me hun, I know you two have been doing a lot of funny business lately."

"We're just friends Jongin." You say matter-of-factly.

"Just friends?" He asked disappointedly. "Thought you two have been hitting it off?"

And you have been hitting it off. Sehun can't stop himself, sometimes he would pull you somewhere in this building where there are no people, and kiss you to his heart's content. Other times he would give your lips a peck when no one's looking, and he would always, always be near you. Especially now when you're working with different people all the time, particularly with guys.

"Yeah, we're friends." You reply as you look at the person from across the room.

There he is talking to a female staff. The woman is openly flirting with him, and Sehun looks more than a little bit unhappy from what you're seeing.

You couldn't help but smile.

During the last two days, you found out little things about Sehun. He doesn't like it when girls throw themselves at him, in fact, he never liked the attention he's getting, not unless he likes the person. You find it funny how uncomfortable he looks while having a conversation with the woman. Sehun is very polite to her, almost too polite to the point of rudeness, but the woman can't seem to take a hint. You're glad that he gives all his attention to you, and you can't really complain of how much of a sweetheart he is.

"That idiot." The male beside you sniggers, while he's looking at the same direction. "Do you want me to punch some sense into him?"

"Yes please Kai, punch some sense into that man." You think to yourself, but you kept quiet.

Meanwhile, Kai feels frustrated. He knows that you both like each other. The sexual tension between the two of you is so obvious, that he wants nothing but to get the two of you together. Ever since Sehun introduced you to them, he saw all the signs of an infatuated man, and he more than agrees to you and his friend dating.

"You're only gonna hurt yourself. We can't have you getting any bruises. Your photoshoot will start in a few hours." You said, all the while looking at Sehun.

"Wait aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" You turn your attention to the other male, and you see him shaking his head.

"I can't believe how dense that fucker is." Kai mumbles, putting you deep in your thoughts.

Yes, you have been hitting it off, but you want more, and you can tell that he does as well.

Two nights ago, when Sehun took you home, and you finally fessed up your true feelings for him, you found out this longing, this need you have for him, and it is eating you up.

"You can't scare me away Sehun."

"I'm not trying to scare you away baby. I just want you to be wary of this." He said.

"If you'll have me, then I want you to take me, for everything I am, for everything I've got."

When he told you that his sexual needs cannot be appeased that easily, you felt scared, and nervous, and... aroused.

Being insatiable in bed is a good thing, right? Or is it not? You don't really know how to react to his statement, but you do know that you want him.

"You're innocent, I can't taint you." Sehun says, his face painted with longing. "I just don't want you to run away from me again."

He brushes your cheeks as he stares at your flushed face. "But I do know that I want you, and I wanna take you right here, right now."

You shake your head at the memory of that night. Everything happened so fast, and you did not like what happened at all.

It's just so...unsatisfying.

"Tell me sweetheart, how many men have you been with?"

Sehun asked and you scrunch your brows in confusion. You don't know why he is asking you that all of a sudden.

"What do you mean?"

"I just want to know sweetheart." He says in a careful tone.

It took a few seconds for you to think whether to be truthful or not, if it was okay for you to let him know how inexperienced you are, and when you see him staring at you, you unknowingly swallow all your frustrations away,

"I-" You heave a sigh.

"I have never dated anyone in my life before, Sehun." You look at him with a serious expression, and you witness how his eyes widens in surprise.

"You mean you're…"

"I am what?"

If it was possible for you to run away and leave, you would have. You'd do just about anything to hide your embarrassment away.

"Are you a…virgin?"

You regret the moment you told him that. You didn't know that being a virgin means that he won't touch you. Apparently, being inexperienced is a deal breaker for him.

That night, you went to sleep on the bed with Sehun.

Yes, sleep on the bed, not sleep with him.

You understand where he's coming from. It's too early in your relationship, whatever this relationship is, for you to be sexually intimate with each other. But for fuck's sake! He was hugging you so tightly, while his raging boner was poking your back, and it irked you so damn much that you weren't able to have a good sleep. It was so sexually frustrating, and you sometimes imagine yourself jumping at him until he finally loses his resolve and just take you.

Whenever you two make out, be it in this building or your apartment, or his place, sometimes even inside his car, he is always, always hard. It would've been easier for you, if you can't feel it. It's entirely his fault for being gifted down there, and it is completely impossible for him to hide it from you.

"Don't change the subject." Kai said, shaking you off from your thoughts.

"I'm not. I'm just telling you to get ready." You smile at the man.

"Wouldn't want to have you looking like a rotten egg for this shoot, don't we?"

You say as you look at him. Kai is one of the models, and you wonder why he's so tight-fisted with his money. He has a lot, like a lot of it, but he always asks his friends to treat him. Except maybe for you, he actually goes on his way and pay for everything you eat whenever you two hang out, which earns him a stink eye from his friends, especially from Baekhyun.

You hear Kai heaving a sigh as he tilts his head upwards in an irritated manner.

"I have to do everything myself, don't I?" He mumbled.

You wrinkle your brows at him as confusion fills you.

"Do you trust me?" He asked.

"Not right now, I don't."

There is a playful smile plastered on his lips, and you know that he's planning on something rather unforgivable.

"Don't get mad, don't scream and don't move."

Slowly, he turns his body towards you, then he leans closer. Although it is close enough for the both of you to have a safe distance away from each other, you still feel uncomfortable.

"Don't you dare Jongin."

But the male heard none of it, as he grabs a few strands of your hair and gently tucks it behind your ear.


"What are you doing?"

"Shhh. Just play along hun."

You feel nervous as the back of his hand strokes the side of your right cheek ever so slowly. You have no idea what he's trying to do, and yet here you are, unable to move even a single muscle.


Every time something similar to this happens to you, you are always caught off guard. You don't know how to react properly so you just stand there, motionless.

Kai then places his hand on your chin, his thumb caressing it in an up and down manner. He is smiling genuinely at you, and you feel reassurance from it, your stiff demeanor now fading away.

"One." He whispered.

There is a loud thud inside the room, and you flinch at the sudden noise.

Was it a chair or did someone fall on the floor?

"Jongin!" You hear the person you two have been talking about shouting at him.

"Baekhyun hyung is looking for you." He says, a dangerous tone in his voice.

"Tell him I'm busy." Kai smirked, his attention still on you.

"Right on cue." Kai whispered.

He smiles slyly, and you couldn't help but to smile back at him.

So this is what Jongin wants, for Sehun to get jealous. The playful smile written in your eyes has assured your friend that you are game.

You are so game.

Slowly, ever so slowly, you watch this awful and irritatingly amazing friend of yours bend his face lower and lower still, his handsome face too close for comfort.

In Sehun's point of view, you two are kissing and he feels the need to punch this guy, even if this guy happens to be his friend for more than a decade.

No one touches you, no one. You are his and his alone.

"Oh for fuck's sake!" He curses as he strides his way towards your direction.

"Damn you Jongin!" His face now a deep shade of red.

"You're adorable hun, but I don't want my sweet ass to get kicked by your boyfriend." Kai winks playfully, and just like that, he left the scene. He went for the door even before Sehun could reach him. You couldn't help but laugh at the man. Kai looks like a kid running away from his angry mother.

"You think this is funny, don't you?" You hear Sehun say, his attention now on you.

The people inside the room slowly dissipate. They don't want to get involved with this, especially now when Sehun looks like he's gonna chop someone's head off, even the girl he has talked to earlier has left the room.

You roll your eyes at him and turn your back. "At least Kai knows what's up."

"Did you just roll your eyes at me missy?"

Sehun is fuming with anger. He felt jealous and hurt, because you don't seem to care for his feelings.

"No." You scoff at him. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get ready for work." You said as you take your things from the coffee table.

When all of a sudden, Sehun takes your bag from you and shoves it back to the table. You want to shout at him for being so callous, but you were caught off guard when he pinned you down the couch nearby, and pressed his body against you.

You want to fight him, you really do, but it just feels so good being trapped inside his arms.

You witness as Sehun's aura starts to change. His angry exterior slowly fading, and his eyes start to soften.

"Sehun." You whisper his name, feeling a bit mesmerized by him.

His warm body against yours does so little to your poor heart, and it slowly starts to consume your mind. You want to kiss him, and you feel grateful as the male took no time at all and kissed you with a passion so intense, that you couldn't even find the strength to kiss him back. His hands roam your body, as his lips take yours. The way his wet muscle tries to enter your mouth makes your knees turn weak, and you let him in in earnest, kissing him back with equal intensity.

You two can't seem to get enough of each other. His kiss always makes you feel weak, matter fact, you can kiss him forever and not get sick of it.

"I'm sorry." Sehun apologizes, while you both try to catch your breath.

"Don't be." You assured him.

You caress the side of his face, as you stare at his handsome features. You can never get tired at looking at him. Sometimes you wonder how you got yourself a man like him. Maybe you saved someone from your previous life and is being rewarded now, but for whatever reason it may be, you feel more than thankful that you have him, even if you don't know what's to come to the future.

"No baby. I'm sorry." He says as he takes your hand from his face and starts kissing it tenderly.

"I am apologizing in advance." He continues.

You look at him warily and wonder what is the meaning behind those apologies, and when he says the words, you can feel your heart jump from utter…excitement.

"Because I will take you, whether you like it or not."

Your lids turned heavy, and you smiled sensually at the man, feeling so turned on by his words.

"I thought you would never say that."

Which in return, made Sehun groan loudly.

"You are such a tease!"

And you can only laugh at the groaning male on top of you.

New update <3

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