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Noku was walking home from the store one day until it all changed. Not remembering anything about how he ended up in some hospital full of Dokas, people who looked somewhat like humans but with blue skin, antennas, and slime coating their skin. Noku runs from the hospital for what seemed like an eternity until he ran into other “humans” only to discover he is in the same time period but on a different world. Follow Noku’s journey as he unravels mysteries of his new world and tries to go home to deliver his groceries to his mom.

chickenxxxx · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
1 Chs

Who are you?

*blink blink*

"hmm?" Noku said as he sat up in his bed, slouching in his pajamas. He got into his clothes ready for a new day of school.

"I hope the test today isn't that hard." He thought in his head. After all, he hated being so average. Every time somebody called him that 7 letter word he'd always get upset. He'd studied extra hard last night going over the past week's material. There was no way somebody so hard working could possibly get something below 70%.

"Hey noku!" Shino whispered,

"Good luck" she said cheerfully with a smile on her face.

Noku blushed and and replied, "thanks" Noku was doing the test, breezing through. He had seen every question on the test, but before he had reached the end of the test he saw that somebody had messed with his sheet.

"Umm mr Ali? I don't think I ha-"

"NO TALKING!!" He yelled while continuing to tap on his phone. Noku wondered what he should do. The tests answer were completely crossed off with a permanent marker. He asked to use the restroom while holding the test in his hands. When he left, he took out his whiteout and wrote down the questions that were supposed to be there. He went back to his seat and completed the test without saying anything.

"Man that was an easy test!" He exclaimed as he walked down the street.

"I'll be able to impress everyone with my perfect score!!" He thought to himself as he joyfully walked to his house. *knock knock*

"Mom?"....there wasn't an answer...

"Mom?" He said, louder than before.

"Huh. I wonder where she could be." He decided to try and call her to see if she had gone anywhere. He waited for an answer.

"please leave you're message for 62-"

"Maybe she's out getting something." He reached under the welcome carpet to grab the spare key, but...it wasn't there.