
Flight of the Doves

“It’s about time we got married.” Then they took flight and spread their wings. Esmerelda Nicolai and Jeremy Basile are made for each other in fact the only thing separating them from actually being married are the legal documents saying they are by law. The people around them know it’s only a matter of time before these two eccentric people tie the knot……..but before they do maybe one more adventure of a life time. A/N Haha don’t give your hopes up I have zero clue if this will ever update hahahahahaha

Divine_Cheese · History
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Letter to Mother

Dear Maman,

I hope this letter finds you well. You have probably realized by now I will not be coming home tonight or for the coming nights. When I first started writing this letter I was at the back avenue of the Nightingale Lounge for my last show. Now I'm boarding a boat to New Orleans you know the place Mr. Claude always talks about where you can find a bit of France in that unholy country called America though I've always wondered how America was unholy they are still predominantly Christian right? Anyways I'm writing this letter to inform you of my departure from France. You have no need to worry I am with Jeremy. Yes, that Jeremy Basile. We're going to get married. Yes, I know what you would say Maman that I should have planned it better and to your follow up question yes we have a place to stay. Jeremy has already sent his letter to his father telling him his plans. He wouldn't let me read his even though he's currently looking over my shoulder right now. So if it comes up in conversation please do ask. I know this might not be the way everyone expected this to go but I believe I need one more adventure before I truly have to settle down. I will miss you Maman.

With Love,


P.S. Please look after my cat Butterfly for a week I know you think him the devil spawn but Yves can't pick him up till he gets back to France.