
Flick A Switch: A Revenge Served Raw

Victoria's heart shattered upon discovering her ex-boyfriend's hidden life: a marriage and an unknown 8-year-old child. Resolute in letting go, fate seemingly had other plans. An unexpected incident triggered a bizarre twist: Sebastian, Victoria's ex, could now feel her physical pain. But did Sebastian really not love her? With such incident, Sebastian only sees this as an opportunity to get back with her, holding her bound with a marriage contract. "Well, it isn't my fault that all these happened is it? Let's be secretly married. See it as an atonement for your sins." NOTE: THIS BOOK IS SLOW-PACED. YOU MIGHT NEED A LITTLE PATIENCE TO ENJOY YOUR READING. NO RAPE NO DRUGS NO 18+ RATED CONTENTS ~LINDA LIGHT

LindaLight · Urban
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63 Chs

Meet Up With Rowan (1)

Victoria let out a long, exasperated sigh. "I can't believe Sebastian's nerve! He actually threatened Mr. Rowan while we were having dinner in the presence of the Waiter. I felt so humiliated!" she said, her voice dripping with frustration.

"I just can't believe he would do something like that!"

Myra burst out laughing, the absurdity of the situation hitting her full force. "Are you serious? The great Sebastian Quinn, acting like a child? I never would have guessed!" she said, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Well, apparently he is!" Victoria said, the words tinged with both exasperation and amusement. She took a sip of her wine, trying to regain her composure.

As she set the glass down on the table, she couldn't help but let out a small laugh. "He certainly has a knack for causing trouble, doesn't he?"

"So," Victoria began, an edge to her voice. "You've been ignoring my calls and texts for weeks, and now suddenly you want to meet up. What's up?" She couldn't help but feel a bit suspicious.

Myra's smile was a thin, tight-lipped thing, more of a grimace than a true expression of joy. She looked down, her gaze unfocused. She had been deeply affected by the news of Victoria's relationship with Mr. Quinn, and it was clear she still hadn't fully recovered.

"Vicky," Myra said, her voice soft but firm. "I've had some time to think, and I want you to know that it's not your fault. I know you were just trying to be happy, and I should have been more supportive. But the truth is, now that I know who your boyfriend is, I just... I feel a lot of mixed emotions. I'm trying to be okay with it, but it's hard."

Myra took a deep breath and continued, "I know that this is about you, not me. You deserve to be happy, and I want you to be happy. But it's hard to see you with him, knowing who he is in my family. I just need some time to sort out my feelings, and I hope you can understand."

She looked up at Victoria, her expression pleading.

Victoria let out a long, shaky sigh. She knew that Myra wasn't completely to blame, but she, herself, also couldn't help but feel that she should have done more research on Sebastian before she fell in love with him.

If only she had known what kind of person he really was, she might have been able to avoid all of this pain. But now it was too late, and she could only try to move forward from here.

"Myra, you shouldn't be apologizing or pleading. It was I who…."

"Victoria, no, it's not your fault," Myra insisted. "I know that you're still in love with him, and I know he loves you, not my sister. My sister is just there to be a wife in name only, but his heart belongs to you."

She paused, collecting her thoughts before continuing. "You deserve so much better than to be second best. You should be someone's first choice, not just an afterthought. I'm not trying to hurt you or make you feel bad, but I'm just trying to be honest with you. I hope you can understand that."

The connection between Myra and Victoria was more than just friendship or sisterhood. It was something deeper, something that transcended labels and categories.

They had known each other since their school days, and that bond had only grown stronger with time.

Myra could sense the hurt and confusion that Victoria was feeling, and she wanted to do whatever she could to help her friend.

Victoria felt a deep sense of gratitude for their friendship, and she knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what.

The two friends sat there for a moment, just enjoying each other's company and the warm summer air. The silence between them was broken by Myra's voice.

"So, Victoria, I have to ask: did you know that Sebastian actually came to my house and started begging me to talk to you so you would stop crying?" she asked, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "I mean, that guy is seriously head over heels for you!"

Victoria's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, seriously? You're saying that egoistic Sebastian actually came to your house to plead with you?" She shook her head, as if trying to clear the cobwebs from her mind. "No, that can't be right. There's no way he would do that."

But Myra was adamant. "Yes, it's true! He was practically begging me to talk to you."

Victoria just nodded her head in agreement with Myra, but inside she was a whirlwind of emotions. She felt a mix of sadness, confusion, and even a bit of hope. She wanted to believe that what Myra was saying was true, that Sebastian really did care for her that much.

But a part of her couldn't help but doubt it. Could he really feel that way? Or was it just because of the sudden occurrence between them?

So many questions swirled through her mind, but she couldn't bring herself to voice them.

"But what about Mr. Rowan?" Myra asked, still trying to make sense of everything. "What did he do after Sebastian threatened him? I mean, he must have been so upset. He must have said or done something."

Victoria hesitated, her eyes shifting back and forth as she considered her answer. "He didn't do anything," she said finally. "He just... let me go."

Her voice was quiet, and Myra could sense the turmoil underneath. Something was wrong, and Victoria was holding back.

"Victoria, what's going on?" Myra asked, her concern mounting with each passing second.

Victoria's eyes were darting around the room, as if searching for the words to explain her unease. "It's just... I have this feeling that Mr. Rowan and Sebastian are hiding something from me. Something important, something that's related to Mr. Rowan," she began, her voice shaky and uncertain.

"But when I tried to ask about it, Sebastian avoided giving me a straight answer. It's all so confusing, and it's driving me crazy!" She let out a deep sigh, frustration evident in every breath.

"What do you think it could be?" Myra asked, trying to keep her tone as neutral as possible. "Is it something serious?"

Victoria bit her lip, clearly struggling to find the words. "I think it's very important," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"When Sebastian talked about revealing Mr. Rowan's identity, I could see that he was scared. I've never seen him like that before. It was almost like he was being threatened."

The seriousness of the situation was now undeniable, and Myra offered her suggestion with a sense of urgency. "I think it would be best to speak with him."

"Well, that's certainly an idea," Victoria said, the spark of hope still flickering in her eyes. "Do you think I should just ask him to meet up with me, one on one? What if he doesn't want to talk about it?"

Myra gave her a reassuring smile. "Trust me, if he really cares about you like you say he does, he'll be happy to open up to you. You've got nothing to lose by trying."

That's it, Victoria is definitely going to go against Sebastian's warnings of not meeting Rowan without his knowledge. She's going to find out the secret of these men after all.