
Chapter 9.

The climb is never-ending.

The jog to the warehouse was decently fast, taking thirty minutes. It was early evening, and I found the warehouse with ease. It was rundown and looked decrepit. According to Kuroka, this was the first thing the stray community looked for when choosing a place to hide and the reason why humans avoided these places badly in return. These strays wanted to make a small racketeering ring to exploit the humans in the area and eventually get into murders for more money. They were just as bad compared to my first stray and they had something from pre-run that was horrible.They had with their King thrown a bomb at a Gymnasium in Germany. That bomb had killed ten people there.

Why they do it? Because the King thought it was funny as did the duo and why they were willing to graduate to straight murder again. They had also done that to the school because they had been kicked out of it for being disgusting pigs as humans, too.Their names were Herman and Helga and they were twins that joined together for power. The girl was the gear user, and the boy was the magician, with both being nineteen. I'm ready after checking around for cameras and finding none. I quickly made a servo skull to watch the building, and the scans only showed one person. I stepped into the alley next to the building and put on my armor, rebreather, and helmet. I loaded my clip on the bolt pistol and got ready to kill again. The bounty for them was not much, but it was the start of my own money and not Astaroth money which I have no claim to yet.

I will need an identification method for the twins and for the bastard before. Kuroka had helped by informing me that the Gundam figure was extremely rare, and Seekvaria had that stolen from her by him. I will avoid destroying the heads here. The nobility is against me so I will make a reputation that scares them badly. I will make them look past my nature and see I'm just as ruthless as they are. It can help Rias, too. Riser is a spoiled rich kid usually, and devils respect strength, so this could make me better for her folks on top of my heir status.

My goggles kicked on as I entered the warehouse, and I didn't see anything yet. My skull said that the person was near the back of the building. I observed the first room and didn't see furniture or anything else. I watched carefully as I advanced slowly and checked corners. The room is silent other than my footsteps and I continued my advance while hearing nothing. As I entered the next room of offices, still with no furniture, I looked at the room, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Then I hear something off in the distance, and it's very garbled.I approach slowly, making as little noise as possible. The noise is still faint and I really need to start enhancing myself up. That's the goal this week along with learning politics. Fucking nobles are jackasses at the best of times and they will be worse here, given they are devils. As I continued down the hall of cubicles, I finally heard a noise in a man's voice who was muttering softly.

"It's so damn boring here. I just want to get started on killing already, but no Helg had to insist we scout first. Humans are stupid, and we will be fine, but what do I know."

So, Helga is the brain and Herman might be the magic brawn. I got ready to attack him but another voice cuts in.

"Stop your bitching, Herm I want us not to get caught. The Gremory runs this town, and I'm not getting killed by the Crimson Lady of Ruin. Just because you aren't considering that doesn't mean I'm not. We should be good to start tomorrow, and yes, you can kill a human."

I approached closer and closer during the exchange as the two continued with Herman sighing in relief.

"Helg, I just want to get us money to return to Germany. I'm tired of the homesickness and you are, too. I want actual food and beer plus we will be safer there with the proximity to the Norse. They don't care about us and actively attack the Biblical factions. We can slide by easier."

That's good thinking but Helga sighed.

"You're right, Herm, but I rather be safe than sorry. We are just lucky the OSF is stepping up raids again. The fucks are getting ready for something. If we were purebloods, I'd say we join them. Perhaps we can if we bring a good enough offering. I hate them all, but they are at least honest with their hate of us and don't lie to your face."

Herman just growled out at that idea, and that covered me getting to the room's doorway where the voices came from.

"They are rats too, Helg. They wouldn't even try to listen to us. They would have us be meat shields just like the nobles. I'm not being their slave or the nobles again."

Helga sighed as I prepared my countdown.

"They would, but it's a place rather than being solo. We'd have better everything. I'm going to check the side entrance."

Perfect. I put my thumb near the activation button. I hear footsteps coming my way, and the sound of heels clanking is heard before a shadow approaches the doorway. I hit one on my countdown when the figure stepped into the doorway.My axe roars to life, which makes Helga, a young blonde woman with ice-blue eyes, freaked out at the sudden noise, and I use that to chop. The axe comes down towards her, still freaking, and I get pissed when a barrier of light blue appears in front of Helga, allowing her to back off.

My axe hits it and clangs.Helga looked at me in horror at how close she had come to certain death as Herman snarls out.

"Who the fuck are you!"

I don't reply raising my bolt pistol and then chopping at the barrier again before I fired the gun. The bark makes both jumps, and the round sadly missed barely. Hitting the wall, and the shrapnel from the explosion in the wall flies and hits Herman on his back with several wood shards. That breaks the barrier as he screamed, and Helga immediately summoned three ghost blades rising from the floor before she snarled.

"Fuck you I'll gut you for that!"

She throws two blades at me while getting the third in her right hand. I got behind cover, letting the two blades fly past my prior location. Then I make another shot, and I get a limb this time. Herman's left hand took the shot, and it exploded into gore and bone shards. He screamed in pure agonizing pain. I use that to enter the room, and I bring my axe down, roaring against the blade of Helga shocked by the fact her brother is now missing a hand. She barely blocked the chop before she throws another blade at me she made and that hit me on my left shoulder. Carapace is wonderful armor as the blade deflected off, and I opened the fight again.I fired once more as Herman had finally gotten over screaming, and he used his remaining hand to make barriers that flew around his sister and himself.

The shot missed not because of the barriers but because Helga dodged, not wanting to get hit by the bolt. She throws three more blades at me, all deflecting off the armor.

"What the fuck type of armor is that!"

I move forward, dodge two more swords, and then fire at a weak point that was a table not in Herman's barriers. I fired again to test a theory on barriers. The first shot exploded the chair, and the shrapnel hit both of them. The second shot makes me smirk under the helm. The bolt carved its way through the barrier, hitting Herman, who seems to rely solely on barriers, while Helga is the attacker. The shot hits his gut and it exploded into pieces. Blood and intestines fly out, and Herman groans before he toppled to the floor and crashed against a table. Helga screamed, enraged, and threw ten more blades at me in ultra-fast succession. She screamed that rage with fire in her blue eyes.

"You fucking bitch, I will kill you for him!"

I snarled back at this bitch as I'm dodging the blades.

"I will kill you for the school. Machine God take you bitch."

That utterance makes her lose concentration and put a hand to her head in pain. I smirked as that is good to know. I fire again, and she gets through the pain before she dodges again making a coffee table explode. I charged forward again and brought my axe, still roaring down on her. She blocked it and then threw me back. I charged again, raising my axe, and she expected that but not the headbutt that came down on her head straight on. The blow sends her backward in a daze, before I kick a wooden shard of a table at her. She is dazed, and the wood slams into her kneecap. She screamed as I charged again and chopped at her right arm. She again blocked it but barely once more, and I pushed her back again.I chop twice more in a space marine style from the Iron Warriors. She caught the first blow, but the second one caught her left arm at the elbow. She screamed again, and the limb fell to the ground with blood spurting out freely. I chop again, and that takes her right leg. She toppled screaming before I cut off her head with a single swipe. The screams ended.

I took a few deep breaths before I heard a groan from Herman. I shoot him again, and his right arm explodes. The groans end as he finally dies truly. I'm not going to care for mad dogs. I get ready to text Kuroka to meet me here. We had exchanged numbers earlier. So she can preserve the heads. I make the message, then cut off Herman's head. I get both and then let myself prepare for the cat to see me. Willing away the spent bolt ammo to distract myself and the servo skull.Kuroka arrived ten minutes later. I was near the bodies, and she saw my armor. She backed away from me seeing the helmet's red eyes. Before she could run, I removed the rebreather.

"It's me. Please help me with these."

Kuroka looked at everything with interest, but hearing my voice made her relax.

"That's interesting armor, nya. Where did you get it?"

I let her throw fire on the bodies, burning them before she threw water on them once they were done being cremated. I holster my bolt pistol and put my ax on my right hip.

"I made it. My gear can build things and thank you for that. Do you have a pocket spell you can teach me fast? I need to preserve these and cash in on the bounties and I don't want to have you always doing this."

She tilted her head yes before eyes widened, learning more about my gear. She then began to explain the basics of the spell before once done noticing the holes in Herman.

"What the fuck type of weapon leaves a hole like that in someone, nya?"

I replied while doing as instructed with the spell. I failed to get the pocket.

"A weapon for war. I will use everything at my disposal to win and get to the top."

I tried three more times to get the spell working while Kuroka watched me somberly, which wasn't normal for her before she said.

"You're proving that. I'll tell you where to cash them in. The office for them is here in the city run by one of the Gremory's peerage members. Every town devils control has that. I'm guessing you have a cover story and name?"

I nodded.

"I am the Gorgan when I collect. Where is the office?"

I kept trying the spell, which finally worked on the tenth try. The mini hole opened, and I grabbed the heads, throwing them into the pocket. Kuroka informs me of the location.

"It's in a small bar the Gremory use called the Sinful. I'll get you there by portal and I will teach you that too nya. I got the figure so you could collect that, and we can get that body gone. His is high, given the King while these two are not much, nya."

Insmile, and Kuroka sees that.

"You're awesome, thank you. I just want this done and to sleep this off. My head hurts because I headbutt one of them."

She snickers.

"Silly human, but that's effective, nya."

I chuckled, too.

"I swooped on them swooping is bad."

She laughed, getting the reference, and is very attractive there.

"Swooping is indeed bad. Your waifu on it?"

I smirked.

"My redhead bard stay away."

Kuroka laughed again.

"Oh, that makes you more enlightened nya. She, however, is mine, along with the assassin. Not a big fan of cheese man nya."

I growled playfully.

"Don't let Issari hear you say that. Her thing is swordsmen and women."

We laughed and joked together as Kuroka, once near the door, opened a portal to the bar I put my rebreather on again before I walked through with Kuroka turning into her cat form. I exited the portal and saw the sign for the bar. It was a heart with an arrow through it. I was near the door, and I entered the bar. Kuroka hides near another alley.

No one is inside the bar except for a man with a plain face and brown eyes. His hair was black, and he watched me from behind the bar. He was Chinese, wearing typical bartending clothes. I approached him before saying to him as he eyed me up and down. The rebreather masked my voice along with the machine inside it.

"I'm here to collect for the ones who run."

The man looked at me in interest. His voice is soft but carries a deadly weapon of words.

"I see. You have proof of your work, stranger?"

I tilted my head, yes, before summoning the pocket spell. It works, and I reach in and pull their heads out. The heads do not faze the man who looks on in disinterest. He looked over them critically before pulling a scroll from his pocket spell. After three minutes of studying, he nodded.

"They are indeed the ones who run. Not high ones, but considering I have never seen you before, I'm guessing you're new to the business. I'm Wu, a representative of the King, who is the ruler of this city. What currency?"

I spoke now.

"Yen, please. I have one more bounty to collect. No head, but this should be enough."

I pull out the Gundam figure setting it next to the heads. Wu got extremely interested there then double-checked his list. He smiled brightly and then collected the three things.

"I will pay you, sir. May I have your name for the record?"

I speak.

"I am the Gorgan. How much all together?"

Wu jotted down the name before opening a register and then counting out Yen as he responded with a whistle.

"A very large amount with the third one. He tried to kill a heiress of a noble family. You should be good for a long while, sir. Thank you for the deeds they give us a bad reputation. The underworld will appreciate this being dealt with fast. If you get more, I'm interested in collecting."

The money was indeed a massive amount that was enough to live off comfortably for most of the year. I take the money once it's counted out and put it in my pocket spell. Wu watched me in casual interest before I half bowed and then departed from the bar with his eyes watching me the whole time.

As I leave, I don't want to think much about their deaths. I go towards where Kuroka is hidden and don't know how tomorrow will be. I have Issari's parents to deal with including a mom who wants their horny daughter to get with me. This weekend has sucked as Kuroka opened a portal in cat form, and we both stepped through to the station. There, I remove my helm and armor and Kuroka transforms back after the portal closes. The image of those intestines flying flashed brightly as I go to the tracks before throwing up my fish dinner. Kuroka didn't see that in a bad light and pats my back.

"It gets easier, nya."

I stopped throwing up and say with a low voice.

"I know, and I don't like that."

She wrapped her tails around my waist. They are soft and help me not to hurl again. She kept patting my back and isn't judging me for this. I need to make the teleportation machine and the generators but one last thing before that and sleep. I ask her while still tasting a bit of bile.

"Please teach me how to make fire. I want it gone."

Kuroka kept her tails around me and taught me the spell. I practice it till I get a consistent flame going. Then I threw the fireball onto the body, and my first kill disappeared from the world. Kuroka saw a large group of rats and moved to get rid of them. I am just about to finish putting away my axe when something happens that shocks me.

The axe activated on its own. It did a soft whine, and I looked at it in shock as I then hear her again.

"I will stay with the Omnissiah, the one who brings light to our world. I will make the tools of my justice stronger. For you, my hero, I become the first machine spirit. The machines shall be immortal like how I am now."

I widen my eyes before I ask her in a whisper.

"What was your name? So that you shall continue on beside the new form."

The machine spirit inside the axe smiled. It told me her name was Tsuda. I will name the axe after her as Tsuda the Redeemer. The machine purrs with that name as does my bolt pistol as The Machine God tells me.

"She insisted on helping you saying the Omnissiah should have those that know so that you are not alone. Like you with the girl, I tried to stop her, but she said she would help you bring justice to those who threaten us. You shall hear them who are gone and the girl will, too. Never for my power will this be. It will be for you, my potential champion. We are symbiotic, and never will I be the one in charge. Together, we will save our world."

That humbles me as the spirit inside my weapons gives off a mother's hug. She told me that I was a true hero and That I would never lose her or this because I gave up the chance to be free from flesh for people like her. She will always call me a hero who means it. One who wants everyone happy before myself and my own wants. She tells me that I shall be rewarded for being who I am. Her proud Omnissiah who cares too much.

I let tears down my face. I'm not sure why she thinks I'm that. The intestines flying again makes me prepare to be sick, but her hug calms it. I go to make the teleporter to distract me further. Kuroka was so busy chasing the rats away out of the station that I was able to build the second half of the teleporter and the generators. I'm willing the anvil away when Kuroka returns to this small room.

Upon entering the room, she widened her eyes at the teleportation pad and the humming generators. I smiled seeing that and suppressed the last of the bile, wanting to come up.

"My gear can make things Kuroka not just weapons and armor. I promised you that I can make dreams impossible now possible. I'll show you this in an alternative to your portals."

She widened her eyes again. I extended my hand to my hopeful new friend. She looked at me before a thirsty smirk entered her face as she purred out, teasing.

"Bet. I want fresh fish and meat for a week if you lose nya. No way that's possible."

That put a smirk on my face.

"Done. If I win, I want my roommate to never go after my redhead bard again. She's mine. You have a copy of it?"

Kuroka laughed a belly laugh.

"She's mine and yes, I do nya. I want your friend to go goo goo over her cheese, man so I'll be safer for a bit."

I joined in the laughing.

"That's a you problem. I will watch her chase you around. Shake on it I will win."

She did as I smirked and pulled her and myself onto the pad during the shake, and we disappeared in a flash of light.

We reappear a second later, and Kuroka blinks, looking around my basement. She blinks again and I pull her off the pad.

"Pay up, but since we are friends and you helped in the bounties, I'll get you fish and meat three times this next week. We are in my basement."

Kuroka kept blinking as her red fringe fell over her right eye, and then she laughed.

"No way, nya. Prove it. I want extra fish now, nya."

I pull her past my washing machine and dryer which got more curious looks towards the stairs and up them to the door. I open the lock and then the door. I gesture through.

"Ladies first."

Kuroka entered upstairs and blinked, seeing the house we shared. Everything is there. I closed the door, and then I bumped her hip.

"Told you. Now, stay away from my redhead, and because you added extra fish, I want a game of my choice from your share."

She kept looking at everything. Then she laughed a genuine laugh again.

"Never bet with my mate, nya. He is crafty. What game, nya?"

I chuckled, and the game I wanted was good.

"Skyrim. You and I will like it, as will Issari. We need a day where we three play games together."

Kuroka tilted her head in confusion.

"What is Skyrim?"

I smirked and then brought my phone up and searched for Skyrim before I show her the picture.

"This is Skyrim. It will be good yet janky because that's the development style of the company, but it will be fun. I'm going to play an elf mage."

Kuroka looked interested and kept me distracted as I promised I'll get us a PC for Skyrim. That kept me amused and my mind off the kills till I went to sleep an hour later.

The next morning, I woke up and took a shower after throwing up my guts again. Koriel was beyond used to the ways of war of the far future. I am not yet. After finishing and getting dressed, I entered the main part of the house and saw Kuroka sleeping in cat form in the sun on a table. I quietly leave so as not to wake her up. The door closed, and I began to jog. Issari said she wants me over around noon for her folks. As I jog I began to make a to-do list for the week, what to ask Kalawarna and how to clean up the tengus later this week. Enhancing myself is next on the list after Kalawarna. I might not ever get to Emperor strength given he was a secretive jackass but I will push past him in other ways. At the park, I ran and didn't get as winded as before with the plan to make heavier versions of my armor to build up strength, more resistance and then more protection. Eventually, I'll make power armor and try out new weapons as I bring to my foes the bite of the axe and bolts of justice for their shit.

I'm getting ready to leave the park when I spot someone on the other side of the park. It's Rias who is jogging with Akeno and it seems my demand was followed. I don't want to talk to them right now and don't acknowledge them. Akeno did see me but saw my face enough to get the hint. They continue jogging with Rias looking extremely winded and red-faced.

I moved back towards my house and enjoyed a peaceful Sunday morning and will never take these for granted ever again. The adrenaline rush is also going to become a problem and I don't want to become an adrenaline junkie. Hopefully, I can find a way to eliminate that if it forms. I entered the house slowly to ensure Kuroka was not awoken if still sleeping which she was. She is still in cat form on the table on her back now snoring snot bubbles, which is funny. I tipped-toed past her to my room and took another shower before going downstairs to make more bolts along with Issari's las pistol and chainsword. I will also pop over to the station and begin building the enhancement machine that would bring me up to the Tempestus Scion/Solar Auxilia standard regarding reaction time.

Entering the station, I choose a room close to the teleporter to begin a hospital room with plans for another room nearby as an armory. I'll also get my weightlifter moved here at some point so Kuroka can have a real bed in a folding couch till I get a new place.

As I was making the hospital room I wondered how many sessions I would need on the nerve bed, and internally winced at the number Koriel told me. She warned me it would hurt badly. I told her I didn't care before I make Issari's weapons, more bolt rounds, a container for them, and finally, a real boltgun. It's heavy, and I will need to practice with it. I'm also going to practice with a few other weapons I'm planning on trying. I power up the enhancement machine and make a few more pices of medical equipment with the last of my energy. When everything was done, I finally gripped the nerve bed to steady myself. It's getting easier and easier to make new things with the practice. I finally moved home when the ache lessened satisfied with my work so far I hit the teleporter.

When I get upstairs again, Kuroka is still sleeping. It's close to nine, and she probably wants a relaxing sleep. I don't blame her. I tiptoed past her again and decided to take a nap. It's so nice, but midway through, I saw the intestines again, and I woke running to the toilet. Koriel was not too disappointed.

"You will get used to it. I know it doesn't help right now. I don't know if I can help more than that."

I finished heaving and then lay my head against the floor.

"I can't forget it. I wish I had the Eldar's war mask then I'd be a bit better."

Koriel grew interested in the war mask. I explained it while getting up and going for water. As I moved past the front room, Kuroka was finally awake. She is at the table eating the leftover fish from last night. She looked up from the food and saw my pale face.

"You still having trouble, I see, nya. I'm sorry, sexy."

I don't answer but get water and take a drink as I don't trust food right now. I sat at the table and then smiled at Kuroka.

"I'm as good as I can be with my way of war. I didn't wake you at all, did I? You looked like you were enjoying the sleep."

She was still worried, but instead of saying anything, she moved a tail from her side of the table to mine, which wrapped around my hand. I squeeze it while she responds with a small smile.

"You didn't wake me, nya. Your friend was not wrong your way is grim, but you're doing this to yourself to protect others. Your gear allows you to build things like that machine downstairs along with your armor and weapons; what else can it do, nya?"

I smile, thinking of peace and the cure to our energy crisis. The medical things that Koriel knows that will help end diseases. The machines to help farmers harvest more efficiently and all the other dark age stuff. We will be strong, not as strong as the Eldar if they are here but a million times better off.

"Dreams of a better tomorrow. You won't believe it. I still don't believe parts of it."

Kuroka asked softly.

"Maybe a way to break evil pieces?"

That was said with a bit of hope.

"One of my projects. I will try for them, but the system is unknown to me. That is the first option for you. The second is my peerage if I get one. I want to live up to someone who thinks I'm something I'm not."

Kuroka brightens up at my insistence that the piece break is the first thing I want and the repeated offer for a place in the peerage I might get if that failed. She purrs and it's relaxing.

"I want it gone but will take the backup if my King is like you, nya. A mate who wants me to be happy. I want to join you fully. You and your friend are better than the other option, nya. He was not bad, but they were. I'm not interested in hurting people other than my former King's family nya. They were helping him do that stuff to us and were going to start doing it to Shirone. I know she has made you angry, but she was so sweet as a little kitten. She made Dad laugh when she did certain things like claim, she would beat up the British nya."

I snickered.

"Understandable. They are almost as bad as Canadians. The Canadians have armies of cobra chickens that threaten world peace."

We snickered together before Kuroka burst out laughing, that set me off. We kept laughing and joking with one another with more jabs at the British and the Canadians. We kept snickering at our jabs until I decided to try eating. I managed to get down eggs and will buy more food at the market soon. The good atmosphere helps me forget the kills. I text Akeno, asking her if she wants to meet tomorrow. She almost instantly responded with yes. She asked to come along with Grayfia, and that got a yes.Kuroka went for a shower while I lifted and did push-ups before I headed to Issari's around eleven.

Shockingly, she lived three neighborhoods away from me. I was ready to meet her family and get her mom off my back. I'm finishing my workout when Kuroka returns in a conservative black shirt and pants that still accent her curves as I ask her.

"Your friend, can she meet us this afternoon? I need to know about the attack, and then I want to ask more about Grigori. I assume that because she is a devil, she can operate here in Japan, escaping the ban they have?"

Kuroka smiles and nods.

"She can, and yes nya. The kill-on-sight order is for fallen only however humans and others have to be careful, too. Her crew is cool, nya. They are humans who are there for the protection being gear users. One is a French woman, and the other is an American nya. He and Kala are together, and he's cool getting her into Halo."

I chuckled at a man of culture there, and is the French woman Jeanne? Not much was ever revealed about her past before the Hero Faction. Hopefully, they don't conclude I'm a Longinus user. Kuroka saw the look that filtered on my face.

"I won't say nya. You aren't like many of them. The usual course for them is to instantly go for broke and fuck things up, nya. You're not doing that, and if your gear builds you could easily nya. I'll keep your secret. Got to show my mate that I'm trustworthy, nya."

I shake my head, amused.

"You're getting there faster than the redhead. She is going to try for me too and was a knucklehead like Issari yesterday at dinner. I hope I don't have to do that which might save her. I don't want a noble daughter, but with everything and how it's going, I'm afraid to fuck around and find out."

Kuroka chuckled.

"You might have to marry her and I'm not totally against being a second wife, nya."

"I like the idea of a reincarnated nekoshou as Lady of House Astaroth. That's funny but probably not possible. The redhead is determined and she has a very good motivation in me, apparently."

Kuroka snickers at the funny idea.

"You are worth that. Maybe I will dye the hair completely and keep you to myself, nya."

I shake my head, checking the clock. It's ten, so there's an hour left.

"You don't have to ever do that. I like redheads, but I can work with anyone who tries equally. Never change who you are with me. It takes more than one to make something. I'll never make someone else feel like they are the only person giving."

Kuroka smiled sexily there. Oh, that's good and Alex calls me uncultured again. I call him a horny brat. I began to get ready for lunch as Kuroka smiled big.

"I'll get you to Kala later, nya. They are in an old apartment building here in the city that they commandeered. It's old and decrepit so no one else but them. They will know your description, and I'll come along nya. The Frenchie owes me money, so I'll use that to support you."

I smile.

"Like I said, you are awesome, Bad Cat. I appreciate it. What's the names of the other two?"

Kuroka smiled.

"Jeanne and Conner. They are cool, like I said, nya."

So, it is Jeanne. I hope she isn't arrogant though I don't think she would work with a devil if she were like her base self.

"I'll take your word for it as you have not steered me wrong yet."

We banter about and then start ribbing on the French. I'm the defending one there because the French are scary, like the Irish. Kuroka teases because it's fun and that gets us to ten thirty before I get up and begin to get ready for the knucklehead. I once ready leave the house while Kuroka is busy getting ready to play more Halo. She said she was MLG and was at the top of the leaderboards. I snickered at that before waving goodbye and wishing her luck.

I exited the house and began to jog towards the address given to me. Issari had shared a picture of her house and street. It was a ten-minute walk, and when I saw her home.The door was colored yellow as I knocked twice and waited. It was not long before the door opened, and Issari was there. She was wearing a black coat and a red shirt like Issei. She beamed at me and opened the door wider to let me in. I quickly entered the home while Issari called out to her parents.

"Mom, Gregor-kun is here."

The inside had a warm, welcoming atmosphere before I got my first look at the matriarch of the family. It's Miki Hyoudou, exactly wearing a warm yellow dress and beaming with her daughter's smile. She looked me up and down before a glint entered her eyes making me sweat drop. It's a calculated look that promises to get me with her horny daughter at all costs and it makes Issari sweat drops too. Mrs. Hyoudou smiles with that glint fading a bit.

"It's wonderful to meet you Gregor-san Issa has told me so much about you. A good kid who gave my daughter a chance. I'm alright to call you Gregor-kun as well?"

I smiled before giving her a nod. Issari led me towards the kitchen, and I replied to her.

"Of course. Your daughter is my best friend just a knucklehead that is funny."

Mrs. Hyoudou laughed loudly there while Issari blushed but mumbled.

"I'm smart too."

I smile there more, as does Mrs. Hyoudou.

"You are and I have got good news for you. Our other friend has a copy of that game, and I met the blonde. He's chill here and You will like him."

Issari grew perverse before she got her ear pulled by her mom. Mrs. Hyoudou pulled her daughter into the kitchen, and Issari whined in pain as I sweat dropped again before Mrs. Hyoudou said, not impressed.

"No perversion in the house Issa especially when you have a friend over, Gregor-kun will need to correct this behavior if you get into Kuoh Academy as no daughter of mine will be doing that."

Oh, that's funny and terrifying as she gave the deadly unspoken order to me to control her pervert dragon daughter. I'm doing that already just focus her on Kiba, and we are good. I followed behind the two and sat at the table. Mrs. Hyoudou let go of her daughter, and Issari scooted away from her to hide behind me. I shake my head, as does her mom before Mrs. Hyoudou then asked what I wanted for lunch. I asked for a salad. Issari sat next to me on my right while Mrs. Hyoudou made lunch as I asked Issari.

"What did you do yesterday?"

Issari beamed.

"I practiced sword stuff. I bought a wooden sword to practice our stances, and I can get it down eventually. What about you?"

I smile then frown, thinking of my dad, Shirone, and the kills.

"I learned that I'm in a weird position with my family. He's alive."

Issari widens her eyes.

"He is! Who is he!"

I was still in a bit of shock knowing its him.

"He is. He's a surprise. It could be a good thing but also bad."

Mrs. Hyoudou returned with the salad and had heard the last part of the conversation.

"It's a good thing your father is alive, Gregor-kun. I'm just upset he has not gotten to claim you yet. Living alone is a big responsibility at your age, but according to Issa, you budget well and are responsible. I can understand the hesitation of losing that freedom however, he's your father. Family is never not important."

Except my dad is a devil king, and my uncle is a mind-control asshole that has a corruption fetish. Diodora screwing with someone as kind as Asia is a prick move. With how different things are here, maybe Asia is the evil one. That would be weird, and I don't like that given Asia is the purest snowflake ever.

"I thought he was dead in the crash, but one of his friend's kids saw me and then got their parents to look at me, and they recognized me. She is getting me into contact with him. My dad is reclusive and extremely private, which I remember. I'm unsure if I can reconcile with him given I don't remember him."

Mrs. Hyoudou smiles softly, handing me lunch, then her daughter, and finally sitting across from us.

"I can understand that view, but he's probably hurting too. He might have made a bad decision in the confusion."

I don't hold that against him. He probably freaked out when he survived it, and in a rare moment of illogical thinking, he ran. Causing him regret which he will do more when he learns of me. That will make him desperate to please me to make up for that. I don't want to abuse that. He was a victim of the Himejima like Alex was.

Alex tells me while I take a bite of food that he doesn't know how he would approach that either. Ajuka was extremely private about his work and life with him but was a good dad who loved them both. He had shown that multiple times throughout the years. I answered Mrs. Hyoudou while Issari was strangely silent.

"He probably did. I'll try with him, but technically, I'm emancipated from him unless I fail a term of the conditions my mom set. I have not yet, so I'm in limbo till I talk to him again. He is not who I expected, but I heard he has done big things."

I continued eating, and Mrs. Hyoudou smiled, happy I was enjoying the food. Issari asked me something.

"You made that place and thing yet, Gregor-kun? I want to practice my stuff and see where I'm at."

I smile like my dad.

"I did we can visit it later today and tomorrow. I want to get to know my best friend and her cool mom."

Mrs. Hyoudou smiled brightly there then patted her daughter on her shoulder.

"I like him, Issa. The fact that he has knocked you out of considering being friends with the two again is good and wins him more points. When's the wedding? I need grandchildren to spoil, and he is a wonderful choice!"

Issari sweats badly as I chuckle. I respect that she is that honest and like her daughter in being a knucklehead.

"She has competition, and I'm sure that one will be a winner with how fun she is."

That pissed off Issari. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hyoudou gets ready to encourage her daughter to fight this. Issari got her tic mark and growled at me.

"She is mine Gregor-kun! I need that back off!"

I snickered because this helps. Mrs. Hyoudou then gets mad, too.

"No daughter of mine will lose this! You will turn your pervert self into getting this person and beat out the others, Issa!"

That pissed off the duo equally as they started to yell at each other, feeding the rage. They continue to argue with each other making me laugh. They continue arguing about this and get increasingly mad and ridiculous with each passing moment before Issari rants to her mom.

"I want the black hair, Mom! She's so sexy and is the first step on my dream! Gregor-kun wants redheads and I won't do it!"

Her mom rants back.

"How will I have grandchildren to spoil if you do that, Issa? He is responsible and got you into productive things that aren't the old in a week! He is the one, and having grandchildren with green hair will allow me to rub that into my boring brother's face! We need exotic things, Issa I'm tired of losing to him at the family gatherings!"

They continued ranting at each other as I ate. Gorou Hyoudou walked into the maelstrom, and sweat dropped at the two sides of rage. He saw me and begged me with his eyes to run. I shake my head slightly as this is funny and helps me forget the twins. I keep eating my salad while Gorou runs to get away from the ever-expanding rage. The house shakes to its foundations, and I give the world my new smile smirk. This is strangely relaxing and I'm going to have to ask for a video recording of this. Koriel sweat dropped inside me.

"They do this a lot?"

I smile and nod making Koriel sigh before going back to modifying something in her space. I do silence it for her, getting me a feeling of thanks from her as the rants continue to escalate.

"You would like her mom! She is fun and can make you laugh fast! She is great, and I will not be denied!"

Mrs. Hyoudou shot back at her daughter.

"Grandchildren, Issa I need them! He has reinstated hope in me for them! Now obey your mother and do this!"

Issari gets an even bigger tic mark forming.

"Never! The black hair is mine along with all the swordsmen and swordswomen! Gregor-kun is my best friend only and you will fail here!"

I snickered while they kept fighting. It escalated further up, and I sighed in happiness unheard by the two knuckleheads. This conversation continues for another thirty minutes.

I smile as Mrs. Hyoudou begs me to marry her daughter, whom I apparently turned from the worst evils. Which I mean, sure. Issari growled at me to stay away from Kuroka, getting a smirk for that. I kept the family smirk going as I finally waved goodbye to them before they returned to arguing with each other. I walked out the door and down the pathway, seeing two neighbors of the Hyoudou's looking at the still-shaking house in pure horror. I get the feeling this is quite common. Gorou Hyoudou is with them, watching the house shake in equal measure of horror with the neighbors. Upon seeing me, he said with a bit of amazement showing.

"You are stronger than me, lad. I'd run after five minutes of that. Nice to meet my daughter's friend."

I shrugged at the man.

"She's cool and funny. Just seems to be the kind of person to barrel her way through things and use her well-hidden side to maximum effect."

The neighbors just sighed in agreement there, as did Mr. Hyoudou.

"She gets it from her mother. You're welcome back here anytime lad as I have to say I am very impressed with your courage in dealing with that."

I smiled my new trademark smirk smile.

"They are not bad, and I have seen worse. I best be off, sir. My roommate wants to introduce me to some of their friends today, and I'm interested in meeting them."

Gorou smiled before sweating again as the argument reached a new height. I leave him to sadly suffer that. I feel bad. Nah, that's what he gets for them being this way. I enjoyed my walk back home and am not happy seeing a new person halfway back.

It's Tsubaki who was walking down the other side of the street before she focused on me. She smirked in imitation of my own and I like that on her. She and I watch each other with our smirking faces feeding each other. She then flipped her hair and walked off down the sidewalk. I curse her internally before continuing towards my house watching over my shoulder for her. She isn't following me, thankfully.

I get to my home and enter my living room to find Kuroka again snoring snot bubbles on the couch. Her sin might not be lust, it might be sloth here. I tiptoed in and softly shut the door, but the click of it closing made Kuroka open her eyes slightly, and seeing it was me, she yawned and then sat up. Her hair is messy, and the red part flows over her eyes before I apologize.

"Sorry. You can go back to sleep if you want. I was going to do something till you woke up like maybe do some internet browsing for a bed for you."

Kuroka just yawned before shaking herself awake.

"It's cool, nya. It's nice to be able to do that. On the run outside you always have to be jumpy nya. I can portal us to Kala's in ten minutes. Station or here, nya?"

I let her get fully awake before I said.

"Station I need to key you into the lock for the basement anyway and explain several more things I made this morning while you were out."

I chuckled at Kuroka, trying to wake up fully before I asked a question that bothered me.

"You know if half devils have a primary sin, they have to feed? I have not noticed anything new for me."

Kuroka finally stopped shaking, and her tails flew around before settling down. She was finally awake before she blinked twice more rapidly.

"Yes, they do, nya. The other one I met was lust. He lusts for battle and feeds it that way, nya. If I were to guess for you, I'd say greed or wrath."

I blinked at the second one. The first fits me better with my greed for knowledge, but it doesn't make me feel weird. Then I remembered the wrath I felt at the first stray the pure happiness there. I blinked badly because that was crazy. Wrath that's my sin here? I remember my conversation with Issari on Friday with Ddraig. The pure joy of taking my frustration out on Koriel along with the wrath I felt with Shirone and how I almost exploded on her. I get big sad there. Koriel is my partner, and Shirone is my potential sister-in-law. Kuroka looked at me and then asked.

"Which is it, nya? You probably guessed mine today. Don't get to feed it often with being on the run, nya."

I don't like my sin as I could hurt people badly in my rages. I then feel Tsuda hug me and tell me how to feed that. Them. The strays, then Kokabiel, the nobles, the OSF, Trihexia, and the Xenos. That makes me grin evil because this feels good in an ultra-high. No wonder they do this, but I must tame it as Kuroka smirked.

"So, it's wrath, nya. I'm sloth. Everyone thinks I'm lust and I play it up to cover the fact I like sleep nya. You know how to feed it well, I hope?"

I smirked evilness and embraced this now.

"I do. I will feed it by making bad strays suffer and unleash it at the right time. Oh, I see why you guys think this way. It's like I am on cloud nine."

Kuroka smirked and then shivered at my look as I'm imagining making Himura scream. I however, returned to my old self fast and I'll hold this high back. I will never become the strays and the nobles who are pigs because of it. I will be an actual noble. I lead Kuroka to the basement door and let her into the lock. She comments with a very pleased smirk of her own.

"Like the smirk, sexy. Oh, the kittens will be strong here, nya."

I kept the smirk going.

"You're the best Kuroka. I will never unleash it on you. I never want to hurt people like you or your sister. I might not like her right now, but I will be an actual noble. Thanks for helping me there. I have a question for you. Remember the sea?

"She perked up and smiled toothy before frowning.

"Yeah I have been thinking about that nya. I don't get the analogy you're going for and about what. Why nya?"

I smiled smirk then opened the door and went down the stairs with her following with her tails wagging.

"The sea is large and contains the unknown like space. The Fade is an interesting idea, yes."

Kuroka frowned upon hearing that.

"It is nya. It's weird to think it is a mirror realm to the setting. I'm still not getting it nya."

I stepped onto the pad with her, and we blinked away. Landing a second later at the other side. I chuckled again because we had done a warp-based thing there, but I would let her keep stewing.

"You're as smart as you are beautiful. You will figure it out."

She still doesn't get it but I'm enjoying this, as is Koriel. We snickered internally at the butt of this joke before we step through the teleporter.