
Flesh Corrupted

In 2020, a Zombie Apocalypse breaks out in Southern Michigan and destroys the lives of the human race. Leon Weiss is a young survivor who is thrown into the Apocalypse with his humanity intact, which proves to be the biggest mistake he could ever make... *Updates Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday*

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48 Chs

Korin's Awful Life

Korin began to explain his journey so far. It was strenuous, full of exaggerated sentences, but from the base of it, I could understand it.

When the military first showed up in Korin's neighborhood around here, it was a little more different than ours. The captain of the little group of the military wasn't listening to the general's commands to kill the civilians and instead took it upon himself to lead the neighborhood into prosperity.

The man himself, which Korin called Vincent Lillie, was already kind of a nut job. He looked like he was itching to be called a hero, albeit false, but still a hero. He would do whatever it takes, he told me and wasn't afraid to show it.

One day, another conflicting leader of the neighborhood across the way showed up at Vincent's little tent at the edge of Korin's neighborhood. All they heard were gunshots, and then the dragging of a body outside before Vincent walked out covered in blood.

Vincent himself seemed very unhinged already, like he didn't belong where he was, and taking advantage of this opportunity to be a 'hero' to the others. It's been about a month since everything started, which leaves Vincent with four weeks to have ruined Korin to this extent.

Korin and his parents were often placed in solitary confinement for trying to leave, and both Ernesto and Grace were disheartened often. Vincent was a father himself, to a young girl named Madison. Korin had a run-in with Madison, and this girl changed him. She made him do things to cover for his parents that just wanted to be fed. The world was truly evil already, and it hasn't even been a month.

It was kind of odd, hearing the status of the world on the outside. I always thought Korin was just exaggerating about it. His treatment, his annoying replies to how terrible it is out there, it all was unreasonable, but I could see a justifiable explanation now.

Madison and Korin were in a 'relationship' in a way, one that revolved around giving her attention and part of the food she let them steal. Madison never fell through with how she benefited and was a very smart girl. Korin even complimented her, perhaps further falling into her trap.

It wasn't until that point, when he complimented Madison, that Korin revealed to me that he used to have a sister about a week ago. Her name, Lilah Abulia, visibly echoed in his mind as he had trouble stuttering through it.

One day, Korin made Madison mad, and in retaliation, she spilled the secret to her father, Vincent, and Korin's family was taken hostage once more. This time, it was different.

Korin's family sat in a circle of foldable chairs, and Vincent walked into the room full of chairs and pulled out a gun. From the entrance of the door, he started a rhythm to find out which one he would kill.

"Cheater in my ranks filled betrayal like a river bank. Who should I kill, who should I save? Tell me the one I shall put in a grave," Vincent would say. When the word "Grave" landed on somebody, he pulled the trigger, thus sealing the deal.

Korin didn't say they died instantly and instead explained the skin on their faces coming loose like a door. Like somebody was opening the window to their soul. I wanted him to stop, as I started to get sick, but it was at this point that Korin was speaking like a normal person. There was no deep voice, no exaggeration... nothing.

After that, Vincent kicked his family to the curb, pushing them in the direction of another group, one similar to us. They utilized the nearby high school in the same way we did... but they were much more violent. They sent hunters out there to capture people and force them to join in order to work.

One of the hunters was feeling risky and tried to grab Grace by her hair. Ernesto was already heartbroken enough from the loss of Lilah, but Korin was filled with untamable rage, stabbing the attacker in the throat, and letting him bleed out on the side of the road. He blamed himself for that, and when he walked in the opposite direction to find a new home, he came upon us.

With everything I had learned, sort of justified Korin's behavior. I can't say that I would've reacted any differently, or better in that regard. If it was my sister that died, I would be filled with the same rage, and I wouldn't stop until I killed Vincent. That's not me, so I'm happy to stay as a kid for the time being.

I learned a lot about Korin during our little session, enough to make me appreciate him as a friend. Sure, he was still annoying in the past, but just like learning about my life, it wouldn't have been any more fun. It was also a sense of obligation, to have this leniency to learn about him as a person because I wanted Dad to trust me to handle him.

Sure, I could be trusted to cut the grass on time or to do the dishes on time, but learning about a person? Keeping them in check? That was more important than any chores in my eyes. I felt like a crucial part of the group my Dad established now, all because I was told to take care of Korin and to understand him.

"I'm really sorry about everything before, Korin. I didn't open up or give you any attention because I didn't know you before, and that's my fault. I want to move forward as friends from here on out, and I hope you'll forgive me," I sincerely told Korin. He smiled and nodded, as a regular person, and then walked into the halls.

"I forgive you, Leon, I don't blame you that you wouldn't understand what I've been through. But, now that you know, can you please explain to everybody else my situation?" Korin said. My responsibility had grown a lot, but maybe as the voucher for Korin, I could be the diplomat instead of Grace. I had experience, and maybe that would make me more useful.

"Sure... I'll do my best, but I'm not a miracle worker, you know?" I asked him with a slight laugh. He smiled as well and we seemed to have a baseline of a friendship. I never knew much about making friends, so this was my best attempt.

Most of my friends, who I can't even talk to anymore, weren't exactly made as friends, but instead were adapted into the main friend group. I had a friend, who was a very good 'leader' of the group, who got everybody together, exercised their strengths, and solved almost all issues as thoroughly as possible, named Khalil.

I wondered how he fared nowadays. I believe that he would've made it out alive, but his at-home situation was a little tougher than most, and based on his neighborhood, I would say the chances of him ending up like Henry were higher than mine.

Khalil would know how to handle Korin. Everything I'm doing with Korin is just taken from his inspiration, and I hope that I'll be able to show Korin that we can be friends, rather than competitors of how the world has messed us up.

"What do you think of Cody and Connie, Korin? I know, Connie made fun of you, but before that, did you like her at all?" I asked him.

"Hmph, I guess she wasn't bad. She seems brave, at the very least," He told me, crossing his arms again.

I thought of Connie in the same way, ever since Henry died in front of her. She barely changed, just becoming a little short-tempered as time went on. I wanted to be there for her, so whenever she talked about her zombie show passionately, I listened to her. I found it interesting, with how much she idolized the main character.