
Fleeting Pleasures

A perfect one night stand with the sexiest man you’ve seen? Yeah, why not? What can possibly go wrong? - Aria certainly must’ve though right before she let her heart decide over her brain. This led to a series of truly erotic moments with a man that was way out of her league and unspeakable attractive leading to an experience of a lifetime. It was all the fault of her frien, of course.

Klaudia12 · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Morning at the cafe

Aria felt fully exposed when walking across the room. Her belly and breasts jiggled when she walked. She was as far from a model-type as physically possible and that's the type she imagined someone like Alessandro to be with. Yet, he looked at her with smile rather than disgust. "What time do you open the cafe?"

"At 6:00. But I start a little earlier than that to prep for the opening. We tend to get the delivery at 5:45."

"Do you often close and then open the next day?"

"Regularly. It's usually when one of us is away or I'm covering for someone. We tend to do four days of mornings, afternoons and then evening before having two days off and going back for a morning. My actual shift today is the afternoon one but Jess was working her side job last night so I offered to cover the morning."

"How many are there of you?"

"Me and Jess are the owners. Charlotte is a newbie. Newbie in terms of the employment in the cafe because we both have been friends with Charlotte for years." Aria kept answering from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth and washed her face.

"When did you open the cafe?"

"Just over a year ago."

"How is it doing?"

"We're now generating profit so that's a positive. Some days bring more profit than others, but at last we are above breaking even."

"That's good."

Aria grabbed a quick shower and soon came out covered in a towel. Her hair was dripping wet onto her skin.

"Do you want to refresh yourself?" Aria was not sure what was the right etiquette for this type of relationship, or affair, as relationship wasn't quite the word she would have used to describe the current state between them.

"I am fine. I will grab a shower and get changed when I get home." Alessandro responded. "I still have lots of time for this."

"When did you start working as a director?" Aria asked as she dried her hair.

"Only about two years ago." Alessandro sat up and looked at Aria who was moving around the small room.

"Is that your dream job?"

"Maybe. I don't think I ever thought much about it." Alessandro shrugged. He stood up and stretched, his body shown in its full glory. Aria scanned him up and down and blushed. He had long muscular legs, his penis resting in between them. Even when flaccid it looked impressive. He noticed that she averted her gaze and laughed. "You saw me naked already, you do not need to look away. Look if you want to."  This only made Aria look away quicker. Alessandro walked up to her and planted a kiss on her neck. "I would have kissed you properly but I don't want to expose you to my morning breath." He admitted. "I need to start taking my toothbrush with me from now on." He hugged her from behind and his hands reached for her breasts giving them a squeeze and then he started drawing a circle around the areolas. "You smell so good." He said into her ear before lazily letting her go. He picked his clothes up from the previous night and started putting them on. Aria put on a clean T-shirt and jeans, again noticing how vastly different they were. "I don't know how my work will go today."

"Why?" Aria asked with curiosity. 

"I have a very fresh memory of you that I am sure will be at the forefront of my mind the entire day. How can I focus on anything else if this is what I saw just last night?" He pointed at her and Aria giggled.

"I claim no responsibility over you not doing your job." She said as she picked up her handbag and keys.

Alessandro walked out with her, waiting for her to lock up her apartment and walking with her outside of the apartment block.

"You are solely responsible for it." He decided. "Would you mind if I walk you to work? I am heading in that direction as well."

"No, I do not mind." Aria decided, starting to feel a little bit more comfortable beside him. She noticed Alessandro yawning again.

"If you do decide to message me, my phone is likely to be off between 10:00 and 15:00 as I will be in the meetings. I apologise in advance if I do not get to respond instantly. I am likely to finish close to 20:00 today, but it depends whether anything else will pop up."

"Thanks for the heads ups." Aria blushed. She was trying to make up her mind up on whether she wanted to see Alessandro again. She hasn't decided yet when they stopped by the door of the cafe and Aria started unlocking it. "I know that the cafe is technically not open yet, but I do have a remedy for your yawns." She smiled as she pointed inside. 

"You sure? I don't want you to have to do extra work for me."

"I will be brewing a cuppa for myself so if you fancy something, this is your chance." Aria explained. "It's on the house. I did promise you coffee last night and I haven't delivered."

Alessandro nodded and walked in with her. His eyes still looked around the coffee shop with interest when Aria turned on the lights and went right behind the counter and washed her hands. She swiftly put the fresh coffee beans in the grinder. "What's your order?"

"Cappuccino, please." Alessandro grabbed a bar stool and sat down by the counter, watching Aria make two cups of coffee.

"Cappuccino it is, sir." Aria passed him a steaming cupful moments later.

"Thank you, gorgeous." Alessandro took a sip and his eyes widened. "That is the best coffee I have ever had! How?"

"We are ordering raw beans and roasting them ourselves. These were roasted three days ago." Aria smiled as she explained. "We slow roast them and finish the process by adding  a pinch of salt. It makes for a smooth coffee without any bitterness."

"It's almost as smooth and sweet as you."

"No need to be so charming. It's already on the house." Aria chuckled. "Excuse me, I think the delivery man just came." She paused as she heard the van pull up outside.

Alessandro downed the coffee and followed her, watching with curiosity how she interacted with the delivery man.

"The same as always, boss." The middle aged man smiled.

"Perfect, Mike. And as usual, coffee." She passed the driver a flask. 

"That should last me the shift." The man said cheerfully giving Aria an empty flask from the day before. "You girls are fuelling my addiction."

"Better coffee than anything else." Aria laughed as she picked up the boxes. Alessandro came over quietly and took a few boxes himself. Mike stared at Alessandro without a word but Aria knew that he was goi to question Jess and Charlotte about Alessandro which meant that there was no hiding him.

"Have a good day, kids." Mike waved them once all the boxes were taken off. "Thanks for a coffee, boss."

"No worries." Aria was all red. As the van moved she walked with the last few boxes inside, Alessandro carrying in a few others as well. He managed to carry about twice as many boxes as her. "Thank you for your help. You really didn't have to." Aria mumbled as she started unpacking the delivery. "I owe you."

"Believe me that you do not owe me anything. All your debt was repaid with all those moans I got to hear." Alessandro declared. "And with that cappuccino."

Aria felt her face burn.

"Are you more of a savoury or sweet person?"

"I think I had enough of sweetness from you to last me the day."

Aria rolled her eyes as she unpacked the last box, placing a slice of a savoury pastry on a small plate.

"Goat cheese, red chutney, and chorizo tarte tatin." Aria gave him the plate while grabbing the pistachio cream croissant herself. She sat at the table with him.

"That is amazing!" Alessandro announced after the first bite.

"I'm glad." Aria smiled.

"Who supplies these to you? I need to get so much more of it."

"Local bakery. They won't sell it to you though." Aria smiled. "The recipe was developed by me and they cannot sell it to anyone else as I owe full rights to it. They are only sold here. Same as all the other pastry."

"I think you just got yourself a new loyal customer." Alessandro wiped the crumbs off his face. 

"I know you said you're not into sweet things but…"

"No, dear. That's not what I have said."

"Try this." Aria ignored his comment and she cut off a part of her croissant and passed it to Alessandro. Alessandro accepted it without hesitation. His face was full of glee as he indulged in a bite of flaky pastry with creamiest filling ever.

"Is that your recipe too?"

"Yes. It's pure pistachio cream with white chocolate crumbs. It's made out of Ivoire white chocolate which is the silkiest white chocolate you can get."

"You are underselling your products." Alessandro declared as he looked at the prices on the display.

"Is the director of the firm going to give me a business model to improve my cafe?" Aria teased.

"More than happy to but it is going to cost you."

"I can assure you that I cannot afford you." Aria didn't stop smiling. They were in her safe space where she was comfortable being herself.

"A kiss here." Alessandro pointed at his cheek.

Aria hesitated, worried that someone will see them. The cafe was opening within moments and customers will be arriving soon. It felt wrong to be seen with someone she hooked up as she didn't want someone to think of them as more than what they were.

She leaned across the small table and pecked Alessandro's cheek, her eyes closing as she felt his skin under her lips.

She moved away a little, looking at his stunning face in the morning light. Alessandro was beaming when he looked at her. Aria ignored her logic and leaned in again, kissing his lips instead. Her tongue ventured inside his mouth, tasting the saltiness and sweetness of the pastry he just had, and a taste of him. Alessandro reciprocated the kiss, closing his eyes, tasting the sweetness of the pistachio cream and a hint of Aria.

Aria broke off the kiss and started tidying the plates on the table.

"Aria…" Alessandro grabbed her arm as she stood up.

"Yes?" Aria looked at him with curiosity.

"I can't wait to see you again." He declared. The chime above the door rang and first customers started coming in. Aria looked apologetically at Alessandro and walked up to the counter.

"Good morning, Becky. How was the night shift?" She smiled at the first regular customer.

"A nightmare." Becky responded with a sigh.

"Usual or extra strength?"

"Extra strength." Becky paid and sat down while Aria quickly brewed her a drink and grabbed a cookie. She brought it out to Becky who sat down at one of the empty tables in her nursing uniform. 

"Extra sugar boost to make your day a bit better." Aria smiled.

"Thanks, Ariadne. You are a life-saver." Becky beamed.

After serving a few more customers Aria saw Alessandro get up and bring his empty cappuccino cup up. He leaned over the counter.

"I'll see you later." He said in his low voice. Aria nodded and moved closer. She didn't make up her mind yet if she were to see him that day again, or at all. As she picked up his cup and he pecked her cheek. She blushed knowing that a lot of regular customers must have seen it.

"Wait." She vanished momentarily and came back with a reusable travel mug. She poured a freshly brewed cappuccino into it. "Hopefully that will keep you going for this morning and help you focus on your work."

"Thank you, Aria." Alessandro seemed pleasantly surprised by it. "I'll return the mug tonight."

"Oh no, keep it." Aria shook her head. "It's a free advertising for the cafe to have a walking model carry a mug with our logo." She teased him which resulted in a peal of laughter.

"Oh, Aria. You little flirt!" He said her name with a twinkle in his eye. "Have a good day." He pinched her cheek and pecked it again before he walked out.