
Fleeting Memories

Joanne Berkley's Diary, DO NOT READ I'm a straight A student who stumbles upon the queen bee on my first day in a new school. New school means, a new school environment, and a new environment means, I must relearn the school's teenage politics. Little did I know, that this new school will not only give new memories and friends, but also a new wave of emotions that will clash onto me as I gets tangled in a web of drama. Cover Credits: Mystic Wings Design Discord: angel_faye

Luna15_ReaderX · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Entry 7: The Party (Part 3)

Rachel led me away from the jacuzzi, her hand warm and steady in mine. We walked in silence for a while, the cool night air a welcome relief against my flushed skin. My mind was still reeling from everything that had happened, and I couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension and curiosity about what Rachel might say next.

We reached a quiet spot by the pool, far enough from the noise of the party that we could hear the gentle lapping of the water and the distant hum of crickets. Rachel let go of my hand and leaned against a low wall, her eyes reflecting the moonlight.

"Joanne," she began, her voice soft but serious, "I know you're wondering why I brought you here tonight."I nodded, grateful that she was finally addressing the questions that had been swirling in my mind. "Yes, I am. Why me, Rachel? Why tonight? Why did you even take interest in me in the first place?

"She took a deep breath and sighed as she spoke. "Well, of course, I would do a background check on new students that arrive at the school," she looked at me. "So it's not unnatural for me to have approached you on the first day."

I nodded in response. "A logical and precise explanation, but then again, why did it feel so intense?" I asked, turning my head to her.

"It's because it's the first time I let someone shake my hand when greeting a new student. I would normally just approach them, welcome and inform them, then leave. There were no proper introductions," she stated, looking back up at the night sky.

"Then why?" I asked with a hint of desperation, wanting to know her reason.

"There's just... something about you, Joanne," she said, her voice tinged with an emotion I couldn't quite place. "When I saw you, I felt a connection, a spark that I hadn't felt with anyone else. You intrigued me from the moment I laid eyes on you."

I felt my heart skip a beat at her words. "A spark?" I echoed, trying to wrap my head around what she was saying.

"Yes," Rachel continued, turning to face me fully. "It's hard to explain, but you stood out to me. I wanted to get to know you, to understand what makes you special. That's why I took an interest in you."

I looked into her eyes, searching for any hint of insincerity, but all I saw was genuine curiosity and something deeper, something that mirrored my own confusion and excitement. "I... I don't know what to say," I admitted, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me.

For a moment reality hits me and I look at the water "Aaaand I'm guessing this interest is nothing more than genuine interest right? Nothing romantic?

"Well yes...I have a boyfriend still, and well...we got into a fight recently and I needed to keep my mind off of it..." She confesses, "I didn't mean to let it out on you by doing what I did earlier- I- I wasn't thinking..."

Her words hung in the air, a mixture of apology and regret. I felt a pang of disappointment mixed with relief. It clarified things, but it also complicated the emotions swirling inside me.

"Rachel," I said softly, meeting her eyes again, "it's okay. I get it. We all have our moments. But you need to be honest with yourself and with him.

"She sighed, looking genuinely remorseful. "You're right. I do need to figure things out with him. I just... didn't expect to find someone like you in the middle of it all."

I gave her a small, understanding smile. "Life has a funny way of throwing surprises at us."

Rachel nodded, her expression softening. "Thank you for understanding, Joanne. I don't want to lose whatever this is between us, even if it's just a friendship."

"Neither do I," I replied, feeling a sense of relief at the clarity. "But let's take things slow and see where it goes, without any expectations."

She smiled, a genuine warmth in her eyes. "Agreed. Friends?"

"Friends," I confirmed, extending my hand.

She took it, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Now, let's head back to the party. I think we've had enough drama for one night."

We walked back to gather our belongings, the atmosphere between us lighter yet still charged with potential. I didn't know where things would go from here, but for the first time that night, I felt a sense of peace about it.

Rachel noticed my pensive expression. "Something on your mind, Joanne?"

I hesitated for a moment before deciding to voice my thoughts. "Actually, yes. Maeve... what was that about? It seemed like there was some tension there."

Rachel sighed, looking a bit more serious. "Maeve is... complicated. She has a knack for taking what's not hers, and when she can't have it, she breaks it," she said, her eyes darkening with the memory.

I frowned, trying to understand. "What do you mean?"

"She's always been competitive, but it goes beyond that. She doesn't just want to win; she wants to make sure others lose. If she can't have something, she'll destroy it so no one else can," Rachel explained, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "It's caused a lot of problems for me, and that's why I cut her off. She has her own minions to torture, at least."

I nodded, absorbing this new information. "That sounds... intense. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that."

Rachel shrugged, a sad smile playing on her lips. "It's part of the territory, I guess. High school drama and all that. But I learned to handle her, and you will too. Just stay true to yourself and don't let her get under your skin."

Once we have gathered our clothing, we started to get dressed, I couldn't help but feel a bit more wary of Maeve. Her presence at the party now seemed more sinister, a potential threat lurking in the background.

As we walked back towards the party, Rachel's demeanor lightened. "Enough about Maeve. Let's try to enjoy the rest of the night, okay?"

I nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, you're right. No more drama."

The party was still in full swing, the music loud and the energy high. We slipped back into the crowd, Rachel's presence beside me a comforting anchor in the chaos.

"Let's get something to drink," Rachel suggested, leading me towards the bar area. We grabbed some sodas, and Rachel raised her glass. "To new friends and less drama."

I clinked my glass against hers, smiling genuinely this time. "To new friends."

We spent the next hour mingling, dancing, and laughing with various people. I started to feel more at ease, enjoying the night despite the earlier tension. Rachel introduced me to more of her friends, and I found myself slowly integrating into her social circle.

At one point, as we were chatting with a group near the dance floor, I spotted Maeve across the room. She was surrounded by her own group, her eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on me. For a moment, our gazes locked, and a chill ran down my spine. But then she looked away, dismissing me as if I were insignificant.

Rachel noticed my unease and followed my gaze. She leaned in close, her voice barely audible over the music. "Don't worry about her. Just focus on having a good time."

I nodded, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Rachel."

As the night wore on, I started to feel more comfortable in my new surroundings. Rachel's friends were welcoming, and I even managed to have some fun despite the earlier drama.

Eventually, the party began to wind down, and people started to leave. Rachel and I found a quiet corner to sit and catch our breath.

"How are you holding up?" she asked, a teasing glint in her eyes.

I laughed softly. "Better than I expected. Thanks for tonight, Rachel. It was... a lot, but I think it was good for me."

She smiled warmly. "I'm glad you came. And remember, this is just the beginning. There's a lot more to experience, and I'm here to help you navigate it all."

I nodded, feeling a sense of anticipation for what the future might hold. "I'm looking forward to it."

As we sat there, the night air cool against our skin, I felt a strange sense of contentment. Despite the uncertainties and the challenges ahead, I knew I wasn't alone. And for the first time in a long time, that made all the difference.