
Fleet Admiral Patriarch.

Su Jin, driven from the Divine Realm by his bitter rival, sought refuge on Modern Earth, where he lived nine mortal incarnations. Throughout his time in the mortal realm, he absorbed knowledge and power, meticulously plotting his revenge and amassing resources for his eventual return to the Divine Realm. Armed with the secrets of the Divine Realm and the technological marvels of Modern Earth, Su Jin embarked on a relentless quest to plunge the entire Divine Realm into eternal conflict. With his cunning mind and formidable arsenal, he aimed to sow chaos and discord among the divine beings, igniting a war that would endure for eternity, reshaping the very fabric of existence itself. Su Jin, having lived through myriad incarnations, finds himself detached from the concerns of the world, yet he takes solace in the simplicity and wonders of Modern Earth. However, his existence is not without its challenges, as he grapples with the affliction of Multiple Incarnation Personality Disorder. At times, his prime personality struggles to maintain control over the divergent personas that vie for dominance within him, causing him to deviate from his primary goal. Initially akin to the Upper Divinity Entities, who viewed mortals as insignificant beings beneath their notice, Su Jin's time on Earth has granted him a newfound appreciation for humanity. He has witnessed their beauty, resilience, ingenuity, and capacity for joy, marveling at how they are beloved by the Heavenly Laws despite their simplicity. Deep within him stirs a desire to protect that simple joy, to experience it firsthand, and to defend it even at the cost of his own existence. For this purity and simplicity, he is willing to wage war against the Divinity itself, seeking to shatter the oppressive structures that threaten to extinguish the mortal's cherished moments of happiness. # ACTION # SYSTEM # OVERPOWERED # VILLAIN # ISEKAI # ANTIHERO # KINGDOMBUILDING # THESTRONGACTINGWEAK # XIANXIA

WoodenPaw · Eastern
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25 Chs


With practiced dexterity, four silver arrows materialized in his hand. He slammed them all onto the string of his silver bow in one smooth motion.

He didn't waste time aiming meticulously. This wasn't the time for pinpoint precision. Instead, he focused on speed and coverage. He locked eyes with the monstrous leader, the single wicked horned one with its rage-filled face.

A guttural roar erupted from the beast-man leader as it sensed the incoming danger. It reared back on its hind legs, and slapped his chest as if provoking, daring to strike his chest and Fang obliged.

With a deep breath, he unleashed his volley. Four silver streaks erupted from his bow, a deadly quartet whistling through the air.

The remaining beast-men, still shocked from the earlier power of the first arrow, panicked seeing four this time. Their concern is for the safety of their leader. But unlike the others, the bovine leader wasn't caught off guard. In a display of surprising agility, it twisted its massive form, its bellow morphing into a battle cry.

Two of Fang's arrows, aimed at the leader's legs, were met by a wall of fur and muscle as a smaller beast-man launched itself at its leader in a desperate act of loyalty. The smaller creature's sacrifice was swift and brutal as arrows ripped through its body, sending it crashing to the ground in a lifeless heap.

The remaining two arrows, however, continued their deadly trajectory. One, aimed for the leader's head, was deflected by a massive bone club swung by another beast-man in a desperate attempt to protect its leader. The club shattered on impact, sending splinters flying and the beast-man staggering back with a howl of pain.

The final arrow found its mark. It slammed into the leader's shoulder, narrowly missing the vital organs. A searing crimson spray erupted from the wound, sending a tremor through the beast-man's body. It roared in pain, but it held its ground.

He roared as if saying, is that it? Is this the best you have to offer? With a mocking groan, he grabbed the silver arrow and pulled it out mercilessly. He raised the arrow up high in a display that you will need more than this to kill him. He looked at the bloodied arrow when he noticed a small spark, a red light blinking.

Far from it above the western wall Su Jin smiled evilly.


To everyone's shock, they were all silently looking at the hulking bovine beast man. The silver arrow exploded in front of its face. It was not a big explosion but similar in size the other arrows exploded when struck or intercepted with the club.

Simultaneously, the other two arrows stuck inside the small beast man who sacrificed himself for its leader also exploded. If that beast man was not dead earlier, now it's dead for sure.

The bovine leader stood like a statue holding the other half end of the silver arrow when a streak of blood dripped from his nostril and mouth.

"They know the trick now, no time to waste, distribute it immediately and rain down upon them." Su Jin calmly reminded them.

Commander Fang's fingers trembled as he tossed the spatial ring containing the rest of the silver bows and arrows. "Quickly!" he barked at the nearby archers, his voice tight with urgency. "Don't wait for others, start shooting now!"

With rapid practice, the archers quickly retrieved their new silver bow and hundreds of arrows, they didn't wait for their fellow archers and started shooting towards the remaining four beast men. 

The best men devoid of any fear roared as they dodged the arrows and charged forward toward the silver-armored line of the new recruits near the wall.

Commander Fang's voice thundered across the battlefield. "They are not fools!" With swift determination, he leaped from the wall, brandishing both swords before the recruits. As he landed, a hulking bovine beast man reached the front line, its club emanating an ominous red glow.

Without hesitation, Commander Fang lunged forward to intercept the beast, meeting its ferocious strike with a roar of his own. His heirloom sword, longer than the silver one, was ideal for one-on-one combat, allowing him to parry the beast's deadly swing with skill and precision.

However, his own strength was not enough as the force of that hulking strike staggered Commander Fang, leaving him vulnerable to the beast man's counterattack. With a swift motion, the beast rammed forward, aiming its horns directly at Fang's face.


The impact felt like a brick slamming into Commander Fang's nose. Though the beast's horns narrowly missed vital points, the blow sent Fang reeling backward, a spray of blood trailing behind him as he let out a pained scream.

Seeing the chance, the bovine beast man raised his massive club up high with both of its hands, murder in its eyes, ready to finish the life of Commander Fang in one strike.

"AAAAHHHHH!!" Suddenly five recruits leaped in front with their short silver swords. 

Commander Fang was a tall person in comparison to everyone around him and even he came up to near the lower chest of this Bovine Beast Man. These five recruits who had leaped looked like five children climbing a giant statue.

With terror and a rush of adrenaline fueling their resolve, they jumped, brandishing their short silver swords, imbued with their minuscule early-stage Spirit Condensation Realm cultivation base. 

The five young figures, barely more than children compared to the hulking Minotaur, leaped in front of Commander Fang. Their faces, pale with fear, were marked with a sacrificial determination. 

With a collective shout, they lunged at the beast, their short silver swords faintly glowing. Their movements were ragged, fueled by adrenaline and desperation.

The Minotaur roared in surprise, its massive club hanging uselessly in the air. These were mere gnats, barely worth its notice! But before it could react further, the silver blades struck. 

Just as they had underestimated the arrows, the five silver swords plunged into the Bovine Beast Man's body with surprising ease. Its leather and bone armor offered no resistance to the sharp blades, slicing through its thick fur and hide like wet paper.

The recruits, fueled by their determination to protect their commander at all costs, had leaped into the fray without realizing the extent of their own success. Oblivious to the havoc they were wreaking on the hulking monster, they pressed on, driving their swords deeper into its flesh.

The Bovine Beast Man roared in agony, its screams reverberating through the air as it frantically tried to swat away these tiny silver terrors.

"Get down, you fools!" Commander Fang roared, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and concern. He knew these young recruits were brave, but their bravery could easily turn into recklessness. One wrong move, and they would be nothing more than smears on this bovine beast man's hide. Despite the throbbing pain in his nose, he lunged forward, shoving the recruits aside just as this Monster swung its massive club in a deadly arc.

Fixed the Chapter---

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