
Chapter 48: Morning

Rem called out to Serine, but got no response. She was lost in the rage. Forcing themselves up, Rem struggled to their feet and put a hand on Serine's shoulder.

"Don't kill him," they said into her ear. "Don't let him change you like that."

Serine began shaking and the power she'd been unleashing faltered. "H-he deserves it," she stuttered.

Rem gently took her hands and lowered them. "He absolutely does," they agreed, "but you don't. Don't let him be a mark on your soul, Serine."

Serine blinked furiously, trying to hold back tears, and pulled her mind back to herself. Carefully, Rem pulled her into a hug and Serine broke down sobbing. Looking over her shoulder, Rem watched as Isaiah fell to the floor, leaning against the splintered wood of the double doors. His torso had been shredded by Serine's focused but uncontrolled power. His eyes were glazed over, making it obvious she'd attacked his mind as well.

"Serine," Rem said quietly, petting her head.