
Chapter 41: Incursion and Interrogation

"What?" a surprised Hunter exclaimed as two animals darted past his feet. He turned after them, letting the door shut and was greeted by Rem as they shifted back to their human form, tying a bandana over the lower portion of their face. Grandfather landed somewhere behind them.

Rem's hand, claws out, shot forward and pinned the Hunter to the door by his neck. "Hello," they said. "Please don't scream and make me hurt you."

The Hunter glared but closed his mouth.

"Good, we're on the same page here," Rem smiled. They took a second to look around. The room was a simple office with bookshelves lining the back wall and a large desk and chair in the center of the room. Various awards in heavy frames hung from the rest of the walls.

Grandfather went behind the desk, searching for hidden weapons. He knocked over a name plate sitting on the front of the desk.

Rem glanced over, reading it. "Well, Captain Hartness, we're looking for your prisoners. Where would they be?"