
Fleeing From Fate

Seth Berner is a boy hated by the gods, they cursed him and tried their best to stop him from growing. After he dies, he learns of a system. After swearing at the servant of a god, he saves himself from another horrible life, and is reborn as a baby prince in a different world. Follow Seth as he learns of his past and grows stronger (or steadily descends into madness). All with the ultimate goal of being the only one able to control his fate. I am new to writing novels so please tell me what I can improve, I will be in your care.

H3LL0_W0RLD · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


After a few hours of waiting, a tall man in a long regal robe walked up to Seth. He was wearing a golden crown and looked very noble. Seeing Seth, he hastened his pace and picked him up out of the crib. It was his dad, the emperor.

"I've heard that you made quite the entrance today, my boy."

"Hi, dad!" Seth's father was visibly shocked at the sound of his voice. His newly born child was speaking! He had heard from his guards that his son could talk but he was still caught off guard. He had assumed that his son had just made a noise that sounded like hello. He had just heard his son say real words in person though, there is no way that is just a bunch of random noises. This baby prince was truly a prodigy.

"I want to go to mother and Augustus!" Seth wanted to actually meet his full family, so far he had only heard their voices.

"Okay, little Seth. Let's go meet mommy and Augie." His father's voice was calm, but it was obvious from his expression that he was amazed. He started walking out of the room with Seth in his arms.

"I can walk on my own, dad." Seth wanted to finally be able to really test out his walking and balancing abilities. His father looked his baby prince in the eyes before he set Seth on the ground. Seth stood straight and walked forward, his father slowly escorting him.

After following his dad for a few minutes Seth decided he was walking too slow and started picking up the pace. His dad understood his actions and also increased his speed in response. They continued walking for a little longer before Seth's dad stopped before a large door. Opening the door and walking inside, His dad brought him into the room. Seth saw a young woman and a small child sitting on a couch.

"Arthur?" The woman spoke first, seeing her husband walk into the room without warning was a surprise.

"Liz, this is Seth, our genius of a son can already walk around and talk! Isn't he amazing!" Seth's father, Arthur, responded as he motioned to Seth excitedly.

Seth thus learned the names of his parents, Arthur, and Elizabeth. Judging by the names of his family, he was in medieval times. This was not much of a surprise to him as he already knew he was around the time period based on the knights and the fact that his dad is an emperor.

"Hello, Elizabeth. Hello, Augustus." Seth greeted his mother and brother with a bow.

"Hello, little Sethy! You can call me Augie if you want!" Augustus, who hadn't spoken a word the entire time, jumped out of his seat and ran towards Seth. He gave him a great bear hug and picked him up. Everyone on this planet was strong, very strong. Agustus was only three, yet he had easily picked up Seth, who was approaching 4.5 kg. That is way more than what should have been possible. Of course, Seth was much stronger than even the adults around him. He had cheated with his unparalleled bank account, of course.

"Put me down, Augie" Seth poked his brother in the face, picking someone up was rude. Augie put down his brother and ran over to Arthur.

"Daddy. Can we go outside? I wanna show Sethy off to my friends!"

"Fine, just be careful and make sure you stay near the knights."

"YAY! Sethy follow me!" Seth was led by his brother out the door.

"Have fun you two!" He heard his mother call out from inside the room.

"We will!" Seth and Augie yelled back in unison. Seth hadn't had much time to play with other people in his last life, so he was excited. He also hadn't met any children aside from his brother yet in this new world.

As they left, a group of knights joined them on their way out of the huge castle. Once they got out, Augie changed direction and started running towards the back of the castle.

"Augie, Where are we going?" Seth was feeling a tiny amount of chill rushing through his spine. He remembered the last time he felt it, he was going to be attacked. Augie turned around, looking at Seth.

"Heh, this should be far enough." Augie hunched forward, his body slowly grew in size. Hair grew everywhere and his face became brutish, he was a monster. Seth stared in awe at his brother's ever-changing demonic figure. His heart began pumping, a wild grin appeared on his face as he crouched down. He suddenly felt a sword at his neck, it was a guard. He had completely forgotten about them in his enthusiasm to fight.

"We can't have you growing... Seth." The guard's voice was icy, he was holding the sword. Seth did not feel any fear, just like last time. This time, however, he didn't even feel the rush of exhilaration. He only felt boredom, he knew the knight was no match for him. Seth slowly stood back up, he looked to Augie. His brother was still growing and looked even more demonesque than ever. Seth raised his arm towards the sword at his neck, he grabbed it. The sword shattered immediately, the shards cascaded to the ground.

"What the-" The knights all stepped in fear, this strength was too much. Their god hadn't told them he was this strong, he said that they would be enough.

Seth looked at the men in contempt, so weak. He ran to the first one and punched right through his body. The difference in their strengths became frighteningly obvious, if it hadn't been already. He looked for his next target and proceeded to kill all of the knights, or he tried to. After Seth was through a little less than half the men, his "brother" had finished his transformation.

He was an absolute abomination, he looked like a demon. He growled as he ran towards Seth. The guards, seeing as they now had backup, also moved to attack Seth. Two guards stepped behind him to cut him off from escape. It was a stupid move, they knew they were so much weaker than him. Why did they even think they would stop him? Seth soon got his answer as he saw the aberration that was his brother, spit something at them. All of the guards got doused in grey goo. Seth flinched, some of the goo had gotten on him.

Grey veins abruptly appeared on the knights as they rushed in to attack. Seth's brother hadn't reached him yet, he should have. Seth had no time to bother with what had happened to him, though as he was being charged from all sides. Seth ducked under the first blow and punched the assailant in the chest. He had been powered up a lot from the spittle though, as Seth's fist did not go through his chest. He was still way overpowered by Seth though and was blown away by the blow. He knocked over three other knights as he flew away.

Seth was still much stronger than his adversaries. Their physiques could only hold so much of a borrowed strength before they can't contain it and die. Seth thought up a plan, he would do the same thing to the knights as he did to the maid. He would cause them to crumble from the overflowing power in their bodies. If the grey spit would increase their power, he should be able to do it.

Seth jumped over the knight's heads, towards his brother. As he was a baby, he weighed very little. He could probably jump more than a hundred feet if he was used to his body. He finally saw what was holding him up, his brother had been stabbed by a few of the shards of the broken sword. They had stabbed into his joints, causing him to be unable to move. What was this luck?

Seth then realized, maybe he wasn't actually as strong or smart as he thought he was. Maybe his luck had affected all of his actions since his birth and allowed him to overcome all of his adversities so far. He was relying on the very thing he hated to survive. Luck, fate, it's all the same. He decided he wouldn't even allow himself to rely on luck. He would become strong enough to survive with his own abilities.

All of his realizations came in a split second before, with these thoughts in mind, punched his brother in the face. He caught some of the spittle that came flying from his mouth in his hand. The knights had rushed over by now and he splattered the goo onto one of them. They let out a roar and their grey veins swelled. They swelled to the point where they almost burst, they had started out the thickness of normal veins but had now grown to the size of a finger.

The veins were still growing in size as the man let out an ungodly roar and his skin began to crack. His skin cracked all around his body, he looked like ha had fish scales at this point. The knights around him looked on in fear and backed away. It seemed that they had witnessed this happen to someone before. Grey blood started to flow from the fissures in his skin, it melted holes in the ground as it dripped down.

The knight exploded. Flesh, blood, and grey goo splattered everywhere. People that hadn't gotten away fast enough got drenched in the stuff. Chain reactions started going off with the guards exploding in succession. The whole process of the swelling and exploding only took at most a few seconds. The knights had been basically taken care of, Seth faced his brother. He was collapsed on the ground, bleeding out. Seth exhaled, he steeled himself and got ready to kill his new baby brother. A baby brother that was lying on the ground bleeding out. He couldn't really call him a baby though, as he was the younger of the two.


Deep in an unknown region of space, a light flashed in a man's eyes.

"This boy Seth, is quite interesting. System, send down a basic starter package and give him the opportunity to be my slave."



Seth received a notification from the system. He was shaken from his dark thoughts.


Overlord ******* grants you Basic Starter Package


Overlord ******* would like to make you his servant [yes] [no]


Seth's expression hardened, this was a dangerous situation. If he didn't agree, he may just piss off another supreme being. However, there was no way he would ever allow himself to be at the mercy of anybody or anything. He clicked no and opened the Basic Starter Package, it may have something to help him.


Basic Starter Package

All Attributes [+1000]

All Growth [+1000]

Skill [Inspect] Active

Skill [Basic Dispel] Active

Skill [Basic Heal] Active

Skill [Basic Strength] Passive

Skill [Basic Regeneration] Passive

Skill [Basic All Weapons Mastery] Passive

Skill [Basic All Affinities Mastery] Passive


Magic (unlocked)

Magic Regeneration (unlocked)

Magic Growth (unlocked)

Magic Regeneration Growth (unlocked)


Seth was filled with wonder. This Basic Starter Package was better than his OP bank account. Seth suddenly felt an immense pain in his body, it spread everywhere in seconds. Seth's body fell in pain and contorted on the ground. He fainted from the pain, this happened way too often.

What will happen to Seth and Agustus?

As I said, I am trying to speed up my writing and the quality will probably not be as good as the first chapter. Please tell me how I can improve my story.

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