
Flawed Beyond Repair: A Dark Take on the Hero's Journey

In a world where magic, a young man named Kaelan struggles to find his place. Raised by his infamous criminal grandfather in a secluded mansion, Kane has developed a dark and mysterious persona. However, when The Council of the Elements, a powerful organization of mages, attempts to capture his grandfather, Kane finds himself caught in a battle between powerful forces. As Kaelan learns more about the world of magic, he discovers that he possesses a unique ability that is perfectly suited to combat the anomaly power of the Demon Lord, the main villain who threatens the world. With the help of his mentors, and a group of unlikely allies, Kane sets out on a quest to stop the Demon Lord and his demonic army from destroying the world. But as he delves deeper into the world of magic, Kaelan begins to uncover secrets that could change everything he thought he knew about himself and his family. With the fate of the world at stake, Kaelan must confront his past and embrace his true identity if he hopes to succeed in his quest. Join Kaelan on his epic journey through a world of magic, danger, and intrigue in this thrilling fantasy novel. I'm currently working on a novel so I will stop updating this one for the meantime.

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The lesson

Kaelan entered the classroom for his afternoon lesson on magical creatures. He found an empty seat at the back and settled in, ready for the class to begin. As Kaelan and the others were waiting for the teacher to arrive, three students from the house of Lightning Spark, known for their bullying tendencies, came in and saw Kaelan.

"Hey kid, that's our spot," said the first one, a tall boy with a sneer on his face.

"Yeah, kid, get out!" said the second one, a girl with a cruel smirk.

"Did you hear them, kid?" "Get out now," asked the third one, a burly boy with a menacing look.

Kaelan just ignored them. But the bullies weren't about to let him off the hook so easily. They started throwing pieces of parchment at him and making rude comments, trying to get a reaction out of him.

Kaelan just stay calm, but the bullies' taunts were getting louder and more aggressive. Finally, one of them got up and walked over to Kaelan's desk, ready to start something.

But before the bully could lay a hand on him, Kaelan stood up and turned to face him. "You really want to do this?" he asked, his eyes flashing with a hint of danger.

The bully hesitated for a moment, taken aback by Kaelan's sudden confidence. But then he balled up his fists and lunged at Kaelan. Kaelan sidestepped the attack with ease and delivered a swift punch to the bully's gut, sending him crashing to the ground.

The other bullies looked shocked for a moment, but then they came at Kaelan all at once. Kaelan didn't even flinch as he dodged their punches and kicked them away one by one. In no time, the bullies were lying on the ground, defeated and humiliated.

When the teacher finally arrived and saw the three bullies lying on the ground, she was shocked and furious. "What on earth is going on here?" she demanded, scanning the scene with a stern look on her face.

A student calmly explained that the bullies had been taunting and harassing Kaelan and that he had defended himself when they became physically violent. The teacher listened carefully to the story before turning her attention to the three bullies.

"You three, come with me. This kind of behavior is absolutely unacceptable and will not be tolerated at this school," she said, her voice dripping with anger. She pointed at Kaelan. "You may as well follow me." Then the five of them leave the room, heading to the disciplinary office.

A moment later, they enter a room. The disciplinary office was a small, sparsely furnished room located at the end of a long corridor. The walls were painted a dull gray, and there were no windows, giving the room a somewhat oppressive feeling. There were only a few pieces of furniture in the room: a wooden desk, a couple of chairs, and a filing cabinet in the corner. The desk was neat and organized, with a few stacks of papers and files neatly arranged on its surface. On the wall behind the desk, there was a large bulletin board covered in various notices and warnings. Overall, the disciplinary office had an austere and unwelcoming atmosphere intended to intimidate those who entered it.

At a table nearby, a man was sitting. The teacher greeted him, "Good afternoon, Mr. Gabriel." The man looked at her and smiled. "What are you doing here at this kind of time, Ms. Jullie?" Then Ms. Jullie explained to Mr. Gabriel what had happened in the classroom, how the three bullies had been taunting Kaelan and had become physically violent, and how Kaelan had defended himself.

Mr. Gabriel listened attentively to the teacher's report and asked some follow-up questions to gather more information. He then turned to Kaelan and the bullies and addressed them sternly.

"First of all, let me say that I am extremely disappointed by this behavior. It is unacceptable for students to engage in this kind of behavior, and I will not tolerate it. Do you understand?" Mr. Gabriel said, his eyes fixed on each of the students in turn.

The three bullies hung their heads and mumbled their apologies, but Kaelan remained calm and composed, his eyes fixed on Mr. Gabriel.

"Kaelan, I understand that you were defending yourself, but I must remind you that physical violence is never the answer. If you are being bullied, you should report it to a teacher or to me directly. Do you understand?"

Kaelan just stared at Mr. Gabriel, not answering. The three bullies were given a serious warning and put on probation, while Kaelan was let off with a warning.

As the meeting came to an end, Mr. Gabriel reminded the students of the school's zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and warned them of the serious consequences that would result from any further incidents.

After the meeting, Kaelan walked back to his dorm room, his mind racing with thoughts of harming those three. He couldn't believe the audacity of those bullies, and he was determined to make them pay for what they had done. As he sat down on his bed, he began to formulate a plan.

He knew that he couldn't just attack them outright, as that would only get him in more trouble with the school. Instead, he needed to be smart and calculated. He decided that the best course of action would be to gather information on the bullies and find their weaknesses.

Kaelan pulled out a notebook and began to jot down notes. He wrote down the names of the bullies, their strengths and weaknesses, and any information he had on their backgrounds. He knew that information was power, and he was determined to use it to his advantage.

As he worked, he began to feel a sense of calm wash over him. Planning his revenge gave him a sense of control and purpose that he had been missing. He felt focused and driven, and he knew that he was capable of taking down the bullies.

After a while, Kaelan closed his notebook and lay down on his bed. He knew that he had a lot of work to do, but he also knew that he was up to the challenge. As he drifted off to sleep, he felt a sense of satisfaction.

The next morning, Kaelan woke up feeling refreshed as he prepared himself to go to the cafeteria of the school. As usual, Kaelan was sitting alone in a corner when suddenly four men approached him. "So, you're the kid that humiliated my sister," said a tall man. Kaelan looked at the tall man with an expressionless face before he continued his meal. But the tall man seems upset with how Kaelan responded to him. "Hey kid, do you know who I am?" he asks, but Kaelan seems to treat him like an air. The man got so angry that he threw Kaelan`s plate. Many students gazed at them, and they started to discuss. "Hey, is that Gilbert from the lightning spark?" said a student. "Look, isn't that the kid yesterday? The one who fought the bullies," another student from Kaelan's class points out. "What's his name again? Kaelan, right?" asked his seatmate.

Kaelan took a deep breath and stood up calmly, brushing off any food debris from his clothes. "I don't care who you are," he said firmly, looking directly at the man. "If you're going to act like a child and cause a scene, then you're not worth my time." The man looked taken aback by Kaelan's response, not expecting him to react in such a composed manner. The other three men looked just as surprised, not knowing how to respond. He looked at the tall man and his group with a cold, piercing gaze. "I suggest you leave me alone," Kaelan said in a low, threatening tone. "You don't want to mess with me."

Then Kaelan gathered his things and started to walk away from the commotion, ignoring the whispers and stares of the other students in the cafeteria. He knew that he didn't want to get into any more trouble, especially after the incident with the bullies the previous day. not inside the campus. The group of four just stared at the back of Kaelan, leaving without knowing what to do.

Gilbert, was visibly angered by Kaelan's warning and the way he dismissed his effort to frighten him. Gilbert was accustomed to being in charge and having people bow before him, so the concept of someone standing up to him bothered him.

He whispered to his companions as he walked away from the cafeteria, "That little punk thinks he can talk to us like that?" "We'll teach him a lesson he won't forget."

After several days, Kaelan became aware that he was being monitored and followed by Gilbert and his group. When they passed in the corridor, people would often make snarky remarks or stare at him.

Kaelan actually didn't care about them and simply went about his normal schoolwork, but the bullies look annoyed by Kaelan's lack of concern, which makes them even more determined to teach Kaelan a lesson.

One day, Kaelan was walking alone down a deserted hallway when he suddenly felt something. Kaelan then turned his head, only to be met with a fist, which he easily avoided thanks to the training his grandfather had given him.

Then Kaelan, with his left hand, punched at the one who threw the fist, and with a loud tud, a man fell to the ground face first. When Kaelan look around him, he sees Gilbert and his group of 4 including the one who fall.

Gilbert sneered, "You think you're tough, huh?" "Well, let's see if you can handle all of us at once.

Without warning, Gilbert threw a punch at Kaelan's head. But Kaelan was ready this time. He ducked out of the way and quickly turned to face Gilbert and his friends.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Kaelan blocked and dodged their attacks, striking back with precision and force. One by one, he took them down until only Gilbert was left standing.

Gilbert was panting heavily, his face bruised and bloodied. He glared at Kaelan with hate-filled eyes.

"You may have won this time, but we'll be back," Gilbert spat. "And next time, we won't go easy on you."

Kaelan stared back at Gilbert with emotionless eyes, unfazed by his threat. Kaelan just stood there with emotionless face, after a moment, Kaelan turned and walked away, leaving Gilbert and his group lying on the ground defeated and humiliated.