
Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

A world with magic, mythical creatures, mystical herbs, labyrinths, and treasures. A world where the strongest adventurers get to be the ones to enjoy fame and riches. A world where various rankings decide your worth. This is the world where Shye Crowley and his sister were born. As the children of two fairly known diamond-ranked adventurers, Shye and his sister, Maia, enjoyed a prosperous lifestyle. Unfortunately, after departing for a mithril-ranked quest in hopes of ranking up, their parents couldn’t return. Years passed and life went downhill fast for the siblings. Fortunately, a fateful encounter bestows him a system that could change their fate.

Meowder · Fantasy
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672 Chs


Calmly toying with its food, the spider crawled around Shye, "checking him out" as it laughed eerily—sounding similar to a distorted human child's laugh.

It was cunning, way more compared to Shye. However, it was also arrogant and playful.

The Mist Arachne believed that the young human in front of it had no chance of escaping its grasp, hence, it felt that it had the luxury of indulging in its sinister hobby: scaring its prey into insanity.

Unfortunately, it didn't get what it wanted out of Shye.

The young adventurer was annoyingly persistent in struggling so the arachnid failed to derive pleasure from this particular prey.

Deciding that toying with this one isn't fun, the Mist Arachne turned around and aimed the hole in its abdomen toward Shye before emitting purple gas right in front of his face.

The gas proved remarkably potent, causing the spider webs that had ensnared him to dissolve, resulting in his collapse onto the ground.