
Flashy Adventurer System : Show Off to Get Stronger!

A world with magic, mythical creatures, mystical herbs, labyrinths, and treasures. A world where the strongest adventurers get to be the ones to enjoy fame and riches. A world where various rankings decide your worth. This is the world where Shye Crowley and his sister were born. As the children of two fairly known diamond-ranked adventurers, Shye and his sister, Maia, enjoyed a prosperous lifestyle. Unfortunately, after departing for a mithril-ranked quest in hopes of ranking up, their parents couldn’t return. Years passed and life went downhill fast for the siblings. Fortunately, a fateful encounter bestows him a system that could change their fate.

Meowder · Fantasy
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656 Chs

Sparring With Reginald

"This area should be fine…" Shye said as he turned around to face Reginald, who was stretching, appearing eager to test himself against the most talented individual he had ever seen.

A year ago, when they first met, Regi was confident that he was stronger than Shye. He thought it would be dull to challenge Shye too soon, as it wouldn't prove anything. 

Now, however, seemed like the perfect time to properly introduce themselves, even though they had known each other for quite a while.

It was time to find out exactly how strong the other was and to dispel the lingering mysteries surrounding their identities.

"Give me a few minutes to stretch properly," Reginald said, prompting a nod from Shye, who glanced around at the empty area they had chosen for their sparring match.

Shye, from the perspective of a division leader, initially wanted to make their spar an event and collect entrance fees from those who wanted to watch from other divisions.