
New Beginnings-Prolouge

Buzz , buzz I looked up from my pillow to see the time , 6:25 off corse you have to call me at this time don't you Ruby? I thought a little irritated , but glad she was calling. I picked my phone up and snapped it open.

"What is it Ruby Phoenix , the world on fire yet? This better be good because your depriving me off 5 minutes of much needed sleep , get to the point" Ruby was a life long friend off mine and she was now living in a different time zone , which apparently didn't apply to the facts that were she was it was like four in the afternoon an I still had to go to school , wheres she'd already finished.

"Just wishing you luck on your first day at ,what's the name again?" her voice filtered through the loudspeaker , sounding all exited , for some odd reason or other , she was fascinated by the weirdest things , please tell me that you think snails are weird because you are saving me from another argument .

"Hayden's school for the bright and the bold? Yeah not looking forward to it"I said dragging my feet towards the door to the bathroom , seriously hopping that Oaklynn wasn't in there yet.She wasn't.

"Lame right ? , well I've got news for you." She suddenly shouted

"Well tell me , the suspense is killing me" I said , thinking this was the begging of another of her lengthly snail fact rants, which I completely did NOT have time for.

"My schools got an exchange program , and yours schools name was on it, only problem with that being it's random, I might apply , but what if I end up in one of those stuck up snobby , must were uniform , prep school , ugh" At this I laughed , it was bad enough that we'd had to were them in primary school, that I couldn't help but laugh at the site of her in one again.

"Rube , I really gotta go , you should apply , could be interesting , also raincheck texting does exist." without waiting for a response I hung up. Took a quick shower , and walked over to my pile of clothes in one of the two second hand shelves in my room and picked out the days clothes , black pants , a black nasa shirt and a black hoodie , with a white image of a musical note printed on the front.

"Liam , come on ! The bus is here and Oak didn't come back last night" the whiny voice of my brother rang through the walls , while he relentless banged on the door. I threw it open , receiving a punch to the stomach , from his frenzied banging.

"Ow , Kevin , let's go , grab a bar if you need it but do it quick , we need to leave pronto."I said pushing past him , and walking towards the last few doors were Oak's room was , and were we stored all of our school supplies , at least until someone else's room was nominated 'store house'. It was true Oak's bed was the way it was the night before and her bag was still in it's right place behind the door , I picked up Luna's , Kevin's and mine , headed out the door and started jogging to the bus station , deal with the missing Oak later.

Walking to the back I found an empty seat , having left Luna and Kevin sitting near the front where they chatted together quietly angling there heads towards each other as if they were more than siblings. I unslung by bag and took out my headphones hitting play on the iPod , the harmonies of Something Wild , by Lindsey Stirling filling my ears. I dug around my bag looking for my miniature sketch pad , that I'd bought last month which was almost full. Flicking through to look for a nearly empty page or for enough space to design another of my beloved dragons.

"You draw very well , young man"said an elderly voice as I looked up.

"Do you want ...." I said making a move to get up, suddenly she placed her hand on me , something about her body language told me she was just observing and wasn't really bothered by the fact that she had to stand.

"No need , my stop is the next one." She looked at my unconvinced face and said "Don't worry ,I'll get off" with this I turned my head back down , and minutes later I found that she was no longer there , I craned my neck back searching for the woman , missing , gone with out a trace. Whatever , she must have sat down?

"Kevin , Luna this is your stop" I said walking up to were they were playing on my old walkman, which I'd given Kevin for his birthday last year. "By the shopping center after school" They got up with out protest , and walked to the doors hitting the stop button on the way. After they left I continued to listen to my music , Greenday now blaring in my ears on full blast.