
The plan that I had

These would happen after the chapter: Chapter 116: Rescue Succeeded

Summary: Mike goes to rescue Jesse. And does exactly that. Instead of the scuffle turning into the final war, Mike comes back with Jesse with Justice league members.

They built some new things. Such as a breach room, speed room, training room.

There would be some bonding with Caitlin and Diana. Bruce, Supes, and especially JL Flash with Mike. Others with the rest of the team flash.


There were some other fights as well.

For example Tony, the steel metahuman, comes back and joins hands with Brick and another metahuman that had the ability to strengthen his skin.

After it, they would fight Cicada? The guy that steals power.

There would be some mentions of Brainiac.

Also, Justice League version would have the thargarians invasion. With the Justice League being betrayed by Hawkgirl and Hawkman. They shared all the information of Justice League to their army.

Only Batman and Diana escaped. Show some moments of them being together.

Call Mike, and Mike comes with Caitlin to help.

Saves the day for the Justice League and also announces his presence to the JL world.

Stay a couple of days to relax and get to know Justice League members.

Return to their world.

With the date of Mike's death approaching, Caitlin has started having nightmares and panic attacks. (first week of April.)

Mike tries to help as much as possible, lessening the panic attacks, but nightmares are always there. (Second week of April)

Zoom on the move, (4 May 2016)

Back in prime earth, Zoom fights against Flash since Toxin isn't present. Flash gets badly hurt and his spine broken. Central City's golden age ends and enters a dark age. (10 May 2016)

When Mike and Caitlin come back home, sees Barry's state, and Mike snaps. Goes after the terrorizer of Central City and his home. Justice League joins him. Sending them back (12 May 2016)

The big fight, Mike locks his team in S.T.A.R. Labs while he battles with Zoom. (17 May 2016)

Founding 8 of Justice League vs Zoom/Partner and thousands of metahuman from different piles of earth.

Barry from Justice League vs Zoom/The Eye.

The rest deals with small fries.

Fun for the team since they can go full power.

Some sneak shots from Mike's doppelganger, but Oliver joins the war as well.

Back in STAR labs, Cisco breaches Supergirl and asks for her help. She gives and tears open the door and joins the war as well.

War ends with Toxin injecting Zoom with the nano. All the other meta-human loses motivation to continue. So Justice Leagues beats them easily and Victor sends all of them to his prison dimension, intending to interview them later.

Mike's doppelganger continues his fight against Oliver. His power is like a bullseye, never misses.

Justice league goes away thinking its all over.

With Caitlin and others outside, waiting to greet Mike and others from War, they get struck by Time remnant Zoom, who Barry kills.

Mike is devastated and loses his mind.

Eye (The big bad) comes in, and Mike is brainwashed by him.

Willingly gives his body to Eye so he could save Caitlin and the baby.

Toxin gets forced to use all of Mike's lifespan to give him (Eye) superman-level strength. Maybe on par with Diana? Not sure.

Justice League gets called by Cisco to fight against Eye.

Goes toe to toe agaisnt JLA. Weakness of sound/fire not useful cause Toxin is dead.

JL is forced to kill Mike, who gets back his sanity at the end in the arms of Diana. Dies in her arms.

Barry travels back to the past to fix it all.