
Request for Help

Word: 1.6k

PS: Hit a hard writer's block. Can't figure out how to advance from here. Has been stuck in this chapter for almost a week now.


Back in Justice League;

"We need reinforcement," A familiar manly voice whispered to the woman sitting in the table right in front of her. They were both in the restaurant, the hand of the handsome man black-haired and rich man on top of the black-haired, beautiful woman. Their faces and expression seemed lovely to the outsiders as if two love birds were staring at each other. But the words that came out of the man's mouth were careful and serious.

The man was wearing a three-piece black expensive suit, while the woman was wearing a lovely blue dress with glasses that were supposed to cover her identity for now. They were both leaning toward each other. Since the table between them was small, they could easily be in front of each other's faces, whispering to each other. They looked like they were flirting.

"I agree, but there's no one that could help us." The black-haired woman whispered back, her blue eyes not leaving that of the man's. But the man didn't reply to her, and with each second going forward, the woman's eyes widened in realization, "Bruce, no."

The now-identified man took his time to swipe his eyes around the area. They weren't the only ones in the room. Multiple other people were with them, some old couples, others young. There were some men that were old and their partners young.

Staring at outside the fancy restaurant, the man finally replied, "We have no other options, Diana."

"We do, we can try and help Clark or J'onzz or Vik, or even Billy at this point!" Diana listed out, their facade now falling apart since this discussion started. "We can't. They know about our abilities. As soon as we show ourselves, they'll swarm us like bees and we'll be done for." Bruce replied back, his flirty tone now gone.

"We can't, Bruce. He has a family that we can't risk." Diana answered, her eyes going soft for a moment, and then continued. "We don't even know if they know about his abilities and weaknesses."

"They don't," Bruce spoke, eyeing the door of the restaurant after seeing a pair of men with wings and mace and ax stare at the restaurant for a second and then head towards the entrance. "Mike's data is separated from any digital device. The only thing they know about him is that he has a mix of spider and lantern abilities."

Hearing that, Diana could only let out a sigh, but before she could speak, the doors to the restaurant busted open. Without any hesitation, the black-haired woman leaned a bit further, entangling her arms around Bruce's head and then neck, and then kissing each other. Something that Bruce made no attempts to stop, instead he followed her lead and enjoying the rare moment.

At the entrance, the owner of the restaurant came in to ask what the men with pair of wings needed, though they ignored the older man, their hawk-like eyes searched every customer until they landed on the two black-haired heroes.

Though the aliens were suspicious, getting the answer that they were there for hours and hours, the bird-men left the restaurant, letting all the customers go back to what they were doing. When they were gone, the older man that had greeted the bird-men walked up to the couple that just ended their kiss with a smile.

"Anything else I can help you out with?" The white-haired man spoke, only for Bruce Wayne to give him a nod and a grateful comment. "Thank you, Alfred. But we need to go home now,"

The older man gave the couple a nod with a smile, "Of course,"


A couple of weeks ago:

"What are you working on?" Clark came to the batcave, finding his friend working on his computer, his scowl removed and his eyes searching for something in the multiple of windows on the big monitor in front of him.

"Nothing," The detective answered, making Clark sigh. "What are you doing here?" The dark knight asked the man of steel. "Coming in to check on you instead of letting Diana come here,"

"Tell her I'm busy." The dark knight replied, his eyes not leaving the monitor, staring down at the multiple photos regarding all the member of the Justice League. "Doing what? If I don't give her a good enough answer, she might come in and punch you." Clark told him, his eyes now travelling to the data on some of the Justice League members.

Bruce didn't answer him for a while, but when it did, Clark's carefree attitude was gone. "I've noticed some Justice League members not returning to the watchtower."

"So?" The man of steel asked, making Bruce, for the first time turn to his friend. "It means something's wrong. They have shown no activities for the past months." After pressing his enter key once, a picture of a kid with a hoodie appeared in front of the duo. "Especially Billy, he's missing from school and his presence in his city is completely gone. Just like the rest of them." Batman told Superman, pressing his space key and the picture of the young hero was next to the other heroes that hadn't been seen or heard of.

"You thinking the League of Doom might be behind this?" Clark asked him, only for Batman to shake his head. "I don't know. There has been no movement from Luthor, or Joker."

After carefully thinking about it, "I can check it out for you." The man of steel announced, making the dark Knight stare at him for a few moment, thoughts going in and out of his head before he nodded. "Start with Green Arrow in Star City." With a target given to him, Clark nodded at Bruce. He started floating and was about to head out, only to stop. "You better make up your date with Diana or even this won't save you." With his message given, Clark flew away from the cave with a smirk, letting his friend sigh.


"Batman, there's been an attack on Metropolice." J'onn J'onzz spoke through his coms from the watchtower. "And Superman?" The dark knight asked from his batmobile going through the Gotham City. "He hasn't came to the watchtower for the past two days." The martian replied, making Batman frown in suspecion. "Who's attacking?"

"Brainiac," The manhunter replied, making Batman go silent for a few moment, before replying to his teammate. "Take Diana, Atom, Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Firestorm, Red Tornado. I'll try to find a lead on Superman." After typing for a few moment on the console in front of him, the alien agreed and send the messages to the heavy hitters in the league. With another task needing to be done, he drifted with his batmobil.

Pressing a few buttons on the car, the detective opened the top of his car and jumped out in the cover of the night. Without another second of delay, he fired his grabbing hook into the sky. A second later, a black jet flew over where he was, the hook of the grabbing gun stuck to it's wing.

After a few seconds, he was inside his flying jet which was flying straight towards the last city his friend was.


2 days ago:

"Over the last few days, the member of Justice League has been slowly decreasing from the public ey-"

Shutting the broadcast news off, Bruce let out a sigh, his free right hand running through his black hair. "How was the stress relieving?" A familiar woman asked him from next to him, using his shoulder as a headrest. "Good," Bruce replied to her with a slight smile.

For a few minutes, they had stayed silent, both thinking over what had been happening for the past few days. "There's a traitor amongst us." Diana, the Wonderwoman, told her partner, the bed sheet covering her body.

"Who has the power to take down the founding members of the Justice League without any property damage?" Diana asked Bruce, who had closed his eyes to remember all the information and clues that he had gathered. A very big clue was left behind by the Martian Manhunter, who had also disappeared after Flash.

"Someone that knows us well and has known us for long time." Bruce answered, opening his eyes. "He or she knew our weaknesses and our strenght. Divide and conqueer." Letting that information sink in, "Someone that can take down Superman without noise, silent Viktor's communication and boom tubs, capture Flash even with his speed. They also knew about Billy's transformation."

"You mean someone after us?" Diana asked, refering to the heroes after the death of Darkseid, now looking into his eyes. Nodding at her, "And we're about to have our reveal soon." The detective told her, getting out of the bed and going to his balcony, Bruce looked at the sky. "They've taken out Earth's big defenders. This is a more effective method than Darkseid's or the white martians."

"Then we-" Before she could finish, Bruce's head snapped to the sky, his eyes narrowing on the multiple objects coming in from the space and entering his city. And if his guess was correct, which it was, Gotham City wasn't the only other city in the world with this. Diana, covered by the white blanket, came out to look as well and immediately, her carefree eyes turned into that of a warrior.

"It's an invasion." She finally muttered, the things that Bruce told her was now making sense.


Back to present:

"Anything I can do for you?" Afred asked the couple who were heading to the batcave. "Iced tea would be nice," Bruce suggested, going down the stairs. "To calm him down." Diana muttered before, following her man.

'And let's hope Arthur doesn't start his war anytime soon.' She thought to herself.