
Introduction 2


After a while, Harry gently nudged his daughter, "why don't you take a rest? I'll be right here with you." He told her gently, making Jesse stare at him for a moment and letting out a smile filled with relief, her previous tense shoulder relaxing a bit, "yeah, I am pretty... tired." She babbled, the exhaustion finally catching up to her.


With Barry, Kara, Ryan,

A red blur, known as, streak to this world was running through the area, taking away civilians, "Kara, don't interfere." Ryan hissed out, glaring daggers at the duo in front of them. "Ry-" "I said no Kara! Listen to me for once. They are here for me!" Ryan shouted back, floating a couple of inches from the ground in his civilian outfit with Kara in her Supergirl suit.

"Oh, what a party pooper you are Ryan, dad said that you'd changed but I didn't know you changed this much." The man floating a couple of stories high in the sky spoke with a smirk, the bald middle age looking man behind him staring at the once upon young child, now an enemy to kill.

"Let's take this somewhere Charles, this is between me and you!" Ryan shouted back, his face filled with fury at his cousin.

As if thinking about the proposition, the man now named Charles placed a finger on his shin, as if he was thinking about it, his eyes not losing focus of his target and the blonde behind him, glaring daggers at them. Not to mention the man in scarlet evacuating people.

Letting out a twisted smile, "Nah, I don't think so." Charles, the blonde man declared, showing his white teeth. "I want a piece of that." He pointed at Kara, only for Barry to stop for a moment, his eyes wide, muttering, "If he's anything like Mike, that dude's dead..." Before flashing away.

Without another word, Ryan launched himself at his cousin, his eyes cold but behind it was a burning despise at Charles. "HAHA! THAT'S IT, LET'S SETTLE THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL!" Charles shouted and flew at Ryan, his guardian, the man letting out a sigh before fixing his gaze on the woman, who intended to join them.

As soon as Kara went ahead with her intention, the quiet man was gone from his place, appearing in front of her and giving her a spartan kick right in her guts, sending her flying, with him chasing after her.

Before she could skip on the ground like a flat rock on water, Barry appeared next to her, slowing her down. But he couldn't assist any further, a fist was heading towards his head, his eyes wide open in surprise.

Only for the punch to be stopped by another hand, Kara's. "You're mine!" She shouted, sending an uppercut, only for the man to dodge, but his hand was still stuck in Kara's tight grasp. Before he could start to beat down the girl, a fury of red blurry punches was fired towards the old man's head, ribs, and even liver.

Though he intended to get away and dodge them, "NO YOU WON'T!" Kara shouted, tightening her hold on his fist and her other arm grabbing his stretched-out arm. "tsk" The man clicked his tongue.

Though the blonde woman was stronger than him in terms of strength, and the scarlet man faster in terms of speed, they all lacked technique and experience. Dodging a couple of punches aimed at his head and liver, he spit at the speedster's eyes for him to stop his attacks.

Succeeding at that and now that he wasn't being attacked, the man let out a smirk at Kara, who was startled, "Why don't you hold a bit tighter?" The man finally spoke for the first time, and before Kara could let the man go, the roles were reversed, now with the black-haired man holding onto Supergirl's wrist and smashing her on the Speedster.

Barry couldn't dodge that and was sent flying toward a building, his ribs cracked from the impact with kara. But the man wasn't done, once the speedster was neutralized for a bit, he started trashing Kara, slamming her whole body on the ground before throwing her at the sky.

Kara was still dazed from the attack, her head bleeding a bit but the attacks were just beginning. Flying after his target, the man readied to punch her through her gut. But fortunately, Barry had learned to focus his healing on a spot thanks to Ryan.

With him almost fixed as new, but more exhausted, the speedster vibrated his arms at max speed, orange lightning coating his arms, which he threw both of them at the flying man heading for his friend.

Since the man was focusing on Kara and had underestimated Barry, he didn't see the attack coming, both lightning hitting the old man, stunning him in his flight, and sending him through a building. With the attacks from the man stopped, Kara now had enough time to get out of her daze, slowly floating next to Barry, clutching her dislocated shoulder.

"You okay?" Barry asked her, only for her to grunt in pain from placing back her shoulder, "I am now." She muttered back, her eyes going at the man's crash site. "That was cool what you did." Kara spoke, only for Barry to smirk, "Yeah, I know. Mike taught me that."

Giving him a similar smile, they nodded at each other, their expression turning back serious. Supergirl started flying towards the man, while Flash ran up the building, both of them standing next to each other at the empty but damaged building.

But the man that was supposed to be on this floor wasn't there. Both alarmed, Kara used her x-ray vision to find him, only to get startled by her discovery. "Bel-" Before she could warn the speedster, the man flew at them from below, tackling both the Kryptonian and the speedster, sending them out of the building.

But before the man could follow after them, another person interfered with their fight, "Get away from them!" Ryan shouted, one of his eyes, the white part red because of blood, most probably from taking a hit, his nose also displaced, the corner of his mouth showed signs of him puking blood.

But the surprising thing was that he was missing a leg and still coming after them. Surprised by Ryan's appearance, the man slowed down just for a second but that was all Ryan needed, flying into the man and tackling him into the ground from the air.

As soon as both of them crashed on the road, a crater formed before an angry and infuriated shout replaced the silence, "DON'T YOU DARE IGNORE ME!" Charles appeared, flying towards his target.

Though he was better than Ryan, not missing his limb, his injury was still noticeable and very grave. But flying out of the dust-filled smokescreen came a flying form at Charles, approaching him fast. "Get away!" The blonde man spoke, kicking away his butler, but the distraction was successful.

The next instant, Charles folded, in two, spit and blood exiting from his mouth thanks to Ryan's kick on his gut, sending him flying and crashing into multiple buildings and skyscrapers, with Ryan flying after his cousin.

Catching up to him, Ryan delivered a drop kick on Charle's ribs, cracking and breaking them even further, making Charles spit another round of blood. But before he could be sent flying again, Charles grabbed onto Ryan's only leg tightly and made him fall with himself.

Before the blonde man could hit the ground, he twisted his arm, and threw Ryan at the intended spot for him, making him go through the road. Not letting out an opportunity, Charles flew after him, increasing his drop speed.

In the sewers of the city, Ryan was on his knees, coughing violently, not having enough strength to move with his missing limb distracting him very painfully. Which is why he didn't see Charles coming at him, crashing on him and making him go even deeper on the ground.

Standing up painfully and wobbling to the side, Charles glared at the supposed unconscious form of Ryan, panting heavily with a river of blood gushing out from his head, nose, and other injuries on his body.

Even he himself didn't know how he was standing at this moment because of all the pain coursing through his body. But seeing the figure of his cousin unconscious under his feet was all worth it. "I... ha...ha... ha... won..." He muttered, floating next to Ryan's body, his eyes not leaving it.

Back with Supergirl and Flash,

Thanks to Ryan's attack doing heavy damage to him and the additional lightning attack and heavy punch from the speedster and Kryptonian, Charles's butler was gravely injured. On his body were multiple burn marks and even some white stuff poking out of his leg.

Grunting in pain, he simply looked at the two figures in front of him, the speedster already knocked out with his legs being twisted in opposite ways, and kara, whose red cape was gone, her shirt had some holes because of his repeated attack at those spots.

But before the old man could rejoice in his victory, he heard a sonic boom to his left, making him turn towards this new person interfering, only to find a palm, a man grabbing him from the head and then crashing on the ground.

With his face directed and shoved in the ground while still moving, the butler could do nothing but struggle in pain. After almost a minute of this painful face sliding on the ground, he was being lifted and then thrown at the sky, with another sonic boom right behind him.

Forcing himself to look at his attacker, the man could only see a similar symbol to the one on the blonde girl's chest and a red cape before a fist smashed onto his face, sending him flying even further, with the new man, obviously Superman, coming after him, filled with anger directed at the old man for hurting his cousin.

Back with Charles.

Hearing the sonic booms, he was distracted by a second, his eyes leaving Ryan, only for the black-haired man to capitalize on this and swiped Charles's legs, making him fall down. But before he could hit the ground, Ryan send an uppercut to Charles's shin, making him go through the sewers and out to the open.

Faltering just for a second, Ryan flew after him, trying to not give him a second to retaliate, but he was too late. Recovering successfully, Charles let out an excited laugh, "That's it! This IS IT! THIS IS WHY YOU'RE MY RIVAL!" Charles loudly yelled, flying at his quiet cousin.

Cocking back a punch, which was mirrored by Ryan, they both flew at each other and fired their fist, clashing and stopping each other's attack, they both came at a draw, but the power behind the fists send out a blast, destroying the surrounding windows near them.

"Why... did you... come here?!" Ryan finally asked, throughout the fight, this confusion was eating away at him. Charles, even though he was his cousin and both hated each other, wasn't the type to listen to orders.

But him popping up here all of the sudden was eating away at him for some weird reason. "What else, to fight you!" Charles shouted back with a bloody grin before he gripped Ryan's arm.

Circling in the air a couple of times to disorient his target, Charles finally let him go, sending him crashing through a skyscraper and coming out from the other side, Charles following after him, his grin not falling apart.

As soon as Charles was over him, intending to drop a kick on his head, Ryan dodged it by flipping in the air, delivering his own dropkick on Charles's head, making him fly and crash to the ground. And unlike other times, this time Ryan stayed in the air, trying to catch his breath, his eyes not leaving the dust cloud.

But before he could catch his breath, Charles's figure charged at him, his bloody grin coming back, the white of his eyes now turned red because of the hit, but he seemed to not care at all. "FUCK, STAY DOWN ALREADY!" Ryan shouted back in frustration.

Crossing his arms in front of him, readying himself for the attack, "No, YOU!" Charles shouted back, giving Ryan his own signature shout, before multiple punches and kicks were being blasted at Ryan's defense, only for it to break immediately because of the attacks, the fists, and kicks landing on Ryan's body.

Seeing that he was dazed, the blonde went behind Ryan, whipping a kick at the back of his ribs and spine, the crazed grin never faltering from his face. Before Ryan could even grunt in pain, he was shot towards the road filled with cars again, crashing into one of them, which exploded because of the impact.

Though he was heavily panting in the air, Charles didn't let go of his cousin, flying at him and entering the raging flames. Easily finding his target in the destroyed vehicle, he started punching his face.

Though Ryan tried to block it with one of his arms since the other was now not moving, the attacks still landed on the other half of his face, "COME ON, FIGHT BACK!" Charles shouted back, the fists letting out a loud boom each time they were blocked or hit their targets.

"COME ON RYAN! I EXPECT MORE FROM YOU!" Charles shouted, about to rain another storm of punches at his cousin, only for a pair of red lasers to enter the flames, hitting Charles right on his back, and sending him flying through the small restaurant that was right next to the car that they were on.

"Get... Away from... my boyfriend!" Kara shouted, flying staggeringly at Ryan's bloody body. Seeing Charles stagger because of the unexpected attack, she turned towards Ryan, "Ryan..." She called out to him in worry seeing his injuries.

Through his injury and pain, "fo...food..." Ryan told her, only for Kara to frown. She looked back at Charles who was glaring at her and then looked at Ryan. But before Charles could fly back into the battle with Kara, his eyes went wide, for the first time, fear appearing on the blonde man's face, his bloody grin gone.

"Shit! He's about to find me!" Charles cursed and then looked at Kara. "Tell him to get stronger, Eye is on the move!" Ryan told her before flying up and speeding towards the battle that Superman and his butler, David were having.

Though confused, Kara was very glad that the fighting at stopped for now, and without hesitation, while in pain, she flew into the restaurant and then the storage, coming with her hands full. Putting them all on the ground, she floated towards Ryan and gently placed him on the ground as well, shoving food down his throat, while she still was cautious of the blonde man or his butler.

With Barry,

the speedster was conscious, but he was focusing his healing abilities to focus on his legs. But he was way too tired for it to heal him rapidly, so all he could do was wait and hope that Ryan and Kara were well.

But surprising Barry, the blonde that was fighting his brother's doppelganger came down with a bag that was within arm's length from Barry. Though that wasn't the most astonishing thing, it was what came after, "Tell your brother to get stronger. Someone even stronger than Darkseid is around the corner."

Before Barry could ask what did he mean or how he knew about him and Mike, Charles bent down, injecting the contents of a syring on his nect and flew away. Immediately, Barry's twisted legs were getting untwisted and healing themselves at a faster rate. David, the butler diligently followed after the man that he was supposed to take care of, even with all his injury. And behind the butler was Superman that had heard Charles word directed towards the speedster. Without another word, a black portal opened and the invaders were gone, making Barry's eyes wide open.

Those portals were, at least, terrifying similar or the same as the one that Mike was sucked into for his trials. "What's... going on..."


Well...shit... the plan is thrown out of the window... again... DAMN MY MIND AND MY IMAGINATION!!!