

" Children, come here. " Claire called after the snack time was over. 

" This is my father, Song Chae Rin. Say hello to grandpa Song. " Cliare told him. 

" Hello, Grandpa ! " The children all said at the same time, bowing a little, like they were greeting the teacher in the classroom. 

Commander Song remained expressionless. He is a bit touched, and busy reeling in his murderous aura. 

" You should greet the children, and ask for their names, Father " , Claire reminded gently. 

Even if they are only doing this role play for the sake of curse, they should follow the rituals correctly. 

" Nice to meet you, children. What are your names ? " commander Song asked gently. The children eagerly introduced themselves. 

" Grandpa will be living with us here for the coming two months. Get along with him well. " Claire ended her speech. 

" Now, which one of you wants to go to the greenhouse ? " she asked.