

" So, you are a shaman ? What type of services do you offer ? " She asked him curiously. 

" I .. Bless the young, bless the land, open the fortunes … " The mudang trailed off, as Claire frowned. 

" Don't you do purification ? " She asked, her voice a little harsh. 

Mudang shivered. 

" I .. mean .. " he trailed off. 

" It's a yes or no question, why are you mumbling in answer ? " Claire asked unhappily. She wanted him to purify a lot of things. This guy can not be a weak hearted flop ! 

She did some research on shamans, a very brief and rough research. Even with that low level research, one thing was clear. 

Shamans are born, not made. The spells and skills could bestow a new element on a person completely devoid of mana. But there are no shamanic skills anywhere in the world, only shamanic tools and tomes. You need a shaman to understand the book, then use the tools to cast the spell. 

The guy mumbled in answer.