
Invitation - Red Juice

Math ended but Barry stayed behind and waited for Mr. Ford to finish cleaning the board. As soon as he was done, he sat down on his desk and faced Barry.

Mr. Ford: "Are you okay?" he started. Barry thought about his answer before giving it.

Barry: "I'm...managing." he replied hesitantly as he wasn't quite sure how he was doing right now. Maybe he was in the middle.

Mr. Ford: "I see. I'll try to make this brief. I'm not really good at understanding people nor am I good at giving helpful advice, but I can say that life has a lot to give so don't let this bring you down. I remember when I lost my father and my mother a few days after, I was in a very dark place. If it wasn't for my Aunt and Uncle who raised me and my wife who was there for me since the beginning, I would not be here right now. So if you want to talk about it, my class is open for you any time or if you need a therapist of some sort, I have connections that might be of use to you." Barry was surprised to see such a nice side of him. "Now, to the second matter." he had a troubled look on his face. "Honestly, I may or may not have talked about you to my wife, Liz, and she's interested in the best student I have ever had. I would like to invite you and your guardian over for dinner." Mr. Ford let out a helpless sigh. "That woman has got me wrapped around her finger..." he mumbled. "I'm gonna steal her last strawberry yogurt and then see what she does. Hmph." Barry didn't catch the last part but Terrance did. He silently laughed to himself because Mr. Ford reminded him of the shenanigans his best friend had to deal with when he got married. It was a joy to watch but terrible to be a part of.

Barry: "I'll think about it.' Barry let out a small smile. "Thank you, Mr. Ford. For everything. Have a good day."

Mr. Ford: "You too Barry." Barry turned and left. Throughout the entire day, his teachers expressed sympathy or pity for him while many students acted like they were walking on eggshells around him. The gossiping never stopped and by the time he went home with Joe, he was more exhausted than he has ever been. After showering, he told Joe about Mr. Ford's invitation and Joe said that he would take the whole family over on the weekend. Barry was about to start homework if it wasn't for the protest his stomach was having.

Joe: "Barry. Lunch is ready." Those words were like music to his ears and going to the dining table, he saw that they were having pasta. In Barry's opinion, eating was much more pleasant than it has ever been and he certainly wasn't complaining. Terrance told him it was time and he went to the bathroom. Barry closed his eyes and prepared mentally.

Barry: 'I'm ready. Give me the juice.' Just like in the morning, there was a big glass of glowing juice in front of him but this time, it was red. Barry studied it and the more he looked at it, the more it had the image of blood. That thought then sent him back to last night when he saw that color coating his mother's white shirt from the chest area.

It was as if an invisible hand grabbed a hold of his neck and he couldn't breathe. Barry turned on the water to make some noise so that Joe doesn't hear him and he sat down. Clutching his shirt, he inhaled desperately but nothing changed. Sweat started to form as his hand became colder and colder.

Terrance: 'Barry! Barry! Listen to my voice. It is not blood. It is a fruit drink. Not. Blood.' A video played in his head about how the red juice is created and fruits weren't the only thing added. Some of the stuff he saw was unidentifiable but it helped him come back to himself when he realized that it is a harmless drink and it was not related to blood in any way. 'Good grief. A panic attack on day one. You're as weak as a newborn.'

Barry: 'Terrance! Shut you face for the next few minutes. Please.' Barry was so annoyed by him. One moment Terrance is helpful and then he kicks you down right after. Noticing the silence, Barry steeled himself and drank the red juice. That horrible bitter taste he expected was nowhere to be found and in its place was this sugary taste. At first, he enjoyed the drink, however, it never stopped getting sweeter. By the end of it, Barry felt like he can never eat another sweet item in his life. As he walked to the dining table, Joe was the first one to comment on Barry's state.

Joe: "You look like hell Barry. You all right?" he questioned as he grabbed Barry's left shoulder.

Barry: "Uh-huh. I'm fine. Just hungry." He half-lied. it was true that he was hungry but that there is a strong aftertaste lingering on his tongue that refused to go away. Grabbing a glass of water, he downed it only for it to have no effect. "Oh, man. I was so thirsty. Hahaha." he awkwardly laughed. Joe and Iris looked at each other. Deciding to not question it, Joe started the prayer for their food. When he was done, Barry raised the pasta towards his mouth and he put it in. Slowly chewing it, Barry discovered that the flavor of the red juice was finally leaving. With a newfound motivation to eat, Barry helped himself to more pasta and filled himself up. Iris and Joe both gaped at Barry as he started to feel embarrassed.

Joe: "Damn Barry. For a little guy, you eat a lot."

Barry: "Guess I am starving today." he rubbed the back of his neck. "Since I ate the most today, I'll do the dishes." he offered. Joe immediately denied it.

Joe: "No. You are our guest, Barry. We can't let you do that."

Barry: "Joe. I'm old and responsible enough to do the dishes and it's because I am a guest that I'm going to do it since I'm going to be here for a while." Joe glanced at Iris as she turned her head to not let her dad look at her.

Joe: "If you say it like that..." Joe rubbed his forehead. "Fine. Go ahead." Barry's face lit up.

Barry: "Thanks, Joe. I'm gonna go finish my homework now. Just call me if you guys are done." Barry went to the couch and took out his assignments. Looking at Barry, Joe began to chat with Iris.

Joe: "And you find any excuse to avoid doing chores." he said in a playful tone as he smiled.

Iris: "Well...yeah I got nothing." Joe laughed out loud.

Barry: 'What's the next training about?'

Terrance: 'The mind.'

Barry: 'How do you train that?'

Terrance: 'I have my ways. Finish your homework first and then take a short nap. If you can't sleep then just close your eyes and relax on the couch.'

Barry: "Okay?" Iris who was passing by Barry thought that Barry was talking to her.

Iris: "You need something, Barry?"

Barry: "Huh? No no. I'm good. I'm just...talking to myself." 'Way to be subtle me. You almost exposed yourself.'

Terrance: 'Took the words right out of my mouth. Hey, at least you're learning.'

Iris: "Oh okay then." Iris gave him a weird look. "I'm gonna head upstairs."

Barry: "Got it." he let out a thin smile before going back to finish his homework. Ten something minutes pass until Barry hears his name get called by Joe. Arriving at the kitchen, Barry picks up the stool and uses it to reach the dirty plates. Joe watched all of it with amusement from the corner of his eye while he was reading his newspaper.

Putting the last plate to the plate rack, Barry went back to the couch and completed the rest of the assignments that were due for next week. Stretching a little, Barry walked to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower. During his bathroom activity, he had some shower thoughts about Terrance and his planet while he infrequently hummed and sang I'm singing in the Rain. The desire to watch that film exploded within him during his walk back to the couch.

Terrance: 'I put some scentless soap, shampoo, and lotion for you in your backpack. These items are from my world so be careful not to let anyone in the house discover it. If for some reason the West family question why you seem to never run out of lotion, shampoo, or soap, just say that you got it from Mr. Ford's wife or you are using theirs. Do not use the last excuse for too long as it will become very uncredible very quickly so try to find a source of income soon. Also, in the future, you can have your choice of whatever you want with whatever smell. I don't care. I am only giving you this stuff because it is extremely healthy for you.'

Barry: 'I can do all that but the problem is what can I do to gain said money?'

Terrance: 'I have something for you. Put your hand out.' Barry did as instructed and a blue light gathered to the middle of his palm.

Barry: 'Hey! What if someone sees!?!'

Terrance: 'One is doing homework and the other just left to use the bathroom.'

Barry: 'Oh...sorry for yelling.'

Terrance: 'You were careful. That's a good habit. The problem is that you did as I said and then you asked questions. Under other circumstances, we would've been exposed. Now, stop wasting time and put your hand out.' A blue translucent pill materialized on Barry's hand and Terrance urged him to swallow it. A short amount of time passed and nothing changed. Barry felt no different than he did a minute ago.

Barry: 'Nothing happened?'

Terrance: 'No it did. The effects are gradually taking place. You'll see some differences soon.'

Barry: 'What differences?'

Terrance: 'Nothing major. Some hair and eye color changes or whatever your DNA allows. It doesn't really matter. Your looks will probably become better and uh, I think you become immune to family inherited diseases. One thing is true is that you will unlock one hidden talent. That's what we're after.'

Barry: 'Wait wait wait. Stop. My face is going to be better looking? My hair and eye color will change? Why? I like my looks.'

Terrance: 'Why are you complaining? If you reached your maximum potential in the looks department, you won't change. If you are lacking, then this is good for you. Besides, your appearance is not the point.'

Barry: 'Of course it's the point! I happen to like how I look!'

Terrance: 'Then leave it up to fate! If your body thinks that you are already very handsome, then it won't change. If your body thinks some places can be improved, it will change! Also, if your hair becomes red due to your mother's side, would you complain? I know you loved your mother's hair.' he argued.

Barry: '...well. I guess that's nice but still...'

Terrance: 'We are moving on from this conversation.' he breathed in. 'Later, see if you are a natural at doing something. Like singing or cooking or whatever. Anything.'

Barry: 'Why?'

Terrance: 'Because we're trying to figure out your hidden talent. As long as you get a talent that is sought out, you might make a quick buck. For example, art. Let's say your artistic talents went up. You could sell your art pieces and make a lot of money if people liked them. You could even take requests. Get it?'

Barry: 'I think so.'

Terrance: 'Good. For now, try to take that nap. It is time for mind training.'