

    Chapter 69


    Charlotte POV

    I was about to hit Andrew again but Alex came to his rescue.

    "Is it true Hazel is in love with…what's that lame name again?" Andrew trailed off, jealous obviously on his face and I nodded yes. He smiled and brought out his phone. He hates arguing with me because the more convinced he tries to get,the more I'm gonna confuse him.

    "What are you tryna do?" 

    "Confirmation by calling her,I'm not ready to argue with you" he said with a shrug and I quickly snapped the phone from him.

    "That's absorbed,it should be a surprise  for them" I said and he nodded.

    "So what really happened bro?" Alex demanded and he narrated everything.

    "Why do you always doubt God…Don't you know he is forever faithful even when we're not? All you need is to believe and dedicate your life to him and he will perfect your ways" I told him and they all stared at me astonished.

    "Did you even call any of your drivers?" I asked Alex as we got to the lounge and he replied no. 

    $Seriously…so you expect me to stand here until he arrives…don't you have respect for women in this condition?" I said getting pissed off. My legs have been aching since we were in the plane.

    "But babe I thought you said being pregnant doesn't mean you're weak,then why are you bringing your condition into the matter?" Alex said and Andrew laughed while he was trying not to laugh. Now he is using my word against me,just wow. I stared around and people were still passing by. Just wait for my performance.

    I burst into tears gaining people passing by attention and Andrew chuckled. They looked around,looked at each other then at me. The stares peeps were having them were not nice at all. Good for them. Nice time they won't mess up with a pregnant woman again.

    "Babe what's up,did someone step on your feet?" Alex whispered and tried to soothe me but I cried the more.

    "Sorry I'm a little bit late" a feminine voice said coming to our side. Andrew was the first to turn around. He had so much missed that sweet voice.

    "Andrew?" She called, not sure if she saw the person or if she was just hallucinating. She slapped herself twice to wake up from her dream but it wasn't a dream. Andrew was right in front of her. They are just a few inches far away from each other.

    "I told you he is still alive mommy" Hayden said exultantly and moved swiftly to him in a close embrace. Andrew embraced him so tight like he wouldn't let go. Maybe he doesn't wanna let go ever and ever again.

    "Promise not to ever leave us again daddy…" he trailed off.

    "Pinky promise?" He said, raising his pinky  finger which Andrew took.

    "Pinky promise" he said and ruffled his hair playfully.

    Hazel POV

    I stanced at a point staring at my Andrew not knowing what to do. He  made it out alive. So Charlotte and Hayden were right all along. I watched him as he hugged Hayden. So adorable. Andrew is just too awesomazing.

    His charm,his smiles,caring attitude,his conduct. The words that come from his mouth…he is just too awesome. We both walked slowly to meet each other.

    "How did you move on Andy,how did you cope for two fucking months…how were your days without us because I couldn't cope. My thoughts were always about you every damn minute. How would you think I could move on without you? How could you leave.." I couldn't even find my voice. I was pouring out my heart in tears. He was also shedding tears while Hayden just stared at us smiling. Never knew I could be this emotional particularly  in public. He swiftly embraced  me 

    tightly that I couldn't breathe.

    "I'm sorry,I didn't want you to experience another heartbreaking information,I'm so sorry" he said, still hugging me. 

    Charlotte sat down on a luggage video and smiled. Some people waited behind and waited to watch the emotional scene.

    "I'm back now and back for good," he said, wiping my tears with his palm.

    "I came to pick you guys not knowing this surprise was awaiting me" I said, embracing Charlotte and Alex. We went to the car and Andrew insisted he wanted to drive. 

    "Dad,I made a new friend. Her name is Emma and she is so nice to me" Hayden kept on gisting Andrew while he was driving and he tried to make the conversation lively.

    "Now you've completely forgotten your mum?" I said jokingly.

    "How can I?" He said and pecked me. We dropped the Blake's and went to our house.

    "Wow…everything looks so different now" Andrew said sitting down.

    "Why won't it? Not like you've been here before" I replied, bringing out a grape wine from the refrigerator. We toasted and talked about lots of things till it was night. I gave him feedback about the hospital also. 

    "Cheers to more wins" I said and we both toasted and drank. Hayden clung to Andrew all through.

    I thought about everything that has happened in my life through Andrew's influence and smiled. I once saw a receipt of a ring in his office and I've made up my mind. I searched everywhere in the office and found the rings in his drawer.

    I've always kept it hoping to always use it in remembrance of him. I know I sound crazy but I don't care. I've planned to propose tonight even before he would.

    He took the last sip and frowned at what was in his mouth. He brought it oàut and there it was. A diamond ring with a red heart engraved on it.

    "Right now I'm really short of words. I will forever be grateful for the love you showed me Andy. I remembered  going to the hospital. You were the first guy that caught my attention.I tried to avoid the feeling of thinking I don't even deserve your love. I thought I deserved no one's love but still,you showered love on me. You didn't think about my flaws and I promise to always love you Andy. Please marry me Andrew Kendrick" he was too stunned to even say a word.

    "Say yes daddy" Hayden continued screaming and jumping around us.

    "Yes I will and I promise you will always be in my heart forever!" He said but stopped me from inserting the ring.

    "I should be the one doing this so please marry me Hazel Jones" he said and I said yes I'm in tears. He inserted the ring and kissed it. Today is such an awesome day.

    Alex POV

    It's been three days since our arrival and Charlotte is becoming tired. I always try to encourage her to at least walk out from one room to the other. She refused when I opted to bath her but succumbed when she realised she couldn't do it alone.

    "The doctor said I should give birth tomorrow and I'm feeling really weak already…maybe we should just go to the hospital now" Charlotte said calmly, staring at me with those innocent eyes and I massaged her leg lovingly.

    "It's late already babe,the estate would have been locked by now" I said and she nodded. I know being pregnant is not easy and she has really tried carrying a little me or her for nine months. We said a short night prayer and slept off.

    I woke up early the next month and met Charlotte praying on the floor.

    "Babe?" I called moving closer to her.

    "Shhh,I'm praying" she replied and closed her eyes again.

    "What…" she cuts me off again.

    "Stop, else God will get upset with you" she whispered, blowing my face and I smiled. I would like to fall in love with a Nigerian again in my next life. The situation of the country due to corruption may not be palatable but there are good girls with moral training from there. I remembered telling her I hate Nigerians and people from there on our first meeting. Little did I know I would later fall madly in love with her. She changed from a once player to a devoted lover. She changed Josh a little then handed him over to Jasmine for total change. She changed Andrew from a sadist to someone lively again and lots more. She is indeed a life changer.

    "Are you casting a spell of love on me?" I teased and she finally opened her eyes.

    "I told you to stop distracting me…what are you thinking?" She asked when I continued staring at her.

    "Thinking about you…about us" 

    "And what is on your mind?" She said resting her hands on the floor to support her big tummy.

    "Thinking about when we grow really old together,then you will wake up at night and start praying without your teeths. I will wake up and complain you're spitting on me…"

    "Stop it Alex,you will be the first to grow old and toothless so I will be the one complaining about you spitting in the room" she cut me off and I smiled.

    "I know right? I love you babe. Let's get you cleaned up then you gonna eat something because labour isn't something you can joke with,I wish us safe delivery babe" I kissed her forehead then her baby bump.

    "Don't disturb mummy, okay?" I said and she smiled. I will forever cherish her in everything. We ate breakfast and I packed the baby bags inside the car. She told me her water broke when we were eating breakfast but didn't feel any contractions so she told me to relax. 

    "Argh!" Charlotte screamed out loud and I ran to her side.

    "What's up babe?" I was confused.

    "I'm feeling sharp pains down there," she said, trying not to scream.

    I ran to where car keys are being kept then remembered I have it with me. Gosh!  What's wrong with me?

    "Let's get her to the hospital" Val said, coming in with mom. Perfect timing! Mom and I carried her to the hospital while Val drove. We were told to wait outside as she was rushed to the labour room. God help us! I prayed fervently beads of sweat forming on my face already.

    Author POV

    It's twenty minutes already and Charlotte hasn't delivered her baby.

    "Please ma'am push harder" that's what the doctors kept on saying and she's trying her best.

    "I don't think I can," she said in great pain. She was sweating profusely already and the doctors were trying to encourage her.

    "Call me my husband,call me Alex" she screamed. They stared at each other for a while then concluded they should call him if that would be of help. A nurse walked swiftly to the waiting section and Alex, Valerie and Courtney walked up to her immediately.

    "How is she, please?" She stared at them.

    "She's fine,she demands your presence right now" she said referring to Alex and he quickly scurried off with her. How is she faring now? Alex thought worriedly. He got to the ward and it was like the ward's temperature suddenly became hot because of the state he met Charlotte.

    "Babe" Alex called, holding onto her tightly.

    "The baby isn't coming out Alex" she said bids of million sweats forming on her face.

    "We felt if you tell her to push harder,it might be easier for her sir" the doctor said and he nodded.

    "Babe I need you to relax,calm your nerves,don't try to push yet,just breathe in then breathe out. I know you can do this,I know you're strong babe"  Charlotte did as he had instructed and he smiled.

    "That's cool then with all your might,push our baby out babe" Alex said. She held onto Alex and pushed so hard.

    "Harder,the head of the baby is coming out" a doctor said and she pushed harder and the baby came out.

    "You made it babe" Alex said smiling but frowned.

    "Not yet. She still has another baby to deliver,they are twins" she said and they both exclaimed.


    "I wanted to tell you it's twins but you insisted you wanted the gender to be a surprise. Now Charlotte you need to push as hard as you can dear and all this will end" she said.

    "I don't think I can do…" 

    "Yes you can babe,you are brave. Try harder and let's be done with this" Alex encouraged.

    "Arghhhhh" she screamed pushing with the strength left in her and the baby came out crying.

    "Thank babe" Alex said overjoyed.

    "You have a beautiful baby girl and handsome baby boy sir" the doctor said showing the babies to Alex and Charlotte.

    "Welcome to the world sweeties" Charlotte said weakly and passed out.

    The babies were cleaned up and dressed. Charlotte was awake already and she had also dressed up. She had received a lot of flowers from friends and well wishers and still receiving more.

    "It's twins mom,I'm a father of two" Alex squealed happily and Val smiled, staring at the babies lovingly.

    "So adorable," she said, wishing they were her babies.

    "We will make one more baby and you can rest after that" Alex teased, intending to pull Charlotte's legs.

    "You really don't know the pain passed through in there do you? No babies again" Charlotte said glaring at him.

    "But babe,we both passed through the pain. I was so stressed I was sweating in an air conditioner ward" Alex said and they all smiled.

    "I guess I should start respecting you now that you're a man" Valerie said and he winked at her.

    Everyone heard about the news already and the Rays and Mr.Blake are on their way back to the state. The naming ceremony was organised according to Nigerian custom and tradition which is on the eighth day after delivery. 

    Elizabeth named them Ayomide(my joy has come) and Ayomikun(my joy is full) while Courtney named them Rissa and Shaquan.

    Charlotte and Alexander named their babies Ariel and Andrian. The naming ceremony ended well and they received a lot of presents and well wishes from their fans.

    "What are you thinking sweetheart?" Alex said as he finished petting Andrian to sleep. They just gave them their warm night bath.

    "Well I was just thinking about all that happened in my life ever since our fake marriage. All the happy and sad moments. Everything just turned around for good in my life ever since I met you" Charlotte said staring at her husband lovingly.

    "You're welcome babe,I guess I'm honoured" Alex said and she scoffed.

    "I'm grateful to God not you" she said and shook her head pitifully at him.

    "I insist you're welcome honey pie" Alex said and stole a kiss from her laying down on the bed.

    "Detective Damien called today and informed me that Mrs. Tamara will be charged to court next week" Camille told Charlotte on phone.

    "She is still alive? I mean how come she survived the fire?"  Charlotte asked, surprised.

    "She was rescued after which I was taken to the hospital" Damien replied and she nodded.

    "So you will just sit there and watch your mom go to jail…don't you know that there is something called second chance?" Charlotte said over the phone.

    "That's what I've been telling him sis" Camille said and he rolled his eyes.

    "Oh please. How can you even forgive her so soon with all the cruel things she did to you?" Damien said.

    "Well that's because I have the spirit" 

    "And I don't have the spirit and don't ever wanna have if it's about Mrs. Tamara" he said and left the room 

    "That's his only problem,very arrogant a guy and it's gonna be really hard to change his mind," Camille said and disconnected the call. The only hope again is Alex. Only he can talk to Damien.

    She looked at Alex and he laid on the bed already pretending to be asleep.

    "Liar,I know you heard everything,even if he is older than you,you should act more mature than him as a married man" Charlotte said with a scoff.

    "Let her rot in jail babe,you ladies have such a soft heart to think of giving her a second chance after all the cruel things she did to you?"  Alex said and laid down again.

    "That's because everyone deserves a second chance Alex,you never knew what turned her to that"

    "I know,dad told us everything. She has always been greedy from the beginning" Charlotte sighed and closed the conversation. She will continue tomorrow.


    Everyone was led by a police man to Mrs.Tamara's  cell. Camille and Charlotte ensured they convinced them. They dropped every allegation they had against her. 

    "What's up" Camille asked the cell guard and he sook his head pitifully.

    "She hung herself"  he said and they all gasped except Damien.

    Mrs. Tamara will never cease to amaze everyone!



    Who enjoyed the story so far…

    My apology for typos,it's my first story and I'm proud I finished it. 

    A big thanks to all my loyal fans who followed till the end.

    Don't go without reviewing and rating the book.◕ᴗ◕✿✿