
Meeting a total stranger

chapter fifty

" What are you doing Andrew, it's embarrassing" Charlotte whispered immediately as they got to Alex and his friends. Andrew took Charlotte and made her head rest on his chest. Alex was actually trying his best not to punch him in the face. charlotte was speechless and she could feel she really looked stupid right now.

"Be good, stop it, everyone is watching" Andrew said caressing her hair and she couldn't even do or say anything.

"Hello everyone,allow me to introduce myself. I'm Andrew Kendrick, Charlotte's boyfriend. I heard Alex took care of her while I wasn't around, I'm grateful?" He said smiling. Andrew will definitely hear from Charlotte, her head still on his chest. He looked up at Alex and pecked Charlotte's hair.

"satisfied? She is my woman now. I will love her and care for her. Enjoy your dinner" Alex was really agitated but he couldn't do anything.

"What a superficial world we live in" The lady said sweetly and Alex glared at her.

It was night time and Charlotte hadn't opened the door of her room, she had locked it and had been crying her eyes out. Andrew performed all those drama thinking Charlotte will stand up for herself, but it only worsened the case. Andrew knocked the door and Charlotte took her shoes and threw them at the door.

"Just leave me the hell alone Andy. I just want to be alone! " she shouted crying again. When did Charlotte turn into a baby? He thought about inserting the spare key. He opened the door and there she was looking like a hungry ghost.

"You turned yourself to these because of him?" Andrew sounded frustrated and she looked around her throwing whatever came her way at him which he dulged.

"You made me look stupid, like I'm a kid, I can fight for myself okay, just mind your business " Charlotte yelled hitting his chest. Andrew didn't know what to do again and so he just allowed her to do as she likes. She stopped after a few seconds.

"Are you through? continue hitting me, why did you stop? I know you're still in love with him" Andrew said and Charlotte stared at him.

"In Love with who?" she demanded.

"Alex of course you dummy," her subconscious yelled at her and scoffed.

"You call his name all the time in your sleep telling him not to leave you" Charlotte softened.

"I know it's hard for you to do away with the feeling, but stay strong when you need to…stop showing you're weak to him that's what it means to be strong" he patted her back and left.

Elizabeth got to the Blakes' house when she heard Charlotte had aborted her grandchild. Even though she was angry Charlotte got married without her consent,she was excited and had forgiven her when she heard she was pregnant only for her mood to be spoiled when Courtney told her she aborted the baby. of all things in the world, that was the last thing she had thought Charlotte would think of. She has a lot of guts. Mrs Elizabeth thought fuming. She settled down and relaxed till the second day. She knows her friend so well. She knows Courtney would never have allowed for the wedding without her consent had she known her son would be getting married to her daughter.

"young couples these days," she said."

"Alex forced her to do it. I'm so sure of what Charlotte said even though she is really young she was ready to carry the baby ``Courtney said.

"But she still aborted him," Elizabeth said. Courtney knew the topic was only infuriating her friend so she just kept mute.

Early the next morning Elizabeth dressed up and Val drove her to Alexander's house. It was a weekend and Emma came around. Emma noticed something was wrong even with her age but just decided not to ask. Charlotte is always happy Emma is with her. Val parked in the compound and Mrs Elizabeth wanted to come down but val held her

"Mom, Charlotte is currently facing some trauma right now. Please don't frustrate her …deal with her gently,'' Valerie said calmly and she Just nodded.

They both entered and saw Charlotte, she was playing with a Kid. Charlotte had loved kids since she was a teenager. "Emma, go upstairs and bring my phone" The girl nodded and left for upstairs. She turned back and was really shocked to see her mom.

"Mom?" Charlotte said, surprised.

"Oh so you still have a mom?" she said and Charlotte sighed, val held Elizabeth's hand softly and she calmed herself, she went there and gave her a light knock on the head.

"Ouch," she winced, rubbing her head.

" such a silly girl..if not for val I intended to slap you" she said raising up her hand pretending to slap her but she quickly dodged it. She knows how hard and stinging her mom's slap is.

"Come here" she said, opening her arms and she ran into her arms. She started sobbing on her shoulder and she just patted her back.

"Who is the little girl?" she whispered when Emma came back, she Quickly wiped the tears off.

"Emma met my mom ,mom this is Emma '' Emma smiled at her and Elizabeth hugged her.

Alexander came downstairs but on sighting Charlotte mom fear gripped him, he greeted Charlotte's mom but she ignored and glared at him making him more nervous. He was about going when she called him back.

"so... My daughter défiled my order and got married to you without my consent. And now you still forced her to abort my grandchild? , she said calmly.

"Just wow," she said .

Charlotte sat down on a couch operating her phone. She cooked only for herself and Alex would always order. Her mom left already not telling her the Secret and it's really frustrating. She wondered what secret it might be that it would be so huge for her mom to tell her.

Her phone beeped and she checked it. A message from the manager she just hissed and attended to other messages. She went to bed afterwards.

It's the weekend and they haven't driven out a concrete plan to save Mr. Henry yet.

"Maybe we should involve Alexander in this charlotte?" Jasmine suggested.

"I was thinking the same" Donald and Josh said and she gave them a "WTF" look, but they Just shrugged.

"Fine, let's involve him, you guys can tell him" she said when all of them supported what Jasmine said.

"You guys, which guys?" Jasmine sand sarcastically.

"You guys of course" she pointed at them and rolled her eyes.

"As of now, you're the only one who can talk to Alex,'' Josh said and she laughed.

"Like, seriously? me going to Alexander is a no… a capital no" she said folding her arms.

"If you really want Mr.Henry alive then you really need to consider talking to Alex… for him" Donald added and she sighed.

"Everything is just so complicated, mom refused telling what she is hiding and now that stupid boss" she said.

"Alex" Charlotte called as he was about to go upstairs, she can't believe she is really calling his name.

"You called me?" he said to be sure he Just heard clearly.

"Er yeah" she said nervously.. He came back and she beckoned for him to sit down.

"I need your help" she said and he stared at her to go on.

"I got to the studio and noticed many things had gone wrong, our manager was replaced all of a sudden which means something is wrong somewhere" Charlotte said.

"So what do you want from me therefore" Alex said with a nonchalant attitude. Charlotte stared at him and he looked like he didn't care.

"I knew I was wasting my time when I called you but I just needed proof" she hissed and stood up. Alex quickly held her.

"I was just teasing you," Alex said. Charlotte stared at her arms which he was holding. she glared at him and he just released her,

"fine! Are you willing to help?" Charlotte said, dusting his hands off her intentionally.

"I don't know I need time to think it through, " Alex said after ruminating on it for a while. Charlotte sat down on the couch and started operating her phone.

An hour later, she looked up only to realise Alexander already slept off on the dining chair.

She boiled in anger for the fact he left her sitting on a chair without solutions to mr. Henry's problem, she stared at him.

"please don't go… please don't". Alex said. This is a new part of Alex. Sleeping in the afternoon was never part of him. Charlotte thought of packing the dishes to the kitchen. Alex missed that so much sitting together arguing on who is gonna do the dishes.

"I think I have a plan" Alexander said at last

T. B.C

What's Alex's plan?