
Let Me Tell You, I Sell my Skills, Not my Body!

"I really didn't do it on purpose..." Shirley frantically bowed apologetically.

"Forget it, Yana, come out with me to get changed. Write down her name and send her the bill, there's no need to make things more difficult for her," the woman known as 'Eve' said gently. On the surface she seemed to be understanding towards Shirley's mistake, but in reality, she had no intention of letting her off easily.

'Send her the bill'!

A dress like this, even if Shirley worked on her current salary for the next ten years, she wouldn't be able to pay for it.

Shirley's face turned pale, "Why don't I wash it for you..."

"Wash? You want our Eve to wear something washed and wrinkly? Which agency are you from? Call your boss over. Are you a hotel staff, perhaps?" The woman had no idea of Shirley's identity, so it was reasonable for her to ask for her boss under these circumstances.