

As soon as Lila's words left her mouth, the media were in an uproar.

Some people revealed a look of disdain, while others were stunned...

Everything now made sense; Charley had a motive. On the other hand, according to Lila's EQ and IQ, it was inconsistent with her character to pay for someone to get attacked. This was something the reporters had questioned for a long time...

Lila belonged to Oceans Entertainment. If she wanted to teach someone a lesson, did she need to exhaust so much effort?

As he sensed that the media were slowly getting convinced, Charley suddenly pointed to Lila and yelled, "I've never seen a woman that is more shameless than you. In order to hide your crime, you've thrown the blame on an innocent person."

"You claim that Kaylie and I are a couple. But, who has seen us together, and who has proof?"