
As Long as he Wanted it And as Long as She Had it!

Towards the end of the press release, time was given for fans to interact with the cast and crew.

Of course, at a time like this, Lila was bound to be asked the most difficult questions. A chubby girl held onto the microphone as she asked worriedly, "Lila, the fans really want to know about the current state of your relationship with President Mo. How is it going, we are worried - exceptionally worried."

The host glanced at Mason and back at Lila. He then handed the microphone to Lila.

Lila held onto the microphone and smiled, "Hasn't President Mo's actions today been enough to settle your worries?"


Lila understood the fans were worried they were putting on an act. So, she walked off the stage towards Mason, grabbed his hand, and pulled him onto the stage with her.

The fans erupted in a sharp squeal...