

Liam has reluctantly agreed to marriage to honor his grandfather's wishes. But his intended bride, Bianca Reese, a rising star in the public's eyes was not taking her calls. meanwhile... Outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, Raelle awaits to marry her childhood friend, Kim Davis. But when a devastating phone call shatters her dreams, Raelle faces a heart-wrenching truth. At the Civil Affairs Bureau, Liam and Raelle, each desperate for help, agree to get married. But, while they thought it was a flash marriage, destiny had other plans for them...

Goddess_Luna01 · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


The next morning, when Raelle woke up, she found herself alone in the bed. The events of the previous day felt like a distant memory, but the unfamiliar room and the memory of calling Liam her husband confirmed that the memories weren't so distant.

Stretching and yawning, she sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and looking around the room. Her eyes stopped on the slightly open closet door, and she remembered Liam had said that he would be working in the study.

The idea of exploring the mansion crossed her mind, but she decided against it for the meantime, preferring to stay in the room and gather up her wits for the day.

As she pushed herself out of bed and headed to the luxurious bathroom, she spared some time to think about her present situation. Although their marriage had been birthed in a flash, the both of them had agreed on making it work. Even though they had not planned their lives with each other, it was time they did some replanning.


Meanwhile, in the study, Liam was neck-deep in his work. He had gotten out of bed early to work. Not only because he needed to, but because it was the only way to rid his mind of the events of the previous day, even if it was only for a moment.

But, for the first time in his life, he felt guilty. Guilty for leaving her alone in the room; a woman whom he had sworn to be a good husband to. What was he thinking when he made that vow- Liam wondered. He had never borne the title of a boyfriend, now he was a husband.

Unable to concentrate, Liam decided to take a break and check on Raelle. He made his way back to the bedroom and gently opened the door.

Raelle had just finished dressing up when he walked in. She looked at Liam with a faint smile.

"Good morning," she greeted, trying to hide her nervousness.

"Hmm," Liam nodded, intending to leave it that way but Teddy's voice at the back of his head made him rethink. He immediately turned back to Raelle and said with a warm smile, "Good morning to you too. Did you sleep well?"

Raelle nodded.

"Yes, I did. I didn't think I would, considering the events of yesterday."


"Hmm," Liam nodded again. "Today you'll b- do you want to meet my grandfather today?"

Raelle felt her blood run cold. He was asking her, so, she could easily refuse. But a part of her wanted to agree.

Seeing her reluctance to reply, Liam smiled faintly. He added, "He's a kind man, and I think you'll get along with him. Although, he can be quite annoying."

Raelle took a deep breath and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll get along just fine."

Liam took a long look at her but said nothing. He walked into the closet and picked the clothes that he would wear before coming out and entering the bathroom.

Meant, Raelle sat on the bedside, looking at her reflection in the mirror in her palm. There was no dressing mirror so she had to make do with that of her makeup palette. When she was sure she looked away, she tied her hair into a simple pony, leaving the tail hanging.

When she was done, she sat down quietly, nervously waiting for Liam to come out of the bathroom. After a few minutes, he came out, already dressed in a loose blue t-shirt and a pale Jean trousers. Although he was dressed so simply, Raelle thought he still looked elegant.

"Shall we?" Liam asked.

"Hmm," Raelle nodded with a smile.


The driver parked in the middle of the large compound and came out. He held the door for Raelle to step out, only then did she realize that they had arrived. She had been so lost in her thoughts that she did not know that the ride had ended.

With a small smile to the driver, she stepped out, by then, Liam had already come out and was waiting for her. She slightly bent his arm at the elbow and cast a knowing glance at Raelle who hooked her arm into his as they made their way to the front doors of the house.

As they walked through the hallway, Raelle couldn't help but stare in awe at the wealth in the place. Beautiful chandeliers hung from the ceiling while priceless artworks adorned the walls. The ground where they walked shone like it had just been cleaned. The grand staircase they had passed by was painted white and rimmed with a beautiful gold color; everything in the hallway was either white or gold, making it no less than a castle.

Finally, they reached a man who had been waiting for them. He was dressed in a butler's clothes.

Charles approached them and greeted them respectfully before saying, "Mr. Liam, your grandfather is waiting for you in the study."

Liam nodded, following the butler through an elegant corridor until they stopped in front of a door. Charles wrapped his hands around the doorknob but did not open it. He turned to face Liam with a concerned look and said, "Young master Liam, I advise you send in the mistress first."

Liam frowned; so did Raelle.

"Why?" They both asked at the same time, quickly turning to look at each other.

Charles looked at them and shook his head.

"Old master Wilson has been throwing a tantrum since. He"-Charles swallowed.-"promises to kill you with his own hands if he lays eyes on you."


Raelle: (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠! "Huh?"

Hearing what Charles had said, Raelle quickly turned to Liam, her eyes wide.

"I thought you said he was nice, and kind!" She whispered to see Liam nod. "What happened?"

Liam shook his head and hissed softly.

"Do not worry, I'm the only one he can threaten," Liam replied with all confidence. "Rest assured, he'll do nothing to you."

Raelle did not believe him completely but she gave him the benefit of the doubt and nodded.

"Okay then."

Seeing that they had decided, Charles turned the knob, opening the door for them and disappearing almost immediately.