
Flaming Desire

Getting chased by unknown figures and being captured wasn't something Arie ever expected to happen to her, but it did. Arie must find a way out of the mysterious and strange confines she's in,but what happens when the darkness and obsessions from her past is connected to the very place she's trying to escape from. Will she be able to handle the truth about her origin and past and let go of all the hate she harboured, or is the desire for revenge too strong that it threatens to shatter every other obsession? When the crucial time awakens for her to make a choice,will she choose the intense love of the now, or the flamming revenge of the past? Which is a stronger force: Love...or Revenge! -------------- "Make a choice Arie, your people,your family,your race,all Artians....or him, the enemy!" Arie's mind was in chaos as she looked around her; people she loved and cared about were fighting for their lives...for her. And she had the power to end it all,but whatever choice she made came at a cost; a huge price which she could never unsacrifice. As the screams around her got louder, reminding her that time was running out for her to make a choice,she finally made a decision. "I...I choose...."

Blackwolf4509 · Urban
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20 Chs

Angelic Devil

That voice...that aura...

I recognized it..

It was him...

The man from earlier,the one who made the room feel like an icy hell.

Drifting my eyes away from his, I momentarily froze when I took in the rest of his features.

The person that stood in front of me was no person.

He looked like he was a part of the heavens, and not the earth.

Like some sort of Greek god!

I'm not exaggerating.

His long, glossy midnight black hair didn't even sway in the whooshing wind,it remained intact..as if the wind feared to move it.

And here I thought my silver hair was amazing.

His pink,thin lips, hypnotic bottle green eyes, long thick lashes and perfectly shaped nose were framed in a perfect 'V' line jaw,and his flawless skin could make a woman green with intense envy.

I had never seen such male beauty before.

His hellish aura was really a contrast to his angelic looking face.

The only name he deserved,is 'The Angelic Devil'.

Finally in control of my limbs, I managed to stand up.

His gaze was still on me, and he took a step forward, but stopped when his foot stepped on something; it was the piece of the chair's leg I broke off earlier.

He then shifted his gaze from my face to the floor,and I also looked down.

There were pieces of wood scattered all over where we were standing.

"What the hell happened here!"

His voice resonated in the entire room.

I remained silent and just continued to stare at him.

"My question wasn't rhetorical, answer it."

Answer what? What was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to tell him that there were scattered pieces of wood

around because I was trying to escape?

And if I explain myself that me being here in the first place is all a misunderstanding this person will think I'm lying, again.

Having nothing to say, I continued being quiet, forcing myself not to get lost as I looked into his eyes.

"Are you testing my patience?"

This time his voice sounded pissed.

Was he...annoyed?

If anyone is to be angry it should be me.

I was brought here against my will and I'm being treated like a prisoner, and he is the one who's pissed?

" You're keeping me here without my consent to it. So I'm leaving here without your consent to it.

Who do you think you are questioning my actions after taking away my freedom as if I'm some sort of prisoner?

You can't detain me and expect me to just sit around,Mr. You don't own me."

He seemed stunned at my outburst...good!

I was sick of being treated like some caged bird.

And if talking nicely wasn't going to help, there were other options.

His expression quickly changed from surprise and back to indifferent."

Cold air blew into the room, making the atmosphere somewhat eerie.

And then a menacing smirk formed on his face.

" You seem to be clueless, Artian.

You have no consent or freedom...in my territory.

Right now your fate is in my hand,you do as I ask,when I ask,and how I ask...or you regret it.

I. Own. You."

Danger flashed in his eyes as he looked at me and neared closer to me.

Was he trying to intimidate me?

Did he think I was scared of him?

And why is he calling me Artian?

"I didn't ask to be in your territory. I'm not scared of you."

I tried to return back the cold stare,but mine still couldn't compare to his.

"You should be." He said and took a step closer,as his hand took out something key-like from his pocket.

Something about the danger in his tone made me feel a little anxious, but that didn't mean I was going to allow him to intimidate me.

Then he pressed something on the thing he removed from his pocket.

Suddenly I felt a wave of scorching heat dash through my left arm;where that bracelet thing was.

I held my wrist, trying to soothe the immense pain I felt. First I had to deal with my cut wound and now this?

Did this devil just zap me?!

Seriously,who does he think he is.

Does he think he has rights over me?!

He's lucky I still felt pain in my hand; I would slap him so hard if only my arm didn't hurt so bad.

He put both hands in his pockets now as looked at me.

"I think I've made my point now. I'm going to ask you questions,and you're going to listen and answer them. Honestly. And if you dare to lie to me this time..."

I could hear the threatening tone in his voice.

This devil wasn't serious. First he ties me up and takes away my freedom by bringing me here against my will, then he zaps me,and now he's going to question me?

He must be mad if if he thinks I'm going to answer his stupid questions! I don't care if he zaps me again,and if he does do that, I'll just punch him.

"What's your relation to Raiden, Artian?"

His gaze on me intense as ever as his eyes bore into mine, as if he was trying to read my mind.

" I'm not going to answer you. I don't have to."

He looked as if he didn't expect me to say what I said.

"What did you say? I dare you to repeat yourself."

" I don't need to answer your questions"

I said louder and bolder this time.

He took a step closer, his green eyes reflecting something dangerous, as if warning me to take back what I said.

"Your false bravery is stupid if all it does in the end is to make you regret. I can do far worse things to you than zapping.

He was now directly in front of me.

"W-what will you do...what can you do"

The moment I spouted those words the danger in his eyes sparked and burst wildly into flames.

Suddenly,he grabbed a handful of my hair and yanked on it harshly as he pulled my face closer to his.

" I despise people who test my patience."

I could hear the annoyance in his voice,but I didn't care.

Even though I still felt pain in my arm, I also grabbed his shirt collar and yanked on it harshly.

"And I despise rude and arrogant people."

I returned the same threatening gaze he gave me.

But from his pissed expression, I felt like I was going to regret what I just did.

However before he or I could do anything, the door opened,and a transfixed Kiara greeted our eyes.

I would be extremely happy if you could share your ideas for this book by commenting. And if there's anything you feel wrong about the book, please comment about it that as well and let me now. Thanks all of you for your support

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