
Flames on Ice

A guy embarks on a mission with his sister and aunt to save a town from the deathly clutches of vicious bandits, only to discover during the mission, a strange phenomenon about himself. Guys, this is the first novel I am ever writing, so please try to ignore any punctuation or written errors. My aspiration in life is to be a great novel writer and l believe this novel is my first step in achieving this goal Don't forget to comment your thoughts about the novel, as I would need such comments for motivation, in order to improve my writing skillset. Happy reading my dear readers.

IAA_Breezy · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 33


Another deathly, bloodcurdling scream, akin to the wail of a tortured denizen in hell, shrilly sounded out. Jay, the source of the shrill scream, was involuntarily kneeling on the dusty ground and clutching tightly onto his right shoulder, as he screamed and wailed loudly in excruciating pain. His entire right arm was gone! I mean, entirely gone! The only evidence remaining that indicated that even had a right arm to begin with, was a small, seven inches bloody bone, unsteadily connected to his right shoulder and facing downwards. Every other thing was gone. His right fingers, right hand, right forearm, right bicep, all ripped off at once, from the connection to his shoulder. All of this from just two simple tugs!

Blood was profusely gushing out from the torn area, like an unsupervised fountain left unchecked. It dyed the ground, in which Jay knelt on, crimson red, as it gushed out uncontrollably.

As the other nine, horrified men dreadfully stared at Jay's miserable condition, Zedd snorted in disgust and flung Jay's twitching arm far away from her. She then sashayed towards Jay, who was now beginning to sway unconsciously, due to too much blood loss. She avoided the blood soaked ground around Jay, by going around the bloody area, before arriving at his position. She didn't want any blood stain on her shoe or on her clothing, as bloodstains were hard to wash off, especially the ones that had dried up on the material. That was the reason why she instantly sprang backwards, after ripping off Jay's arm from his shoulder.

As she arrived right in front of Jay, she crouched downwards to meet with his kneeling position and she gently kissed his forehead, leaving a little saliva marking, as her lips parted from it. She then stood upright, grasped onto the upper part of the edges of his neck with both hands and to the dread and horror of the men staring, she mercilessly snapped and twisted the neck around.


Jay's neck twisted sharply, as his face did a complete 180 degree to the back of his body. A bone jutted out from the corner of his neck, right before his lifeless body hit the ground. His body sank into the crimson dye of his own blood.

"Wh-wh-wh-what is going on here?!! What the fuck is going on here?!!!! What the actual fuck is going on here?!!"

"How the hell could this be?!!"

"Th-Th-This woman isn't normal!! She is a fucking freak!!"

"S-She is a freaking monster!!!"

"I can't believe my eyes!! Is what I am seeing even real?!! Maybe, this is just a nightmare!! Yes, this should just be nightmare!!"

"What the hell do we do now?!! How do w- FUCK!!!!! SH- SHE IS COMING!!!!!"

As the nine men were trying to comprehend the reality of the unimaginable situation, Zedd had already begun accelerating to where they were positioned, along with Sasha behind her. Though the men were quivering in fright and scared shitless for their lives, but notwithstanding, they swiftly drew their weapons out methodically and got into battle stance.

They steeled themselves mentally with macho determination and grit, in an attempt to rid themselves of the fear creeping deep within them, so as to effectively repel the onrushing duo. After all, they were part of the Black Moon bandits, whom had terrorized and devastated all sorts of individuals. They were bandits, whom had seized an entire large town and had placed it under its thumb. They were the Black Moon bandits, they were fearless and ruthless and so why should they be afraid of two ladies? No matter how strong or monstrous they both were, they were nine men altogether and the ladies were just two. They had strength in numbers. They could definitely survive this. They could do this.

Or so they thought.

The first man among the nine to encounter Zedd, rose his long sword above his bald head and ferociously slashed downwards, in a desperate attempt to hit and cleave open Zedd, who was, but a meter away from him.


The blade of the sword shrilled lightly, as it descended dangerously, but unfortunately for the bald headed fellow, Zedd swiftly sprung to the left and avoided the attack, like a cat. She then went after another guy close to her position and left the bald headed guy for Sasha to take care of.

And take care of she absolutely did.

Sasha, who was a rightly behind Zedd, when the blade descended, hurled her fist at the now defenseless bald headed fellow, with dashing speed, pinpoint accuracy and of course, raw power. The punch ruthlessly connected on the Adam's apple of the guy and then went on to snap his neck, like a twig.


The bald headed fellow died, without even been given the opportunity to scream in pain and anguish. He died before his lifeless body hit the ground.