
Flames on Ice

A guy embarks on a mission with his sister and aunt to save a town from the deathly clutches of vicious bandits, only to discover during the mission, a strange phenomenon about himself. Guys, this is the first novel I am ever writing, so please try to ignore any punctuation or written errors. My aspiration in life is to be a great novel writer and l believe this novel is my first step in achieving this goal Don't forget to comment your thoughts about the novel, as I would need such comments for motivation, in order to improve my writing skillset. Happy reading my dear readers.

IAA_Breezy · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 27

At the hideout of the ambush unit, which was less than a mile away from the half, closed gate, the nine 'guards' were quietly and patiently waiting for their prey to cross the gate. Dirk, who was now in charge of monitoring the situation outside the gate, via the binoculars, which was given to him by Skipp, suddenly screamed excitedly,

"Wowwww!!!!!! This ebony woman is freaking hot!!"


"There is a female passenger on the carriage?!!"

"What ebony woman are you talking about?"

"How hot is she?!!!"

"Come on Dirk, tell us how hot she is!!"

"Dirk, answer us, you fool!!!"

The men kept asking Dirk to expatiate on the subject of the ebony woman, but he didn't give an answer to their inquisitions nor did he even attempt to move his eyes away from the lens of the binoculars. He was still very much fixated on what he was doing, like as if he was lost in a deep trance.

"Hey, Dirk pass the binoculars let us see, as well." Jay said, when he noticed that Dirk wasn't responding to the questions thrown at him.

"Yeah, pass the binoculars let us see!"

"Since you don't want to answer our questions, then hand over the binoculars!"

"Don't hoard the binoculars to yourself, Dirk!"

"Hand it over, Dirk!"

The men agreed to what Jay said and they persistently disturbed Dirk to hand over the binoculars to them.

"Hell no!" Dirk disagreed rudely. "You guys should get your own binoculars. I am not missing a single second of this beautiful sight." He was still earnestly looking through the lens of the binoculars, when he said this.

"What do you mean by we should get our own binoculars?!" One guy asked angrily.

"There is only one binoculars for us to share, you fool!" Another guy said angrily.

"Hand over the fucking binoculars, you fucker!!"

Dirk still didn't obey and do as he was told, and this further infuriated the men and made them more impatient. One guy couldn't tolerate this any longer and so he screamed "What the hell are we waiting for?! Someone should snatch the binoculars away from him!"

Immediately that guy said those words, three men, close to Dirk, acted in accordance, as they fought and struggled with Dirk to snatch away the binoculars from him. Even though Dirk was very persistent, but he didn't stand a chance on his own. It didn't take him up to thirty seconds, before he was overpowered and the binoculars was forcefully taken away from him.

The binoculars quickly went around the eight men. Well, no, it went around seven men; Drunk Derek was too deep in his drunken state, that he couldn't even comprehend the activities that were going on nor could he even hear the conversation among the men. He just laid sprawled on the floor and stared at the orange sun in the deep blue sky, which was now descending and beginning to set, as he was incoherently mumbling the lyrics of some vulgar folk song.

Each man, able to get hold of the binoculars, caught a glimpse of the passengers of the carriage, whom had now stepped outside of the carriage, because of Skipp's and Grant's 'compulsory inspection', through the opened area of the half closed gate. What interested each man the most was the female passenger, Dirk indicated, as been hot and when they saw her, they were all very interested, alright. When this men feasted their eyes on this ebony woman (Zedd), they simply couldn't control their unreserved, bestial, lustful desires. Three out of the seven men, instantly had an erection, while the other four, whom had some semblance of control, lustfully salivated and licked their lips in obscene anticipation, just from the sight of her, from afar. She wasn't even close to been naked, but they were all animalistically behaving in this sort of ungodly manner.

"God damn it, my cock is fucking hard. It's like it wants to burst through the seams of my trouser and announce itself to the whole wide world." One of the men with an erection said.

"Yeah. Mine is so hard, it's beginning to even hurt." Another guy with an erection said.

"Damn, this woman is so freaking hot." One guy lustfully salivating said.

"She is such a feast for the eyes." Another guy said.

"Yeah man. She is so delicately slim, with all the curves proportionally stationed in the right places and she is also eye-catchingly beautiful, as well. She is simply just perfect." Jay, who was also lustfully salivating said.

"Man, I can't wait for her to pass through the gate. My dick is quivering in extreme excitement." The third guy with the erection said.

"Even the teenage girl beside her, is pretty as well." The first guy with the erection said. He was obviously referring to Sasha.

"She just lacks a little bit of development in some key areas, which of course would develop over time, but she is hot and ripe for a teenager." The second guy, who was salivating said.

"The girl might even be a virgin, who knows?" Dirk chimed in, after he had reluctantly gotten over the forceful snatching of the binoculars.

"Yeah, there is a chance, you might even be right." A third guy, who was salivating lustfully said.

"Guys, I swear we have a magnificent and an unprecedented haul, coming our way. We have hit the jackpot. I am simply just too excited for this." The second guy, still with the erection said.

"Yeah, me too. I am so full of 'enthusiasm'." The third guy with the erection said, as he stared at his erect member.

"Hold on, before you guys get all too excited, let me just quickly say this openly and plainly." Jay paused, and when he had confirmed that he had the men's rapt attention, he quickly said. "I call dibs on the ebony woman."