
Flames on Ice

A guy embarks on a mission with his sister and aunt to save a town from the deathly clutches of vicious bandits, only to discover during the mission, a strange phenomenon about himself. Guys, this is the first novel I am ever writing, so please try to ignore any punctuation or written errors. My aspiration in life is to be a great novel writer and l believe this novel is my first step in achieving this goal Don't forget to comment your thoughts about the novel, as I would need such comments for motivation, in order to improve my writing skillset. Happy reading my dear readers.

IAA_Breezy · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 18

"Are we there yet?" Senro asked Zedd impatiently.

"No." Zedd softly replied.

After thirty minutes of the carriage smoothly plying the road, Senro asked again, "Are we there yet?"

"No. Don't disturb me." Zedd replied with a stern expression etched on her face.

After another twenty something minutes went by, Senro asked yet again, "Are we there yet?"

"Senro, are you blind? Can't you see we are in the middle of a wilderness? Will you stop behaving like a little kid and leave me the fuck alone?!" Zedd rambled.

Zedd was clearly very irritated by Senro's incessant, one-sided question. She thought to herself, as she glared angrily at Senro, 'Why can't this fool not behave more like his sister and compose himself. See how Sasha is calm, composed and focused and hasn't disturbed me about the location of the town. Whereas, this one is just plain annoying and he is really getting on my nerves. I don't know how this two are even related. They are just so different from each other.'

The carriage steadily crossed the wilderness, after about thirty something minutes went by. They, then arrived in an area with a scanty amount of cottages, scattered along the area's axis. After taking in this scenery, Senro couldn't control his impatience and excitement any longer and before he could stop himself, he ended up blurting out, "Are we there yet?"

Zedd's face, then, darkened with rage, as she glared intensely at Senro with a look that almost felt like she wanted to see the internal organs of Senro's body. This caused Senro to shrink a little, out of fear. Then, Zedd coldly said,

"Igneel Senro, this is the very last time you will ask me this same, stupid question again. If you dare ask me this nonsense again, then be prepared. For, I will personally throw you off this carriage and you will have to find your own way to the town. Do you understand me?!"

"What?! You can't do that. That would be totally unfair and heartless. Am I not your beloved nephew? Why would you want to do such a thing to me?" Senro protested, like a little kid, who had been wronged.

"Ohhhhh!!! Are you daring me?! Do you want to bet this with me?! No, come on just say it! Just say "Are we there yet" one more time! Please just say it! "Zedd dared Senro, as the anger on her face, morphed into a cold, malicious smile, which exposed her pearly, white set of teeth.

Senro knew, firsthand, that when Zedd got angry, there were times when she would act irrationally, not even minding the consequences of her actions.

There was a time when Zedd got so angry with one of the warriors, that she beat the living daylight out of the guy. Senro witnessed, on that day, as Zedd continued to rain down punches after punches on her own comrade. Even when the guy passed out, she didn't stop. She relentlessly continued to beat the crap out of him. If not for the timely intervention of Mom, the guy, probably, wouldn't have lived to see the next day. And what was the poor guy's offense? He simply asked Zedd out on a date, as he had a crush on her. That was all. I mean, a simple no would have just sufficed, but no, she just decided to almost send the guy to his grave.

It was also in that moment that Senro witnessed, for the first time ever, the brutal, insane strength of his mom. Mom didn't mind the fact that Zedd was her younger sister. After she witnessed what Zedd had done, she snapped. Right in front of everyone, she beat the crap out of Zedd. She beat Zedd so bad, that Zedd fainted and later on, Zedd couldn't stand up from her bed for a week. For a monster like Zedd to be beaten up so bad like that, just imagine the abnormal and insane strength one needed to have, to perform such a feat. From then on, Senro never dared to provoke his mom. That one was a queen level monster.

Though Mom felt remorseful for what she did to Zedd, she never apologized to her. The warriors were her pride and joy, as well as her business investment. She would never let anyone who harmed any one of them to go scot free; even if such person was her own sister.

So when Senro noticed the anger emerging on Zedd's face and the threatening look she was giving to him, he decided to keep his mouth shut and didn't dare to provoke her any further, even though he felt aggrieved. She might just make her threat come true and truly kick him out of the carriage.

"Aunt Zedd, please calm down. I am sure Senro didn't mean to offend you in anyway. He is just enthusiastic about the mission and he can't wait to get to Fleming town." Sasha pleaded on Senro's behalf.

She, then, pinched Senro's thigh with her fingers, causing Senro, who was sitting close to her, to jerk back in pain and glare at her with a look that inquired about the reason why she pinched him, before she whispered to him, "Apologize to her, you dummy."

"But why? I didn't do anything wrong." Senro whispered back, as he protested to Sasha.

"Do you want me to kick you off this carriage, myself? I said, apologize to her." Sasha whispered, with a piercing, threatening glare.

Senro frowned deeply and muttered some curse words under his breath. Though it was meant to be a silent whisper of vulgar words, but it was loud enough for Sasha, who was close to him, to hear him and she rewarded him with another pinch; this one, a lot more painful than the previous one.

"Fine, fine. I will do it." Senro whispered, as he rubbed the area on his thigh, which was pinched. He, then turned to face Zedd and with the most sincere face he could conjure up, he said, "Aunt Zedd, I am sorry for the disturbance earlier. I will keep my mouth shut till we reach the town. Please relieve yourself of your anger."

"Hmmph, sorry my foot!" Zedd snorted. "Just don't let me hear that nonsense question from you. You were this close to been thrown off this carriage. Just this close." Zedd demonstrated how close he was, with her left index finger and her thumb, forming a bent "C" shape.

'This bitch!' Senro thought to himself, as he gritted his teeth in anger, in his mind. In reality though, he had an apologetic look on his face, as he didn't want to incur the wrath of Zedd or of Sasha close to him. But, even with the apologetic expression on his face, he couldn't stop his face from reflexively twitching in anger, no matter how much he tried to control himself. Fortunately, this wasn't noticed by Zedd or Sasha.

He believed he wasn't in the wrong here and he felt seriously offended by this. Zedd had explicitly told him and Sasha yesterday, that they would reach Fleming town by noon, today and now it had already long passed half past three (3:30pm), just some minutes away from four (4:00pm). So why wouldn't he be impatient and ask the same annoying question over and over again? So he should just sit and say nothing about this, like Sasha did and suck up to Zedd, after her obvious error? That was just bullshit. He should be allowed to express himself in the manner and the way he wants and not to be treated like this.

Of course, he couldn't express his grievances out loud to the ears of the two mean females sitting with him. That is, if he still wanted to continue this trip with them.

After Zedd had calmed down a little, she noticed the gloomy expression on Senro's face and she, then, sighed and said,

"We are almost at Fleming town. This place we are in, with the scanty amount of cottages, scattered around the area, are the villages close to the town. We are about to reach the border of Fleming town. Are you satisfied now?"

Senro didn't answer Zedd. It was only after Sasha used her knee to hit his own knee, did he let out a muffled "Yes" reluctantly.

"Good. Now, don't disturb me again."

'This fucking bitch!' Senro thought to himself, as he silently gritted his teeth in anger.