
Flames of redemption

"You're such a bastard!" "I am a bastard," he agreed, leaning even closer to her, "but I'm your bastard, kitten." Someone who's not average, not ordinary, not trying to fit in, not....'normal', as defined by society. And deep inside, she felt the weight of eyes upon her, watching her every move. Questions lingered and haunted her mind: Who was the observer? And what motives laid behind those captivating gazes?

Izabel_Gamer · Fantasy
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106 Chs


After Vesper left from the dining table, she walked around the large garden and thought of ways to give a heavy comeback to Sirius. But then, assuming that Allegra and Circe wouldn't have stood much more in the table, she entered inside and didn't find anyone inside the dining chamber. She asked the servants of where he went and they happened to not know.Then, she went to her sisters who were in the salon, looking at their futuristic devices like phones."You fools! You have no idea how screwed we are!" Vesper angrily shouted at them and they just noticed her presence."What the fuck is your problem?" Allegra spanned back, frustrated."It's not only my problem, it's ours all. Didn't you see what Sirius did there? He is trying to show us, that we have no power and authority." Vesper spoke, her unleashed anger still palpable since she left that table.Allegra rolled her eyes, unfazed "By bringing that loser? You're exaggerating. She's not all that, really. Just a prisoner, nothing else. Did you see how ugly she was? What about her clothes? Just like a slave."Vesper shook her head, frustrated by her sister's lack of assuming."Since when do prisoners and slaves stay in fancy chambers and take part in dinners?""Ask that to your guy, not to me," the blondie retorted, growing furious from Vesper's rage."Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do!" Vesper snapped angrily and slammed the door shut, the impact even the walls would have trembled.The angered witch went to Sirius's chilling chambers but he wasn't there. She searched all around the enormous castle but didn't find him. Then an idea crossed her mind; to search the undergrounds. Vesper followed a lead to a secret chamber with tall bookcases. She approached one of them and pressed a button, deep in the bookcase. It shifted and revealed to be a secret entrance.She quietly stepped down on a rocky pavement and the bookshelf secret door closed automatically behind her back.The entrance would be creepy for someone who'd never been there. The washed out walls were covered with dry oil lamps, that lit the tunnel dimly. Down the pavement, sounds of rodents were heard. Vesper felt disgusted as she couldn't stand having to walk only on her heels and her bare legs.That was the place were captives were held and tortured. As Vesper walked quietly, her anger grew even more at knowing that Regan wasn't kept there, she was an exception. A voice told Vesper to go to the girl's chamber and knock her out with her dark magic. But still, Sirius was the one who should give explanations first.As Vesper walked through the dark basement, she saw a flash of shadows on the wall. A painful groan was heard from the other side of the hall and after that, an enraged familiar voice."Torture that bastard until he speaks!" Sirius's command reverberated through the dimly lit corridor as he conversed with general Vlad about Finn's capture.The general nodded in understanding, "Yes, my lord. We shall extract every bit of information from him. I don't think he'll resist after what you did to him."As Sirius continued discussing the interrogation techniques, Vesper barged into the scene, "I found you, finally! We need to talk about your little twisted game! Now!" She said, her voice dangerously low.Sirius shot her an irritated glance. "Not now, Vesper. I'm handling important matters."Vesper persisted, intentionally getting on his nerves, "My matter is more important!"Vlad attempted to intervene diplomatically. "My lord, we must discuss Vesper's concerns at a more suitable time. Our focus should be on the captured infiltrator.""Vlad is right, Vesper. I don't have time for your melodrama now. We'll talk later." Sirius said, the annoyance overly evident in his voice.Vesper, undeterred, crossed her arms defiantly. "No, Sirius. We talk now. You're going to tell me everything about that redhead weirdo.""You have no idea what's at stake here. I won't let your personal matters compromise the Order's safety." He said, his voice cold and stern.Vlad, sensing the tension, urged Sirius quietly, "My lord, let us handle the interrogation first. You can adress her later.""Just shut the fuck up, Vlad! No one cares about your interrogation." Vesper said, her voice dripping with anger."You might as well shut up." Sirius growled, worn out of patience. He cast a spell on Vesper's way, creating a transparent barrier, which blocked Vesper's voice from travelling and her further movements."Pathetic witch." Sirius scoffed and walked away with Vlad, conversing about Finn's matter.Vesper threw her fists on the invisible barrier and her heated gaze lingered on them, her determination unyielding. The shadows in the dimly lit corridor whispered of conflicts yet to unfold."Really? You shut me down like that?! You damn bastard!" Vesper yelled, being heard by herself and the walls only. She went out of the undergrounds and tried to not meet with her ridiculous sisters, hence avoiding them because they would ask for the smallest thing.Her enraged state was raising even more as she waited in Sirius's chamber, her patience out already.When he finally entered, he looked at her, his raven hair disheveled, his face not betraying any emotions in particular.Sirius knew very well what she was going to rant about. There were no words to describe how much he wanted to kick her out, but even if she left, her sisters would come.He removed his flowing black coat, revealing his white ruffled shirt beneath his grey vest. Then he sat on his throne and placed his hand on his forehead.Vesper's eyes burned with anger the whole time as she couldn't wait to end this stupid formality."Go on. Ask." He said, unfazed."I know very well why you brought Regan there, to piss me and my sisters off. And not only that, you sat her beside me! What the hell do you think you're doing? Instead of showing gratitude to me and my sisters for the position and the power you have, you waste time with someone as insignificant as Regan!" Vesper threw her words furiously as she slammed her fist on the table.The sorcerer listened, unfazed, his stoic expression not sparing any particular interest at what the witch said."That's what you care? You don't care to know who she is?""Regan is merely a weak being who has nothing to do with the magical realms!""No, that's not who Regan is!" The sorcerer slammed his fist on the armrests of his throne, his knuckles turning white. This time, his voice filled with fury."Tell me then, who the hell is she?" Vesper shouted angrily.He took a deel breath, his expression hard as steel."She's the last heir of Avalon," he revealed sternly, his face blank."Avalon?" Vesper raised an eyebrow, "What?""You heard it. She's a princess, a heir."Vesper took some time to process his words. Then, it clicked."Regan is from Avalon?!" she exclaimed, "How? That's not true! Everyone died in that battle."She knew of Avalon. The kingdom had always been known for its govern and grace."She did not," He said, his expression still blank.The witch was bewildered and shocked. She could never ever think of Regan as a princess or see her with that much potential."You must be mistaken! How do you know she's the heir? Didn't the destruction take place a lot of years ago? She must've been very little at that time and the chances of surviving were zero, considering the realm turned into a living hell.""I've got my facts straight. She's our enemy. She's not just a little earthly girl.""I don't understand," Vesper retorted, "how did she survive? Didn't you kill her? Weren't you after killing them all anyway?"He put his hand on his forehead, his expression a sort of regret and confusion, "I saw them die. But not everything was as it looked."Vesper didn't want to believe that Regan was a princess. And there weren't any proofs of that."And how do you know it's her? Where are the proofs of that?!" She asked in disbelief."Here comes the worst part. Being a royal, she held the eternal ember, a flame that only royals of Avalon held. Ironically, I hold the same flame, except I had nothing to do with royalty. My flame came corrupted. That's how I know it's her. I can feel her flame, it's unmistakable." Sirius explained, his voice filled with a mix of bitterness and uncertainty for his own mind.Vesper clenched her fists tightly, "That makes no sense! You! Merciless and destructive, failed to eliminate a weak girl, the heiress of a failed kingdom! That's impossible!" She hissed as she sat down across, her face tight with anger."I didn't fail anything!" He snapped, his patience hanging thin.As Vesper took his words into consideration, she reasoned that there must have been something he missed or just something else. Because she was sure he couldn't just let the last heir live."So, how did she survive? How did she end up on earth?" Vesper asked, confused and weirded out."It doesn't matter now. She found a way." Sirius retorted, his voice cold and stern."And now? Why are you keeping her here?""Because she's a threat and an enemy. I can't let her wander around and cause problems." He snapped, his voice filled with frustration."I don't understand," she said, "I don't think this is accurate. And I don't think this'll serve anything."What's your problem? Are you afraid? You should be. You're less powerful anyway." He taunted, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips, his voice dripping with venom.Vesper gritted her teeth in anger and she furiously threw an lightning bolt at him, which he caught easily with his hand, crushing it."Save it," the sorcerer taunted with his smug expression, "you wouldn't want your powers to run out."Vesper glared at him, her eyes burning and before she could speak, he stole the queue."Regan is a threat for everyone, she's not meant to be taken easy. She must not be underestimated." He coldly stated."If she's an enemy, why not get rid of her now?" Vesper hissed, "She doesn't know about her identity and she'll never learn it! It is very easy to eliminate her!""I won't attack now. She'll learn her identity, her potential, and then we'll see who's stronger." Sirius said, his tone cold and cryptic, leaving no room to wonder why he'd say that.Vesper shook her head, bewildered of how illogical he was acting."Why are you so bothered anyway?" Sirius smirked, "Regan will be destroyed one day, just like her kingdom did." He added, his voice dripping with confidence and manipulation."I know," Vesper said, her expression softening, " I just don't understand what's the point in dragging it."He rolled his eyes, not wanting to listen or tell about it anymore. "It's my plan. Now, leave." He waved his hand dismissely and Vesper scowled. She couldn't believe he was so distant with her.But she left, rushing out to tell her sisters about it. She somehow calmed down a little, although her hatred for Regan grew even more.As she entered their chambers, she found them talking about random things.Just as Allegra saw Vesper sitting on the armchair and noticed her different expression, she couldn't spare to taunt her."So? What happened, did you talk it out with your guy?" Allegra asked with a smirk."Yes, I did. And he told what's with Regan's matter," she answered.Allegra threw her other sister a knowing look and Circe smiled mockingly in response."He probably lied," Circe said mischievously."What the hell are you saying?" Vesper snapped back."Oh, let me clear it up," Circe said as she got up from the luxury couch, "we all know what kind of man Sirius is, don't we? He's a deceiver on top."Vesper's annoyance was raising again at the senseless words of her sister."What would he lie for? You fools don't even know what the whole matter is about.""Oh, but we're afraid we know," Allegra said with a devilish smirk, "didn't you tell us yesterday, he once gave her red roses?""What?" Vesper's confusion rose within herself. In a moment, she remembered when she told them about Sirius's strange behaviors, but he had explained his actions pretty accurately back on Earth. Vesper regretted saying that to her sisters."Yes, you did. No deny, he probably has got a crush on her." Circe added, enjoying the discomfort on Vesper's face. Vesper gritted her teeth, feeling a mix of anger and jealousy. Her sister's words hit a nerve, and she couldn't help but question her own judgment."You wouldn't dare say this right on his face!" Vesper furiously stated, as her eyes burned at Circe's remarks."Oh me? Of course, I will. Let's just see what his response will be." Circe chuckled, clearly enjoying the idea of provoking Sirius.Vesper took a moment to collect her thoughts and regain her composure. She realized that her sisters were intentionally trying to stir up trouble and create doubt."You're just jealous. After all, Sirius spoke to me, not to you." Vesper said as she smiled at herself.Allegra's face crossed a frown and she prepared to hit on another spot, but Circe spoke again."Weren't you the one who said that he's trying to show his superiority and power over us?""That's true in one way. But there's some other crap. That loser, Regan turned out to be someone else." Vesper said, running her hands on her temples, as she herself couldn't believe that Regan came from a royal family.