
Flames of Justice (Completed)

Ryu came to the Naruto World with one goal and one goal only! HE WILL DANCE WITH THE BEST BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

The invisible battle of wills!

Orochimaru's eyes widened and he jumped back extremely quickly!

Ryu's foot hit a massive tree and a huge explosion appeared on the opposite side, blowing a massive hole in the gigantic tree!

Everything turned to Ashes under the blow!

Ryu turned to Orochimaru and licks of flame escaped from his mouth as he said "Wanna see another trick?" before he breathed out a pillar of flames out of nowhere!

Orochimaru sealed with a solemn face, spitting out a pillar of water… But it evaporated instantly!

Orochimaru shouted "Impossible!" as he ran from the flame pillar, looking back only to see a black scorched column stretching out in the distance.

Orochimaru's eyes reflected fear but also a massive amount of greed, Ryu chuckled and flames escaped his mouth as he explained "3000 degrees, can you survive it? Ah… I don't think so, right?"

Orochimaru licked his face, staring at Ryu's body greedily.

Ryu closed his eyes and blood escaped his eyelids as he opened them to normal, saying "I have a deal for you, how about it?"

Orochimaru didn't sneer this time and listened quietly, Ryu said "You continue your plan to kill Hiruzen and I won't interfere at all." Orochimaru was confused and Ryu sneered, "Don't pretend in front of me. Sakumo Hatake, Senju clan, Minato Namikaze, Uchiha clan, etc… Anyway, I want you to send your troops to slaughter the entire Sarutobi clan as well!"

Orochimaru licked his lips and said "Is there more?" Ryu raised a second finger, saying "Second! If Sasuke leaves the village to go to you, you will not put a curse mark on him! Nor use him as a vessel." Orochimaru frowned this time and Ryu continued, "Also, you'll release the Curse Mark on Anko's neck."

Orochimaru sneered, "Now you're joking." Ryu frowned and said firmly "Listen! For Anko's request, I'm letting you live right now! For Sasuke, I'll give you a bottle of my blood."

Orochimaru's eyes lit up and he licked his face excitedly, saying "Are you serious, Ryu-kun?!" Ryu frowned tightly, saying very seriously "If you even touch a hair on Sasuke's head while he's with you, I WILL kill you, Orochimaru. I promise you, even if you hide at the ends of the Earth I will hunt you down!"

He released his Conqueror's Haki and snarled viciously "Do you understand!?"

Orochimaru swallowed and nodded, "I promise!" Ryu frowned, "I want a blood pact." Orchimaru's pupils constricted but he grit his teeth and retorted "I want a jar of your blood!"

Ryu closed his eyes and said "It's good." Orochimaru's eyes lit up and he flickered over excitedly, they both slashed their palms and sealed before slapping the palms together.

A blood red infinity symbol appeared on the duo's wrists before disappearing.

Orochimaru suddenly said "Maybe an extra jar as a sign of friendship?" Ryu smiled back at him, "Sure, come work in Konoha on technology instead of Immortality." Orochimaru sneered and stopped speaking on this topic, saying instead "I need Anko here to undo the Mark."

Ryu crossed his arms and said "She'll be here in 3 seconds."

Orochimaru looked at him strangely but sure enough, 3 seconds later, Anko appeared!

Orochimaru looked at Ryu in shock, saying "Amazing!" Anko frowned and looked at Ryu questioningly "Ryu?" Ryu braced himself and a devil grin appeared as he said "I reached a deal with Orochimaru, he'll undo your curse mark."

Anko's eyes widened and she stared at him incredulously, her eyes complicated as she said "Why… You know how I-" Ryu's grin widened as he said with eyes full of love, "I know. But this is safer… Plus, it's a permanent solution. I know how you feel with that mark. You might pretend that it doesn't bother you but I know what kind of pain you're in!"

Anko clenched her fists and teared up, looking at Ryu with endless emotions in her eyes, but unable to say a single word.

Orochimaru looked at the two of them, an awkward smile sprawled on his face.

He wasn't very good with emotions…

Ryu turned to him and said "Do it!"

Orochimaru smiled, this was his domain~

He sealed quickly and said "Evil Release!"

Anko groaned in pain as the Curse Mark appeared before slowly dissolving.

Ryu looked at her before turning to Orochimaru, frowning "Is that it?" Orochimaru rolled his eyes and replied "Ryu-kun, we agreed, remember?" as he shook his wrist. Ryu frowned and said "It was just so easy…"

Orochimaru smiled "Well, I didn't create it to be complicated. It's just a simple seal…" he stretched and turned around to leave, licking his lips, "See you later, Ryu-kun~"

Ryu didn't stop him and held Anko, smiling gently "How do you feel, Anko?" Anko looked at him sadly, saying "For me you made an agreement with Orochimaru… Ryu, I…" she teared up and sobbed "I love your stupid face…"

Ryu smiled emotionally and pulled her into his arms and whispered "You're free now, Anko. Congratulations." Anko gripped him tightly and cried tears of joy, she finally felt so much better! She no longer had that god damn voice in her head urging her to use the Curse Seal!

Ryu stroked her hair and smiled, she looked up and smiled at him. He pinched her nose and said "Shouldn't you be at the Tower, Miss Invigilator?" Anko looked around and said softly, "Well… I should have time…"

Ryu stared at her with a dumbfounded look, shouting "Here?! Right now?!" Anko punched his chest, blushing "Oh my god! Can you shut up!?" Ryu swallowed and replied "As much as I want to…" he sighed and complained "I have something to do…"

Anko pouted at him with watery eyes and he said with difficulty, "Don't look at me like that… I really can't bear it…" Anko kissed him and said "Then don't." Ryu pulled her waist tightly and sighed inwardly, slightly excited…

A while later

Ryu cleared his throat while smoothing out his clothes. Anko wiped her lips with her thumb, looking at Ryu sweetly with a flushed face. Ryu laughed dryly, "You're going to drain me dry one day…" Anko snorted cutely with amused eyes, "Like you'd be bothered by that."

Ryu coughed and patted his chest, saying seriously "I'm a serious guy, okay! I would definitely mind!" Anko rolled her eyes and pulled down her shirt, smiling "Steak Tips for dinner?"

Ryu's eyes lit up and he drooled, "Honey Glazed?!" Anko knocked on his head and giggled "Sure~" Ryu licked his lips and giggled happily, she kissed him and smoothed out his shirt, saying softly "Mm… Don't be late."

Ryu nodded with a smile and she turned to leave, saying sweetly "Love you~" Ryu jumped away, saying loudly "I love you, Anko-chaaaaaaaan~" Anko laughed and they disappeared in separate directions.

Ryu came to a clearing and looked at the group on the ground.

Sasuke held his arm, staring at the Sound Ninja with 3 Tomoe in his eyes!

Ryu was stunned, this is what would've happened if he didn't get the curse mark? Ryu nearly cheered, this Protagonist Halo was too op!

Maybe if he's really forced, he'd open Mangekyou right away!?

Ryu squatted on a branch, looking down at the group as the Sound Ninja carried their teammates and left, leaving the scroll there.

Ryu curled his lips and muttered "Seems like I don't have to do anything…" he looked at Sasuke deeply before sighing and leaving.

At the end of the Second Exam~

Ryu was sitting on the ground, eating the brand new Ultra Super Mega Sweet Red Bean Paste with Honey and Caramelized Strawberry Glazed Mochi Dango! He threw one into his mouth and chewed with a happy expression as the rest of the Examiners and Examinees stood in line.

Anko kicked him and whispered "Get up! Hokage-sama's going to speak!" Ryu's eyes flashed with a sneer for a split second before he threw a dango at Anko, continuing to sit on the ground.

Anko ate the Dango and chewed, not bothering him anymore, an intoxicated smile on her face.

The Genin had their mouths twitch as did most of the Jonin…

Hiruzen started speaking and Ryu froze, turning his gaze to a Genin in the audience. The little fatty was staring at him with drool coming out of his mouth.


He was staring at the Dango bag!

Ryu covered the bag and glared at him, warning looks surging in his eyes as he looked at the fatty.

Almost as if they communicated in an instant…

'Give me your Dango!'

'No! Fuck off, fatty!'


'Heh… A fatty is a fatty after all, you can't take my Dango even if you trained for another 1000 years!'

As the duo were in an intense battle of wits, Hiruzen continued speaking as he explained the Third Exam…