
Flames of Justice (Completed)

Ryu came to the Naruto World with one goal and one goal only! HE WILL DANCE WITH THE BEST BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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86 Chs

The end of the greatest Temporary Hokage

Ryu stood with his hands behind his back, looking out the window behind the Hokage desk.

Everything was cleaned, neat, and extremely organized.

Almost obsessively so.

The Hokage cloak and hat were folded and laid on the Desk neatly.

The only thing that remained of Ryu's tenure was Ryu himself.

The door opened and Tsunade walked in with Jiraiya and Naruto, Shikaku followed along with a slightly sour face.

Although it was agreed upon that Tsunade would take over when she got back, Ryu did an excellent job.

Actually, you could say that he did more than any Hokage to come before him.

Under his guidance, Konoha was raking in money from the outside, children were learning more specialized training, a brand new Anbu was established, various quality of life improvements flourished around the village…

So many things happened in these short 2 months, it was a bit unbelievable…

If they had another vote… It was highly likely that Ryu would be voted in unanimously…

Unfortunately, there wasn't another vote.

Tsunade looked around and said "You can leave now." Ryu smiled and pushed open the window, not saying anything as he flickered, disappearing in an instant.

Naruto said "Ah wait!" but Ryu was already gone.

Naruto sighed, "I forgot to ask him where our house is now…" Shikaku cleared his throat with an amused look, giving Naruto directions.

Naruto's eyes lit up and he ran out.

Tsunade sat in the Hokage chair and put the hat on her head, saying "What's going on in Konoha." Jiraiya looked at Shikaku, saying in shock "I also want to know! It changed so much in 2 months!? What happened?!"

Shikaku smiled at the duo, pointing to a scroll on the table, saying "Previous Hokage left a comprehensive report on everything that changed during his tenure in that scroll anticipating this situation. Everything you need to know as well as suggestions for development and future plans along with explanations are in there so that you can adapt quickly."

Shikaku's expression turned slightly unfriendly as he added "Hopefully, you can adapt quickly, Tsunade-sama. The previous Hokage had to deal with a lot so that you can sit here comfortably. The new Konoha doesn't need constant leadership, but it's best to be able to react to situations." before he turned around and left the office, closing the door behind him.

Jiraiya was stunned and Tsunade said badly "This is what you bring me back to? I thought you decided to make me Hokage 2 months ago!" Jiraiya was also confused, replying "We did. It was a unanimous vote!" as he walked over, saying "Well, let's read the scroll. Maybe we'll understand then, right?"

Tsunade nodded and opened the scroll, suddenly, her and Jiraiya's eyes widened as the scroll continued and continued with endless information. It was all neatly divided into the changes, suggestions, and future development plans.

There was even an expansion plan!

And even a plan to break away from the Daimyo's financial control!

Tsunade was dizzy looking at all the neat characters while Jiraiya was just plain confused.

Ryu was walking on the street, feeling relaxed as he carried a bag of Dango.

No more burdens for him.

Now he can concentrate on what he wanted to do…

Ryu turned to a garden, looking at the little plants being taken care of by several civilians. He smiled to himself and continued walking.

This was another reward from the system…

[Congratulations for changing Konoha's course of development! (Hidden Achievement Completed!)]

[Senzu Beans]

Ryu designated a group of civilians to take care of the Senzu beans. Problem was that Senzu Beans take a LONG time to grow, even with Yamato's wood style stimulation and water release jutsu.

Even burying them in Chakra infused soil doesn't work to speed it up.

Ryu only got 20 of them.

15 of which were planted.

He fed Lee one and cured him completely.

The other 4 were kept by Ryu.

Even now after a month, there's been no harvest.

Ryu didn't know how long they took and ordered a Greenhouse to be built around a plot of land where they were planted. Just in case they couldn't survive winter.

Ryu planned to give Naruto and Sasuke 2 each before they left just in case something happened to them.

As he returned home, Naruto jumped into his arms and started chatting endlessly, saying that he learned a new jutsu and that he was super strong now and about how he was so great and the best ninja to ever live and he could even destroy the planet if he wanted to but chose not to and how that even with a snap of his fingers he could destroy the universe but he chose not to because he was so great…

Ryu smiled happily and rubbed his head as he chattered on, his smile slowly disappearing and then he kicked Naruto into the sky, shouting "I GET IT ALREADY!"

Naruto disappeared into the sky and left a twinkle as Ryu let out a breath and smiled "Glad your back, you little bastard." before walking into the house.

Naruto jumped out from under the table and laughed, "I missed you… dad!" Ryu teared up and punched him in the face, laughing "How did you get back here from the atmosphere! You bastard! Hahahaha!"

Sasuke came back to see the entire scene and sneaked past Ryu and Naruto before his collar was grabbed.

Ryu said "You can take them off now." Sasuke's eyes widened and he quickly took off the weights.

He waved his arms, making afterimages as he laughed "hahahha! Stupid Naruto, I'm going to kick you ass!" as he jumped lightly on his feet.

Unfortunately, he misjudged his strength and shot into the ceiling!

His head got stuck in the ceiling and the rest of his body dangled…

Naruto burst out laughing and pointed at Sasuke but Ryu roared "MY CEILING! AHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Sasuke's body started sweating profusely and Naruto stiffened directly.

A while later

The two were kneeling on the ground with bruised and swollen faces, saying "Shorry Dad…" Ryu tapped on the ground with his arms crossed as he growled "Do you know how much this house cost?! A shit-ton of money! Damn it!"

Sasuke complained quietly "But it was free…"

Ryu kicked him in the face, shouting "IT'S THE PRINCIPLE, BASTARD!" Naruto said "I love the new house! I never lived in a house before!" Ryu kicked him in the face, roaring "YOU BETTER!"

After everyone calmed down and Ryu fixed the ceiling, Anko came home and they had a warm meal as Naruto talked about his adventures and Sasuke talked about his training.

Ryu and Anko smiled as they listened, the entire house filled with a warm atmosphere.

The next day

Ryu was in his office at home, writing in various notebooks, cross referencing, comparing, etc.

Very complicated stuff.

Just as he finished Sun and Moon Sage Modes, closing the booklets with a satisfied smile, Tsunade barged into his house with Jiraiya.

She walked into his office and threw the scroll at him, shouting "What the hell have you been up to?! Are you nuts!?" Jiraiya held her back and said "Tsunade! Calm down!" Tsunade exploded, "Calm down?! Do you know how much work I have to do now?! You definitely did it on purpose! You damn brat!"

Ryu was stunned and caught the scroll, frowning "What do you have to do, I did everything…" Tsunade roared "This isn't Konoha anymore! You changed everything!" Ryu retorted, "So? This is better."

Tsunade almost exploded!

Jiraiya knocked her out and apologized, "Sorry, Ryu… She's a bit on edge…" Ryu threw the scroll back and said "Whatever. Hopefully she doesn't ruin my efforts… Or rather, I hope she can adapt because the rest of the village will impeach her if she doesn't."

Jiraiya was helpless and nodded, Ryu suddenly smiled and said "Not too bad teaching Naruto, by the way…" Jiraiya suddenly grinned and gave him a thumbs up, replying "I'm pretty good, right? Heh heh heh~"

Ryu rolled his eyes and said flatly "Don't get too cocky, when that kid came back his ego inflated to the sky! He told me that he could destroy Konoha with a single Rasengan but chose not to because he didn't want to never have Ichiraku Ramen again…"

Jiraiya was speechless, denying instantly "I didn't teach him this…" Ryu shook his head and said "Anyway, come here. Leave that slob on the floor." Jiraiya sweat a bit and laid Tsunade on the ground, walking over curiously.

Ryu took out a few books, laying them out on the table, saying "Take these with you. This is Beast Breathing, I think it suits you best. Along with the 6 Powers and Blood Surging Art. There's also notes on Sage Mode, quite frankly your sage mode is a big fat joke. In addition, I included Beast Breathing Sage Mode into the Beast Breathing Technique…"

He chatted for a bit before revealing, "I want you to continue Training Naruto. I'm sure you've seen his Blood Surging Art…"

Jiraiya was stunned, saying "You made these!?" Ryu rolled his eyes, saying "A bit late of a reaction, right? Anyway, this is Sun Breathing Sage Mode." as he tapped on a booklet, "I want you to teach Naruto this."

Jiraiya opened the Beast Breathing and rubbed his chin as he read, "To be honest with you, I was thinking of bringing him to Mount Myoboku to learn Sage Mode." Ryu replied to him honestly, explaining "Toad Sage Mode, Slug Sage Mode, and Snake Sage Mode, while humans can practice them and achieve results, it will never be as good as Human specific Sage Mode."

He shook his head and continued, "These Sage Modes are made specifically for Humans, not animals. Although, there is no conflict or friction between the two. Toad Sage Mode and Sun Sage mode can be used at the same time. You can take him to Mount Myoboku if you want. If you do go…"

He handed Jiraiya a scroll, saying "These are all the Breathing Techniques I've created as well as all the Sage Modes so far. There's Lightning, Rock, Sun, Moon, and Beast. I'm working on the rest, but it will take some time. Give these to the Toads as a gift for Naruto and Minato."

Jiraiya looked at him, speechless and Ryu continued "I will hand the Sun Sage Mode to you to keep for Naruto. The rest is for you." as he took back the Moon Breathing Sage Mode.

Jiraiya nodded and scooped up the books, leaving the house with Tsunade.

Ryu laid back and hummed to himself.

A few days later