
Flames Of Insanity

Princess Aryka hated two things. 1. Getting married. It was more or less like slavery, invisible chains sucking away the very essence of her life. To be with someone, was to be sentenced to death, but as a Princess with responsibility to her people, this kind of torture was something she could endure. Because for the greater good of Yarma, what wouldn't she do? 2. Getting involved with the Drakkons. This one was absolutely forbidden, for all of Yarma and their neighbouring kingdoms. It was stupid to get involved with one's enemies, absolutely foolish to offer them anything but death. But when Aryka laid her gaze on her husband's new captive, things... changed. Soon enough, she found herself flirting with madness, and getting lost in the flames of insanity, forgetting that fire was as beautiful as it was deadly. Note - Rated 18. ((Some relationships in this book might seem unconventional. The chapters will be short as it is a side project for now, but I intend to update the chapters as frequently as I can on Wattpad, Instagram or on discord. Thank you for reading)). #dragon #royal #captive #love #romance #betrayal #revenge #war #magic #relationships

AT_Imagination · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Princess Duties




I knew this was necessary for me to do, yet as I approached the golden alter under the open full moonlight, my need to run grew hot in my veins, contrasting the cold that swept delicately upon my brown skin.

My entire body itched to escape.

I hated marriages and mine had finally come upon me. I knew this would happen, still I could never prepare myself enough for it.

I should sprint right out of here and damn the consequences... and I would have, if I wasn't a princess, if the borders of my kingdom wasn't relaying on this marriage to be safe from the threatened invasion we had recently received from the Drakkons, if the Taykir wouldn't draw their swords for the disrespect my rejection would bring upon them, if too much blood wouldn't be shed for my silliness, if only everything was... different.

Also, if I could run without tripping from the weight of this flowing purple dress. I swear by Ina, it was ridiculously heavy! It was enough reason to never want to get married. It didn't help that I was also terrible at running.

Even my mind didn't try to be delusional about my abilities.

My mother's pleading gaze found my glassy ones and sent me one clear message.


By Ina, this woman believed in my abilities way too much. I didn't even believe that much in myself.

She was all shades of hilarious.

My father's hard gaze was set upon me. I knew he was hurting beneath all that facade. It hurt him that he was giving his daughter out like this but his hands were tied.

Oh, my sweet Baba.

I loved the way he loved me, I wish he would love my mother half as much as he did me.

I wish he would love her half as much as he loved his people.

For all these reasons, I took the next step towards the alter, found my mother's gaze again and knew it in my gut, that just like her, I was about to suffer the same fate.

I was about to be trapped.


Well, anything for Yarma, right?

Anything for my people.

Afterall, I was Princess of Yarma and this was my duty.

((It is a side project. I will be posting more on Instagram, and discord.

Instagram - @at_imagination))