
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Treasure hunt

Not wasting a single movement, Orzala prepared herself for the quest what she called a treasure hunt.

Moving in the direction suggested by the road map, she stopped at a grassland as her companion need a grass break.

"Yup. You are right? I am not alone. I borrowed.."

Author: Wait.. borrow!

"Okay. Robbed Mekhala's horse"

Riding the horse back for hours made her tired, so she decided to take a nap. Pleasant breeze, tired mind, she was sound asleep the very moment she laid her head on the tree trunk.

Horse munching on the grass travelled a distance far enough to be robbed from a thief.

Road map had the name of the places but not the suggestion of threats coming. She was in the kingdom of Makok.

Orzala woke up to the sight of horse missing. She searched whole neighbouring places to find reins of the horse. Concluding that the horse is lost, her steps moved traced the path illustrated in the road map.

Walking for an hour she reached a village in the middle of a forest. A horse quenching its thirst from the crystal clear water of a flowing river near by caught her attention.

Shockingly, it is the lost horse of Mekhala. She was relieved as there was no need to pay for the horse. Since she found it safe, returning it back to its owner on accomplishing the hunt would be enough.

Orzala attempt to grab the horse was in vein as it was pulled by a strong muscular man. His arms were strong enough to smash a giant rock into pieces and messing with him would be a dumb way to die.

Instead of triggering this man Orzala planned to steal the horse at night.

"My profession is so useful" she laughed like a maniac.

Thank God no one noticed her or she would be declared ill minded. Following the man with horse she managed to located his house.

Most of the houses in the village were built out of bamboo. Roaming around village every one she observed felt scary and suspicious. From child of ten years old to an old aged man, all were armed.

Another strange thing was that, she has been wandering in the broad day light with the covered face since she arrived but no one seems suspecting her of being different.

Suddenly a wrinkled, fragile hands placed on the shoulder brought a halt to her movements. Turning her head in the direction, an old lady embraced her with love and addressed with worry,

"Dara, my child I was waiting for you. Where did you go? I thought I lost you."

Her tears flowing down continuously soaked my shoulders. May be due her aging she has a blurred sight and mistook Orzala for her granddaughter.

A person watching us came to me and told that, she was a mad lady who lost her only grandchild ten years ago and as result of her trauma she addresses every young lady as her grandchild.

"Words spoken with such affection, when was the last time I heard them. Seeing this old lady reminds me my granny who loved me to the moon and back".

Tears bursting out of the eyes as lost emotions triggered her mind. Still the old lady forced Orzala to make a visit to her small house. Considering the mental status of the old lady Orzala decided to be her guest for the day.

"Mutual benefits"

A warm welcome by the old lady, her sweet talks of love, fruits and foods that she offered with affection everything felt surreal to Orzala.

A person longing for love and care if showered with loads of such emotions will lose his mind without giving a second thought about the one projecting the act.

Here Orzala lost her judgement of righteousness. Blinded by the emotions she chose to stay the night and execute her plan the other night.

In the middle of the night, a creak sound of the door disturbed the deep sleep of Orzala. What she noticed was amazing.

A thief was ripped out of her wealth. All the ginnis that took her decades to earn, her sword which she thought could bring her wealth and power were gone.

Her sympathy for that old lady made her life pathetic. Stepping out of that house she ran behind the old lady. The man who called the lad mad was also her companion.

As she continued her chase, she was diverted by randomly moving villagers. All the armed people she observed in the day light were active as if been attacked by the enemies.

Those movements were so distractive that she lost her target in the crowd. Pausing her movements for a while she inhaled the air, exhaling with loud scream of stop, which made every moment still for the time being.

Now she wanted answers, so she took hold of a child in close proximity and questioned,

"What is happening and who the hell you people are? Answer me or I will kill this child"

The worst mistake she could have made in this village. Threatening has no effect on this people. Before she could blink her eyes, child escaped out of her grip. Who village was laughing at the foolish face of Orzala until their chief entered the field.

He made a loud roar saying,

"It is a land were no threats work. Where every individual protects and thrives for his own life.

Welcome to Makok, The land of the thugs"

Poor Orzala! Her journey to the seven stones of creation is filled with unexpected obstacles and inextricable difficulties.