
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Death Flower

With a doubtful gaze Sakda uttered slowly, "Why did Kalhar take your son as hostage? What could be his motive?"

Mekhala interrupted questioning, "Do he know your inner ability to control water?"

"No. I realised that power later when I struggled hard to live in the lands of Madai."

"That's a relief to hear", Mekhala took a deep breath.

"Why did you come to Madai leaving your land and brother alone to suffer?", Yathin expressing confused emotions.

"The haunting memories of my beloved people around the city left me disturbed. Though I was trying my best to overcome those I could not forgive myself. I was breathing only with the hope to rescue my son but with the poor abilities of mine I never thought of conquering Kalhar. Even the people of Serpent disregarded our family and I was forced to leave.

My brother refused to leave the homeland. He said he wanted to protect the land and prove his worth. Unfortunately, he chose otherwise.

Engrossed in grief, I was so miserable. I came to Madai seeking a living. In that crucial time of my life I realised my control over water. The strange symbol appeared on my wrist out of nowhere. In order to know further about that I used my power to take control of night streets of Madai.

Searching for many years I found about the protectors and seven stones of creation. Coincidentally, I met Orzala, Mekhala and all of you. I was overwhelmed with joy as I got a weapon that could seize evil powers of Kalhar and I could have my little one back".

Remembering the past struggle Saisha shed tears.

"Don't worry we are a family now. We will help each other out. So that we can establish peace again in the world." Mekhala gave a consoling words.

That might be true for the most of them but some among them seems to have other wishes.

Cutting off the emotional playback Yathin's noble voice spoke, "Yes for sure. Mekhala is right but let's not waste our precious time and focus on the on the present matters."

Sakda nodded, "Yes. We have long way to go and many more lives to safe. Let's shake a leg"

"Yes", Everyone agreed.

Zesiro was engrossed in thoughts of Kalhar. He was sensing a cunning intellect patiently diverting every circumstance to its design. An evil design.

A moment of silence crept in the cave and the next moment all thoise brains were focused on finding culprits of attack.

After a brief discussion protectors concluded that warriors those who attacked Nathair were sent by Solikha. Which was confirmed by the poisons used to kill Nathair.

Neihar the protector of Earth stone had a great knowledge of herbs. Examining the drop of bloods mixed with poison spilled on the ground he explained.

"It is a special type of poison obtained by mixing a portion of Devil's ivy with two portions of larkspur. They are toxic but to make it capable of disintegrating a body into thin air, that's quite a great invention."

Sakda spoke, "As a sorcerer I have come across many forbidden techniques and I practiced a few in case I encountered a strong enemy. Fragmenting technique needs some special ingredient"

"Special, a very special substance, death flowers found in the dark forest of Trikuta", Mekhala suspected.

Saisha asked, "But How did they find that? Dark forest of Trikuta is a hard nut to crack."

"Not hard when they have demonic powers. The power of Mara. He is not to be underestimated."

"Why will he help Solikha?", Orzala questioned and for the first time she makes sense.

"Yes. He would never unless he was compelled to do so by the orders of Demon King Kalhar." Mekhala voiced.

Yathin, "Why he would help Solikha?"

"For Solikha", Saisha screamed after a deep thinking.


"Yes. During his last visit to Serpent city, he might have discovered about Solikha. May be her powers attracted his attension"

"Yes. You are right he might be the one who assisted Nathair in breaking the seal", Sakda talked intensely.

"Yes. You are right. Kalhar need confidence of powerful people to rule for decades." Zesiro said with confidence as if he understands the Kalhar best.

"So it is decided Solikha sent warriors to kill Nathair and she has the back up of Demon King", Yathin concluded the discussion.

Yathin's worried voice questioned, "Before we fight Demon King and Solikha, pay attention to the poison. Such a toxic poison in their hand how do we even fight warriors of them? Anybody got an idea?"

Mekhala answered, "Death flowers are rare and hard to find. One more think that adds up to its difficulty is the viability of the power. They lose their power in an hour. So to utilise them you need to grow them"

Sakda elaborated his view preserving vitality of Death flower.

"I have used them once. I know a technique to preserve their vitality. Stalks of the Death flower dipped in the blood of any living creature will stop the deterioration of its vitality."

"That would be an easy task for evil minded creatures", Orzala spoke in her mind.

Gathering all this information's in mind Zesiro was planning things to conceal Solikha and save the children.

"Do any one knows the way to destroy Death flower or a neutralising power", Zesiro asked.

"There is a power which counteracts Death flower. The holy water of Avisa." Sakda answered.

"Where is the path to Avisa?", Neihar

"I know where to find. First let us get out of this cave", Saisha

Saying that Saisha took them through a secret tunnel that directly led them to the main palace.