
Flames Of Fire

Blood Stone a demonic weapon of destruction was ceased by seven Stones of creation called 'Rattan'. Dragon warrior clan was the initial protector of these stones. Many had their eyes on these stones and one was Demon God 'Khalida'. But things change when a bitter feeling of resentment towards own father broods inside Demon prince 'Kalhar'. In the due course many lose their lives, some their dignity and plead for mercy to Demon King Kalhar . Later the surging demonic energy inside his veins creates havoc crowning him with the title of ultimate ruler. Finally appearance of seven people called protectors chosen by the seven stones of creation establish peace in the kingdoms by defeating Kalhar and his indomitable army of the dead.

DarkAustra · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Bride of the demon lord

The day of the tournament, whole kingdom was decorated with garlands of fresh fragrant roses. Palace of Trikuta was also competing with princess, in terms of elegance.

A battle ground built specially for the event was filled with thousands of citizens awaiting the result of the tournament.

Some among them, had no interest in tournament but, were here just for a glimpse of the Princess Mekhala.

Avaricious Mara, was busy plotting ways to gain excessive wealth.

Kings of greatest valour and wisdom assembled were head over heels for Princess.

An announcement alarmed everyone.

"The three parts of the contest that directly lead to heart of the Princess.

First part is filled with riddle games of wisdom. King's satisfying the judges would be opted for second level.

The one among them able of reflecting his strength as a fierce warrior have to grant Princess with three wishes.

The one clearing all these obstacles will win over the princess for marriage".

Soon the gaze shifted to Princess Mekhala dressed as a bride from heaven welcomed with the shower of flowers.

A long red cloth draped around the body perfectly highlighting her stature. Precious gems and pearl ornaments worn were amplifying her looks.

Her face, half covered with a golden mesh take after the full moon in a clear night sky masked by moving clouds, yet magnifying a serene feeling.

Mekhala seated on the throne taking the centre of the stage.

In the middle of so many disturbance, she could clearly here the giggles of her parents happily discussing their daughter's marriage.

Eyes wet as this occasion was meant to be so special rather than a plan executed to avenge her assassinated parents.

Her eyes searched for Demon King in the crowd.

"Princess, who are you searching for? If it is Demon Lord, you will be disappointed", Mara whispered low mockingly.

"Have patience, tournament is not finished"

First level of the tournament was completed with five opted men of wisdom.

Mekhala was growing impatient as it was her final possibility to punish the culprits.

By the end of the second level of competition only two men were left. Mekhala lost her patience and hope.

Two pair of feet progressing towards throne of Princess. But within a second a spear moving with the speed of light split their heads into half, halted by the throne of the princess.

Everyone present startled by this act of brutality, stood up with fear. A firm, cold voice of a man echoed in the battle field.

"All the men in this world are prohibited from approaching Princess, because she is the 'Bride of Demon Lord'. The future Queen of demons.

I Demon Lord Kalhar, declare that she belongs to me and only me"

Though Mekhala was confident enough to challenge Demon Lord, she never imagined the further consequences. As a child she only knew the stories of his cruelty, where in reality she had no idea of his immense strength.

Mekhala being the elegant, soft doe of the jungle awakened a ruthless, hungry beast which was sound asleep in its den.

Her wisdom lost in the hands of rage. There is no way she could step back. Either it's her head or.. it's her head.

Demon Lord moved forward with two of his guards, his face just a meters away from Mekhala. In the mean time she tried reading his mind.

Unfortunately, all that she could here was screams of pain, whispers filled with fear, a guilt, a rage, greed, everything dark.

A left over scar initiated at the left eye extending up to his neck, may be a gift of his bad deeds. His face an inch away from Mekhala increased the intensity of his dark thoughts. Unable to bare such level of wicked thoughts Mekhala fell unconscious in the arms of Kalhar.

Kalhar escorted her to royal chamber.

Noticing this strange behaviour of Kalhar, Mara felt worried.

"The way Lord addressed Mekhala was worrisome! What if he is really enchanted by her beauty?! No..No..That can't be true"

A guard who was more like an advisor to Mara interrupted, "What if she really becomes demon queen? I am worried, her first victim will be you, My Lord!"

At this point, Mekhala was a two edge sword moulded with hatred for Mara. He was in a dilemma whether to leave her or not.

Waking up in her own room but the view of Demon God starring at her with care, surprised her.

Pulling her to a hug whispering in her ears, "Challenge accepted. Welcome to my world, Princess"

"Do you really care about me?" a question, portrayed innocence of Mekhala

"Yes. I do my Princess" Kalhar confirmed loudly which was misheard by Mara's trustable slave.

But the Demon Lord continued saying, "I care about my fun, that I have missed ever since the gain of ultimate power. It is boring when everyone fears your fury and no one challenges you. You are the only one dared to challenge my power"

On the other hand, Mara with his misheard information consider Mekhala as threat and prepared a plan to her execution, without the slightest idea of Demon Lord himself being her protector for the nonce.