
Flames of Desire

‘His very existence would send the world she knew into blazing fury!’ He was a ruler of the dragons, one most feared among the ancient races. All it took was a single mistake that sent his world to hell, causing him to be sealed. Thousands of years passed, and he remained sealed in a valley, with no hope of seeing the light of day but everything changed when she ventured into his prison, unleashing the terror within. Raven Drake, daughter of the strongest warlock, finds herself and the world in grave danger when she awakens the ancient beast – a sealed terror that would wreak havoc. Free, Xavier would stop at nothing to resume his ten thousand years goal… burn all to the ground. He is stopped when he meets her again, capturing her to satiate his maddening thirst for blood. What happens when a forbidden love springs forth amidst the clash of swords, blood and pain? Several conspiracies come to play in tearing the lovers apart with mysteries waiting to be solved and secrets revealed. Can Raven face all odds, keeping her sanity intact while bringing her closer to truths she wished had remained lost? Can their love transcend time or would fate prevail, this time, bringing them to ruin?

BaeVida · Fantasy
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206 Chs

Good News



Right after the final meeting, every royal dispersed to their various chambers to have a good rest before setting out for their kingdom the very next day.

With the new threat hanging in their minds, they had no choice but to do the needful.

Everyone felt the need to save themselves and their kingdoms respectively while trying their best to look unperturbed at the same time.

What the meeting ended up doing to them, was giving them a taste of the dread that once was and why their forefathers saw it best to seal Xavier.

Knocking on one of the door of the rooms in the building, Blaine waited patiently for a response as he folded his arms behind him.

His gaze swept all around while he waited, letting his deep thoughts accompany him.

His heart was heavy as was his troubled mind and who better than than this person could he share those worries with?

Some seconds passed and then the sounds of approaching footsteps walking towards the door could be heard.

Hearing that, Blaine's eyes widened a bit as he quickly straightened his spine in anticipation.

Click! Click!

The door pulled back a little bit, revealing a blonde-haired king with eyes laced with less interest than what Blaine had seen just some moments back.

Sensing the confusion in the silence, Aragorn gazed up into his eyes and to his surprise, the look of worry and shock on Blaine's face was priceless.

It was at this moment he realized he had not bothered to make himself look presentable.

His one and only wish before unlocking the door was to chase someone off to enable him to have a good rest.

Indeed, standing as the head of the general assembly wasn't easy.

He had not yet bothered to wear his usual straightened glow like earlier, but the moment his eyes landed on Blaine, he had a change of heart.

"Blaine?" Aragorn called out with a rather cracked voice.

Quickly, his slouched shoulders straightened, the frown on his face disappeared and the sharp vibe in those green eyes of his returned.

"Can I come in?" Blainmed asked, gesturing towards the half-open door as he did justice to jolt the mind of the stunned young-looking elf.

Regardless, Aragorn snapped out of it as quickly as possible. "Yes, you may."

Stepping to the side, he paved the way for his entry. Taking that as his cue, Blaine lowered his head a bit in appreciation as he took the invitation.

Once they were both in, Aragorn had no use keeping his door wide open and this time around, he muttered some words under his breath while stretching his left hand to the door.

"Yes, Your Maj…" Blaine had barely gotten his words out when he turned sideways to see Aragorn casting a spell.

His eyes narrowed at the elven king and instead of voicing his concerns, he swallowed every word that threatened to come out.


Activating his senses, his wolf took a huge sniff of the air. 'Hmm, illusion barrier magic.' He mentally noted as his lips tugged upward a bit.

'So, he is as careful as they say. Nice.' Blaine mentally complimented while taking note once more.

He was not a mage, neither was he an elf or a dragon and the likes.

So the benefit of the magic they had, he didn't. However, he trusted his wolf's instincts to be able to pick up the smell of anyone suspicious or anybody at all from a mile away.

Left for him there was no need but considering the powerful folks present, one might just use a seeing mirror or activate a spell.

And even that may not alert his werewolf.

'Now even if one was to use their powers to try and eavesdrop on us, all they would hear would be two people conversing happily and keeping their worries at bay. Clever.' He praised again.

Taking a turn in his direction, Aragorn crossed both hands behind him as he took a step forward, walking like a true king in contemplation.

"Now, shall we? Tell me, what burdens thee?"


~Skyland – A sub-dragon village~

Hovering in the sky in an area between Drakenflare's real palace and the new kingdom of Drakenflare was another village, controlled by some sky dragons.

Unlike the ones living in the kingdom, they chose to be outlaws in order to live according to their beliefs while staying safe and out of the radar from the rest of the realm.

Deep towards the far back of the village, a young beautiful lady sat on one of the limbs of the branches of the big divine tree, resting her back against the tree trunk.

She had long flowing hair with a mixture of two colours, light sky blue at the base and shining blonde from the top of her head to the centre.

Her eyelids shut close as she tilted her head a bit to the back loving the cooling effect the sunset rays did on her skin.

"Aaah…" she moaned out in satisfaction and readjusted herself again on the tree branch, raising her right leg by the knee, and leaving her left on the tree branch.

With the way she lay, one would think she had no worries in the world, but then something happened almost instantly.

The way her forehead creased and her brows drew close later, spoke of a silent burden on her shoulders.

Her eyes moved in their closed socket for some seconds as her face shook a little bit.

Whatever it was that invaded her mind at that very moment did bother her more than she could think of.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps approaching could be heard coming from afar, but even that did not seem to break her from whatever mental problem she faced.

With each passing second, the sound came closer and the heavy panting of the individual became louder.

Right at that very minute, the feet came to a stop directly under the tree, her eyes flew open as the lips of the person parted to speak, "My Lady, good news."

Her pupils flared as her brows arched up in response but the one beneath her, his chest rose and fled with rapid breaths as he tried to catch up before speaking further.

She did not need to be told what news he spoke of.

Funny, one would not expect good news right after the havoc that was created by the Dragon King upon awakening but this was indeed good news.

And she had just found out as well.

Lifting her upper body from the tree, she rose to a sitting position while placing her right hand directly on her raised knee.

Unhurriedly, her eyelashes fluttered as she tilted her head to the side.

Several thoughts reigned in her mind as her brain gave a flash of all she had just seen.

From beneath the tree, the young lad watched as her eyes seemed to go back and forth, something she did when she was deep in thoughts and finally, they rested on him.

"Azra, I know. She just showed me."

Instinctively, both of them whipped their heads to the side as their gaze landed at the centre of the big tree's trunk.

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