

There are seven Angels in the universe each angel with different abilities and powers. The sorcery kings considered them to be a threat and seal there half power into normal humans so as to maintain the power balance. Advait a 13 year old boy has the power of strongest angel but he is unaware about it and due to this power his normal life might change.

ALL402 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

chapter 17. Everything is grey 2

A family having four members Father, Mother, elder son (age 7)  and a daughter (age 2).

Nishad was living his happy life with his own loving parents, his neighbour had a kind and beautiful lady who use to play with him whenever he is alone at home apparently his parents also trust her so whenever they had to go out they hand over there 5 yr old son to their neighbour lady.

Whatever Nishad wanted his parents used to give him. Nishad wanted cycle he got, Nishad wanted  Ben's Omnitrix toy his parents bought him that too. Nishad whenever comes home from school he tells his mother everything what amazing things he did there, his mother feels happy and smiles too. Evening he plays with his best friend Kamika his neighbour and his only best friend. At night he prayed before sleeping "My family really loves me thank God i have got this loving parents and also a awesome friend Kamika. I will be a kind person." Nishad said while praying.

However things started to change when a new member came to Nishad family. "It's a girl!" Doctor said.  Parents were happy Nishad was happy too seeing his cute little sister. His mother said while being in bed "Nishu you have now become a elder brother so now you have to be strong to protect your sister Mukti." Nishad   kept his right hand on his left  chest and said "yess".

A year passed...

"Mummy I want to say something " Nishad said, his mom replies "not now son can't you see she is crying i have to put her to sleep"

Nishad felt little bad as he wanted to tell his mom that in his school his team won cricket match because of him just like how he tells everytime and talks to his mother everytime about this but now she isn't listening. At night Nishad was waiting for his father to return like he always does . His father returns home Nishad is happy and runs and wants to tell him what he did in school but "where is my little Mukti!" His father was excited to see Mukti rather than him.  father hugs Mukti lovingly and mother also hugs and sings a song to her the same song she use to sing for Nishad.

2 years later

One day Nishad's parents are called in school. They had a meeting with his teacher. "Nishad nowadays isn't focused on his studies and is always thinking about playing and acts really weird in school? Does he have any problem?" Teacher asked  his parents.

At home Nishad's father scolds him "if you don't focus on studies then forget about video games and meeting your friends! You are now 9 years now your kindergarten days are over and academy is started so grow up" Nishad cries loud and runs to his mother, his mother also says "stop crying because of you Mukti can't sleep" Mukti also starts crying. Nishad ran to his room and banged the door with anger.

"Wait Nishu!" His mother called him in a sweet way. Nishad is now sitting on his bed and is wondering"what.. happened to mom and dad? Why are they behaving like this! They nn..never did before! I want those days back my happy days with happy parents, i don't like them shouting " Nishad started crying and his mom knocked his door saying "Nishu open the door so sorry we didn't mean it" Nishad says "it's open" his parents come inside his room then hugs him. "We didn't mean that we were just correcting you for your mistake" Nishad mom said. "If you want to be like me then you have to learn from your mistake and improve it" his father said proudly.

Suddenly Mukti started crying loud since she is hungry. His parents ran fast and mother holds Mukti and sings the song for Mukti. Mother takes out her breast and Mukti drinks the milk. Nishad felt anger again. Next day Kamika enters in Nishad house, Nishad is on his way to home from school, he runs fast in order to reach home so that he can play with Kamika but when he entered..

"Such a cute little princess come to your sister" apparently Kamika was playing with Mukti and Nishad felt weird seeing it but he ignores it and says "hey Kamika I am here!" Kamika looks at Nishad and says "hi Nishad how was your day?" Nishad replied it's was good!" Nishad wanted to play with her like he always does while coming from school but.. "she is looking just like you aunty!" Kamika said to her mother while holding Mukti. Mother and Kamika started talking about Mukti and Nishad felt left out Nishad still asked loudly "Kamika! Let's play with ball" Kamika replies with sad face "I wish but I can't I have work to do"

Nishad asks "work?" Mother says "she is going to shift from here" Nishad is shocked to here it he begs her to not leave . "It was nice seeing you but i can't live alone now I need someone who can support and be with me" Kamika said while Nishad  hugs  her to stop her.  Nishad while being emotional said "i will live with you I will i will take care of you let's live in together!" Nishad said with no hesitation. His mother slaps him from behind and pulls him back.

Kamika is leaving today evening Nishad's mother told him that he needs to respect her friend's decision so Nishad for the last time went out to say Kamika good bye and also wants to know where she is going. "Hi looks like it's the last time we meet" Nishad smilingly says to Kamika. Kamika laughs and says "haha so you aren't mad or angry that I am leaving?" Nishad replied "I am but I guess you have to go I will grow up soon and when I grow up wait for me so that we can live and play all day" Kamika again laughs and said "you better not forget me then ok".

Both of them were having fun and all until someone arrives with a bike. The man was Kamika's boyfriend and Kamika is going to live with him in their new house. Nishad asks "who is he?" Kamika was going to tell him but boyfriend interrupted and said "hey babe so i think everything is ready come we can reach their soon with my bike. Who is this child?" Nishad was now even more sad he saw this guy hugging Kamika and couldn't say anything. "He is my best friend" Kamika replies to him. "Who is this? Only I can live with Kamika I even said that once I grew up I will stay with her who is he to interfere between us?" Nishad said in his mind.

Kamika gives a little hug to Nishad and sits on the bike and leaves.

Nishad is now very angry he wants to grow up now soon, he runs to his home and sees his parents are playing with Mukti and wasn't giving attention to him at all they didn't ask how he felt and they just said Nishad to take bath. At night It was Nishad who was sleeping between their parents but now Mukti is sleeping and Nishad is sleeping alone in his room. Nishad wakes his parents and said "i am scared, i want to sleep in middle with you" Father said "we don't have much space here to keep two of you" Nishad said "so who is saying to sleep with two you can keep Mukti in other room and let me sleep here" Mother scolds him "noo! Can't you see she is just a child you are grown up you can sleep alone" Father said "i have to be on time tomorrow in office so let me sleep please"

Nishad was already upset that Kamika has boyfriend to live and he can't live with her but now he is more angry towards his parents"I get it now it's all because of that Mukti girl! Why i have to grow up! Everyone says you will get this if you grow up you will get that if you grow up but is that true? Can I really be that free if i grew up!"

"Why don't you try it out kid"

Nishad suddenly wakes up from his bed and looks both the sides "here look above" Nishad looks up and we see none other than Bitoka standing up on the wall. Nishad gets scared and asks him with hesitation "who are you and go..how did you enter here!" Bitoka comes down and says "I am Bitoka a Rakshas." Nishad tries to scream but Bitoka interrupts  and says "do you really think if you scream they will come and save you? You saw what happened it seems they care about your sister more than you. "Nishad then thinks a bit and asks "why are you here? I heard from stories that Rakshas are bad people you are a bad person because you are a Rakshas"

Bitoka says "how am I a bad person? I didn't do anything to you I just entered your room because I felt the negetive aura around you and you are really angry and sad but you can't do anything about it but you are in luck" Bitoka explains to Nishad "everything you heard in stories is not real the reality is we Rakshasa dont harm you instead we fullfill your desires in return of something. Power, fame, status everything we can get you if you want." Nishad gets emotional and says "i don't know what you talking and i don't want any of that  I just want to be loved by my family and want Kamika" Bitoka then gets up and says "i can give you if you want that."

Nishad gets surprised and asks "really!" Bitoka answers"ofcource that's our job as Rakshasa you humans always demand something and you will do anything we tell just so  that you get what you want. But but it's not free.  In return we asks humans to sacrifice their soul and mind to us and we take control of it but for now we don't need that." Nishad then says with innocence"then what? You want chocolates, my toys, i am not giving you my ben 10 toys tho" Bitoka says "I don't need any of those childish things I may look your age because of my height and hair but I am way older than you, I want in return your age."

Nishad didn't understood anything but he didn't care and just wished what he wants to Bitoka "i want my parents to focus on me" Bitoka asks "and how are they gonna focus on you? They are sleeping peacefully and they only focus on your sister who just came to existence and you are crying and they don't care. How you want your parents to focus on you? Do you want them to only focus on you?"

Nishad replies "yy..yes I want my parents to love me but from the day Mukti was born i am not getting that instead she is getting all that I want, my toys, video games, even when I try to watch tv i have to give remote to her because of her nursery time show! " Bitoka removes the green fidget fan from his back and shows it to him. "So you want your parents to love you more than little sister  I know how you can do that"

Later in morning Nishad's life is changed, he suddenly got way energetic and also his parents started to give him same level of importance as his little sister Mukti or sometimes even more importance than Mukti, Mukti is now 5 years old and actually doesn't cry or get scared when Nishad is around but now whenever Nishad is around her she starts crying way loud. Nishad lifts her up,  hugs her and says it in a slow voice  "now you know how does it feel when your own parents ignore you, i also was suffering from it but why me? You just came to existence in our family and i am here for atleast how many.. 5 years! Now you suffer the negligence instead of me stop crying and grow up!"

Mukti starts crying louder mother comes by and she sees Nishad and immediately runs and says "thanks Nishu for taking care  now I will make her quiet you can go and taste my pancakes which I made only for you" Nishad smiles and goes to eat his pancakes. "Mom I want your hug" Nishad says. Her mother kept Mukti down on bed and hugs Nishad then Nishad goes to eat his pancakes.

He started to also improve in his academic suddenly and is way better than everyone in extra curricular activities in school, Nishad felt very different he felt matured, and confident than before.

2 weeks later Kamika returned from her boyfriend's house, she was depressed, upset, and angry a little too. His boyfriend just disappeared and Kamika is thinking he dumped her but what's the real reason? Nishad smiles like he knew Kamika is going to return he hugs her and says "wait till I grow up. I am now already 12 years."

Bitoka is standing on air above and sees Nishad from there, "you hit your target i guess" Dugass  says while standing behind him. Bitoka looks at Dugass and says "humans sometimes get needy and with neediness comes greed and that's how they take the easy path. I slowly got to know this when humans actually start to summon me and are even willing to sacrifice their soul and mind allowing me to control their souls." Dugass asks him "humans sold their souls and mind to you?"

Bitoka replies "not only to me but every Rakshasa who got summoned by some humans by their negetive aura have seen and noticed. Fame, power, money, even lust how do you think some people in normal world who don't deserve that much fame or popularity get that?

Although we feel happy because now they themselves sacrificed their own soul to us and that makes us more powerful. This also reminds me of that Orange flag gang a bunch of young men who wanted to be the powerful gangs of country but they always got beaten by those higher level of gangs obviously because they didn't had any human weapons nor had money to get it. They summoned me, then what, i just said them to sell their soul to me and they agreed and that's how I gained control of them."

Dugass said "you basically made them think that hijacking school will make them dangerous" Bitoka laughs and said "ya i remember that. Now i understand why Emperor didn't allow us to just attack humans or start a war in normal world it's simple because humans are indirectly sacrificing their own world to us just to get some things like this kid unknowingly did although he will not be a kid in few days he already aged very fast didn't think this fidget is this powerful! 

We take full advantage of their greed and hatred. I think you must have  heard something called Illumination which is going on for many years." Dugass replies"never heard about it " Bitoka replies  in joking  way"as expected from the guy who never wears clothes."

Dugass asks "so why  age humans when we were having full control over their souls so we can kill them whenever we want can we?" Bitoka replies "yes we could kill them but some humans are just strong mentally and also spiritually even if they sacrifice their soul control they still have their consciousness and some humans are smart that they won't just sacrifice their control. Humans are just like us, they learn from experience and mistakes. So in order to crush humans as soon as possible we have only choice is to make them age fast!"

Bitoka smiles and says "growing up is a curse afterall"

Humans are going to age fast now?!