
Flame of Inheritance: A New Vongola Era

In the sprawling metropolis of Nishi-Tokyo, where neon lights flicker over the shadows of a city teeming with extraordinary abilities and hidden conflicts, Reiji, an orphan plagued by hardship, dreams of strength and belonging. His life takes a dramatic turn when his rundown apartment is destroyed amidst a violent clash between rival organizations. Driven by frustration and a mysterious pull, Reiji ventures into the dark forest on the city’s outskirts, discovering an ancient, abandoned mansion. Inside this mansion, Reiji encounters seven rings—each marked with distinct symbols and exuding a powerful aura. As he seeks to understand their significance, he finds himself thrust into a journey of self-discovery and awakening. Guided by a newfound sense of purpose and the enigmatic Vongola legacy, Reiji must navigate the tumultuous path laid before him. Note: Set against a backdrop inspired by the world of Katekyo Hitman Reborn and featuring elements from other anime universes, this fanfiction explores themes of power, family, and destiny. The characters and elements outside of Reiji are drawn from their respective creators, honoring their original sources while weaving them into a new narrative. Image cover source : https://www.peakpx.com/en/hd-wallpaper-desktop-pvlwe

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34 Chs

Chapter 13: Shattered Paths, New Bonds

The sharp scent of antiseptic hung in the air as Reiji lay on the hospital bed, the steady beeping of the heart monitor filling the silence. His body ached from the fight—bruises and cuts lining his skin—but he was alive. That was all that mattered. Shinya had gotten him out of there, but not without cost. Reiji had lost count of how many punches he'd taken, but the injuries on his chest and legs were testament to how close he had come to losing.

His fingers grazed over the bandages as he shifted slightly, grimacing at the soreness. He hadn't even realized how banged up he was until Shinya had dragged him to the hospital, ignoring Reiji's insistence that he was fine.

"You're not walking out of here until you've been cleared by the doctors," Shinya had said firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Take the night. Rest."

Now, as he sat in the bed, Reiji's mind wandered to the folder that Shogo had tossed to him after the battle. It lay beside him on the table, thick with information. He had been putting off reading it, unsure of what he would find. But now, with nothing else to do but wait for his body to heal, Reiji reached for the folder and opened it.

The cover page bore a simple title: Vongola: A Legacy of Flames.

Reiji's breath caught in his throat as he flipped to the first page. It began with a history of the Vongola famiglia, starting with Vongola Primo. The description was brief, but it painted a vivid picture of the first leader: a man who built an empire on the foundations of trust and loyalty, gathering the strongest individuals as his Guardians. The famiglia had been passed down through the generations, each leader inheriting the power of the Dying Will Flame, until it reached the 10th generation.

Reiji's heart raced as he read on. He knew there was something special about the Vongola, but seeing it all laid out like this made it real in a way it hadn't been before. This was his legacy now.

The folder went on to describe the Vongola Rings, sacred items passed down through each generation, used to channel the flames of the Guardians. There were six in total, each representing a different aspect of the Vongola's strength.

Storm Guardian: The Violent Storm That Breaks Down and Erodes.

The Storm Guardian was the offensive force of the famiglia, someone whose destructive abilities could break through any enemy defenses. Reiji's thoughts shifted to Shinya. He remembered the calm precision with which Shinya had taken down the thugs during the fight. He had handled himself with deadly efficiency, never losing his cool.

But was Shinya a Storm Guardian? Reiji couldn't quite see it. The Storm Guardian was someone wild, unpredictable—a force of nature. While Shinya was powerful, his approach was measured, calculated. No, Shinya wasn't a storm that broke everything in its path. He was something else, something more detached yet powerful in his own way.

Reiji flipped the page, wondering who could fit the role of the Storm Guardian. He thought about the raw power and energy needed for the role. Chuuya Nakahara came to mind—someone Reiji had heard about from the underground. Fierce, independent, and capable of destruction on a massive scale. Chuuya was the kind of person who could command the power of a storm, using his gravity-based abilities to wreak havoc. Reiji filed that thought away, but for now, his mind was on Shinya.

Rain Guardian: The Tranquil Rain That Washes Away and Subdues.

The Rain Guardian's role was to bring calm in the midst of chaos, someone whose power could neutralize threats. For a brief moment, Reiji wondered if Shinya fit this role. He had a calming presence, his stoic nature seemingly in line with the Rain Guardian's description. But, much like with the Storm role, something felt off. The Rain Guardian didn't quite fit either. Shinya wasn't just someone who subdued conflict; he was the type to stand apart, someone who carried an air of distance. He moved on, searching for something that resonated more.

Cloud Guardian: The Aloof Cloud That Cannot Be Bound.

Reiji paused. The Cloud Guardian—someone who stood apart, untethered by the constraints of others, free to move as they pleased. It was a role that represented independence and strength, a force that operated on its own terms. As Reiji read the description, something clicked in his mind. This was Shinya.

Shinya had always been distant, walking his own path, never truly aligning himself with anyone or anything. His actions in the fight were decisive, but there was a sense that he was doing it for his own reasons, not out of loyalty or duty to anyone else. Shinya was the embodiment of the aloof cloud—a force that couldn't be bound or controlled.

Reiji smirked. "Cloud Guardian… it suits him."

Shinya had proven himself time and time again, and Reiji couldn't help but wonder if the older man would ever accept such a role. He clearly had no interest in the Vongola or its legacy, but if he were to join, Reiji knew he would be a powerful ally.

He flipped through the pages, continuing his review of the Guardian roles.

Sun Guardian: The Radiant Sun That Supports and Encourages Growth.

The Sun Guardian was the healer, someone whose power rejuvenated the famiglia, keeping them strong and in fighting shape. It wasn't just physical healing, though—it was about providing strength, motivation, and support. Reiji recalled how Shinya had dragged him to the hospital after the fight. In some ways, Shinya had taken on that role already, ensuring that Reiji was safe and cared for. But it wasn't his nature to be a support figure, was it? No, Shinya didn't fit this description as neatly as the Cloud role.

Mist Guardian: The Illusion That Deceives and Confuses.

This role seemed to require someone with a knack for creating illusions, for confusing and misdirecting their enemies. Reiji thought back to someone he had crossed paths with recently, someone who operated in the shadows, always watching but never fully revealing themselves. It was a role that required secrecy, a Guardian whose power lay in manipulating perception. No, this wasn't Shinya either. He was far too direct for such a role. He didn't hide who he was; he faced his enemies head-on.

Reiji flipped the next page, reading more details about the Lightning Guardian.

Lightning Guardian: The Indomitable Shield That Strikes and Defends.

The Lightning Guardian acted as a defensive wall, absorbing attacks and protecting the famiglia from harm. It was a role of endurance, someone who could take punishment and still keep standing. As Reiji read through the description, his thoughts drifted to a distant memory—his childhood friend, a girl with a protective nature, always standing up for what she believed was right.

She had always been by his side, protecting him from bullies and doing her best to shield the weak from harm. He remembered her strong will, her unwavering sense of justice. But she had vanished from his life years ago, taken in by another family and adopted far away. Since then, they had lost contact, and Reiji often wondered what had become of her.

His heart clenched at the thought. Could she have become someone capable of wielding this kind of power? She had the spirit of a Lightning Guardian, someone who would stand at the front lines to protect others. Reiji couldn't help but hope that, wherever she was, she still held onto that protective strength that had defined her.

He stared at the description a little longer before shaking his head. The thought of finding her seemed far-fetched now, but the idea lingered. She had always been someone he admired, and if fate brought them back together, could she become his Lightning Guardian?

With a deep breath, Reiji set the folder down.

Reiji closed the folder, leaning back against the hospital bed with a sigh. His mind buzzed with possibilities. Shinya as the Cloud Guardian—it was slowly starting to come together, but the path ahead was still unclear. Would Shinya accept this role? Would he even want to be part of the Vongola legacy?

Shinya was an enigma, someone Reiji could never fully read. He had his own reasons for helping, but would those reasons align with Reiji's mission? As much as Reiji respected him, he couldn't shake the feeling that Shinya was the type to walk away when things got too complicated.

And yet, there was something about him—something that made Reiji think he wouldn't walk away so easily this time. He had seen a glimpse of it during the fight, the way Shinya had stepped in without hesitation. Reiji couldn't explain it, but he felt as though Shinya was tied to this journey, whether he knew it or not.

Reiji's eyes drifted back to the folder. The weight of the Vongola legacy pressed down on him, and he knew this was just the beginning. There was so much more to uncover, more people to find, more Guardians to recruit.

But for now, Reiji allowed himself a moment of respite. He had time to think, time to plan. And if Shinya did decide to take up the mantle of Cloud Guardian, then maybe—just maybe—they could build something stronger