

Zeke, against all expectations did not charge at Dada. Instead he walked towards him as if he was taking a stroll in the park, Dada gritted his teeth and raised his left arm up in the air and a green magic circle appeared on top of it.

"Toranado Cage!"


Seven tornadoes surrounded Zeke and slowly converged towards him, the power used in it can be seen simply by watching the floor break apart as the tornado moves. Despite all this Zeke kept walking forward much to Dada's surprise.

'Is he blind?'

Dada closed his hands into a tight fist and the tornadoes sped up their pace and closed in on Zeke. Dada then jumped back and and placed both his palms in front of him as blue magic circles from both palms made the crowd roar.


"THERE IT IS! The signature move!"

"Dada! Dada! Dada! Dada!"

Dada smirked while basking in the cheers of the crowd, the magic circles enlarged and stopped at at least half of Dada's height.

"Water Blade!"


Two large crescent shaped burst of water shot out of the circles and went for Zeke who seems to have stopped moving as the tornadoes surround him, Dada saw this and continued spamming Water Blade making a total of 8 pairs before he stopped and caught his breath.

"It's over!"

Dada shouted and raised his fist in the air while turning his back at Zeke to face the crowd, the 2 cardinal apprentices shook their head and turned around to exit the seats while some of the crowd were whispering in loud voices.

"That's an overkill sheesh, what a show off"

"The nurses gotta heal him like a hospital, so cruel"


Ok, the last one wasn't a whisper, it was instead a worried sounding voice from a wavy orange haired girl. Zax who was right next to her covered his ears and rolled his eyes while looking at the direction of Zeke with a slight smile, after a few seconds though he stood up and inhaled.


The crowd all looked at Zax who unexpectedly cheered at the dead dude, some started laughing while others started booing him. The two apprentices who were about to walk away stopped in place and the heterochromia dude gripped his sword as few visible drops of sweat made the girl beside him tilt her head.

"You okay Ryan~? There's nothing ba-"


The crowd who were busy with their own businesses, Dada who was showing off even more to the crowd and the apprentices who sensed something all felt hot all of the sudden. They all shut their mouth and quickly looked at the direction of the wild sound, Zeke was there and the tornadoes turned into dry air while the water blades evaporated into steam.

"Hell's Cataclysm..."

A ring of fire surround him while it sends mini rings outward that ends up raising up violent making it seem like Zeke was surrounded by a fire wall that slowly expands, Dada panicked and aggressively closed his fist together and a very large blue magic circle appeared on top of Zeke.

"Tsunami Drop!"

A ridiculous amount of water that's expected of a magic circle nearly as large as the arena dropped down at Zeke's fire wall, the crowd who got shocked by Zeke's display of magic forgot about it and could only shake with their mouths open while staring at the humongous amount of water that would cause a few towns to be massacred via drowning or being squashed by water.


But once again, hot air leaked outwards accompanied by a blinding amount of steam that made others cover their faces, actually almost everyone did.

"Seriously, I gave you a handicap and decided to only walk and use magic against you, yet what the bloody fuck is this?"

Zeke walked out of the tsunami that is now steam while cringing, Dada who was left panting after his last spell charged straight at him with his gunblade.


"No, thanks I'm not gay~"

Zeke retorted immediately with one of his hands in a prayer position and bowed head with a single eye open, he ducked and dodged the clumsy strike of Dada and blink away from him.

"Want me to show you how true magic looks like?"

Dada who was too enraged to think crossed his arms and taunted Zeke, the two apprentices who were watching the fight turn around all over the place found themselves back at the seats while Ryan, the heterochromia dude was staring intently at Zeke like a predator does to a prey.

"Teaching a Class S true magic? How...boastful!"

The girl beside him smiled wryly and patted Ryan's shoulders in an exaggerated manner.

"You sure don't look too angry don't you~"

Ryan gave the girl a glare and snorted before his face turned happy again.

Zeke looked at the two apprentices who seems to have no idea what they're doing as they went out of their seats, stopped, stared, sat again and then stood up while staring at the arena for the whole match.



Zeke clapped and slowly brought both his palms away from each other, from the center of the two palms came a magic circle that got bigger and bigger as Zeke brought his palms away from each other. At the most furthest point of his two palms, Zeke inhaled and exhaled for a few times.

"Flame Torrent!"

From the red magic circle came a stream of fire that gushed out towards the poor stunned Dada who seems to have recognized the spell, Dada soon got back to his senses and used water magic to propel himself out of harm's way but Zeke didn't end it there. After the waste of mana Dada did, he dashed towards Zeke.

"A spell like that will mostly make you numb for a bit! That's a chance, shitty spells like those are bad for matches like this dumbass!"

Zeke only smirked and placed his left arm in his pocket while taunting Dada with his fingers pointing towards himself. Dada saw this and did not hesitate to charge, the crowd's butts tightened at the possible finishing strike.


"Flame Cage"


"Erupting Heat"


"Star Converging"

3 swift moves, all with a designated spell to it made the before charging Dada to a now near death crispy fried charcoal.

"What...just happened?"

A courageous crowd folk barely managed to say, due to the eerie silence he was the only one heard and loud as well.

"Winner: Zeke Machton"

The cold machine like voice resounded throughout the arena and the crowd did not even cheer, Zeke only smiled in relief and walked away while stretching and yawning. The reason? Because in the large television on top of the arena, it replayed the last moves of Zeke.

He stomped his feet on the ground and the charging Dada got surrounded red magic circles that spawned pillars of flames and slowly formed a cage around him, scalding him in the process. After that Zeke flicked his fingers and a from the floor below a red magic circle made magma-like streams of hot stuff shot up and make Dada drop down to it and roast him alive. The final clap was a skin tingling spell, all the flames around Dada converged to him and if Zeke was just a little too late, he might've died as ashes or heck maybe not even ashes.

"Aren't those...professional level spells?"

It was the same dude from before and his comment shot the whole school into chaos, Zeke's first mark as the Flame Lord has finally been made. And the little spies of other schools did quickly scrammed.

"Oh...I left my uniform back at the arena..."

[It's probably already burned to ashes...it's not exactly fire proof]