
Flügel In DXD

When truck-kun comes for you; and you're forced to become the top dog in an ecchi anime world; what do you do? Our main character here chose his favorite, genocidal bookworms to level the playing field.

Lord_of_FireDrakes · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Enlighten the Masses

The eye of Typhoon Mors, Middle of the Pacific, Laputa - Current seat of the Flügel.

POV: Genesis the Lord Nobody; leader of the Flügel.

"Life is indeed good, huhuhahaha!" I'm definitely sure my new race has twisted my mind. But, in the end I'm loving it. In hindsight, I really had no clue what I truly signed myself up for.

As I spent more time here; I realized most of my other emotions besides bloodlust and curiosity, have faded into the background.

Ordering the theft of countless books? No problem. Handling the severed heads of deceased individuals. Just satisfaction and curiosity. It's really strange. But I like it.

My talk with Asia was interesting. I'm confident that she believes that I am an aspect of the biblical god; probably, the holy spirit. Even after everything I said. The church truly sheltered her during her upbringing.

It will be interesting to see her reaction, when I offer to reincarnate her as a Flügel. Flügel Creation is a truly marvelous skill. I should go outside and create more sisters. Our current number of 1,003 is good; but we still have plenty of space here.

Thinking of the of my current plans, I spoke to myself;

"Oh factions of the world; how will you react before the might of our world sovereignty?"


Early Morning, Hyoudou family's living room, Kouh Town, Japan, Earth DXD

Sitting on a couch with concerned, confused faces sat a couple watching the news; on the left sat a middle-aged woman with dark brown hair tied into a ponytail, and hazel eyes. On the right sat a middle-aged man with brown hair, and brown eyes wearing glasses. These were Issei's parents.

The room was dead silent except for the slightly crackling of the TV as it droned on.

"Eye witness and film footage throughout the world have confirmed the existence of these beings calling themselves Flügel. The general agreed upon descriptions are; young girls with halos and wings. Many priests of different denominations are stating the time of judgment; foretold in holy scriptures is at hand."

"Many governments and their authorities have yet to officially disclose if these beings truly are related to God's messengers in various religions. The available information about their known activities are; engaging in numerous codex robberies, destruction of private property and businesses, with murder being heavily present throughout these activities."

"Extreme danger warning, to any and all individuals that encounter these unknown beings. Extreme caution is advised and recommended to vacate the immediate area in which they are present and contact the nearest authorities."

"Next up, after the break is our guest interview with Doctor Wu the author of Cryptids Among Us."

As the broadcast ended, Issei walked into the room in his school uniform. Confusion across his face as he asked; "Mom? Dad? Why did you call me earlier?"

Walking up and hugging her son Miki spoke; "My, Issei-kun. The government has ordered schools canceled until they deem that the worldwide threat has stabilized because of the angels."

"Huh? Wait? What do you mean?

Standing up beside Miki, Goruo added;

"It's just as your mother said, son. Apparently, angels are flying rampant in the skies."

"Ah, that…So it did happen."

Pulling away slightly from the hug. Miki made serious eye contact with Issei.

"What happened, Issei-Kun?

"Well mom and dad, you know how I had my first date yesterday? Well near the end of it at…"

Funfact: Flügel means wing or wings in German.

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