
Battle Of Cosmic Proportions

It was a desolate night.

Deep within the bowels of a separate dimension, far removed from reality, a momentous battle takes place. One that would either protect the not-so-normal normalcy or usher a reign of terror for generations to come.

Cthulhu huffed, steam rising from the being's beak that was hidden beneath disturbing tentacles. Swathed in the dark atmosphere, it looked on with cold, red eyes.

The Hydra stared with baleful eyes at the unsettling creature, chaotic light swarming around their monstrous form. Feather-like crowns of scales rose in anticipation, and muscles were taut at attention.

The two beings just stared and stared, giving each a reprieve as they looked on for any sudden movements.

And then, as if it were nothing but a lie, an illusion, the Hydra rose into space, streaking past the sky with nothing but a flap of mighty wings. Channeling the power of the Chaos that spawned creation itself, five heads roared fiercely, manifesting their immeasurable might into the world as they spread their wings, announcing their most glorious presence.

" RAA A A A A AA!!!! " Five heads declared in primal tongue.

And like a spark that lit a bonfire, thousands of small glimmering lights graced the once dark, and meaningless void of darkness. The lights were beautiful, radiating a gentle light that promised warmth and guidance.

Indeed! It was the very night sky itself! Though, it was but a pale imitation of Nyx's masterpiece, but a very beautiful and pure fake it was. These were no ordinary stars however, for this was one enchanted and created by the will of Chaos.

The light emitted by the newly conjured star map bore down on the separated dimension, enveloping it with it's comforting glow. Like the moon that held back the darkness, the sky drove back the shadows, sealing it within the crevices of the Earth.

" R̵̘̕.̸̼̇̑.̴̤̲̓ ̴̰̉̄o̶͎͂̌ͅ ̴̮̇o̶̢͖͆.̸̛̼̥.̵̘̦͑̾ ̴̫̈́̈́ò̷̟͊.̶̧̰̈́ ̶͙͈̃͗o̵̳͐.̵͙͘.̸̩̓͌!̷̳̯̍͐ " The creature exclaimed as it visibly shrank in the light's exuberance.

It was very clear that this weakened the void-born creature, as it visibly glared hatefully at the little specks of light that dotted the sky. The creature thought that the stars were impure! And that they dirtied the wondrous expanse of the void!

And so, bathed in shadows, the mighty alien Cthulhu reached out, as if to bear the might of the heavens. And within an instant, spires of dark, nebulous clouds of a black so dark it seemed to eat at the light that bore down at them rose into existence.

Two powers of cosmic proportions struck at one another, like an unfathomable celestial forging process that refined space and time, brilliant stars and infinite void alike, the dawn of creation.

A vision, a nightmare, an incomprehensible dream, are the only appropriate descriptors that could hope to convey the sheer scale of this clash.

mountain sized celestial objects rained down, meeting the nebulous shrouds that sought to devour everything.

A battle of ideals! Stars, celestial beings of unimaginable destructive prowess, yet ones that could also host planets, and grant them the ability to bear life. Against the shadows that slumbered and rested between and far from the reaches of any light, living in perpetual inexistence.

Shadows dispersed under the wrath of persistent beams of heat and light! However, brilliant mountain-sized star constructs erupted into beautiful supernovas, and becoming pure black holes of void under the greedy maws of darkness.

It was a draw, nothing would result from this other than a ruined world.

And so, amidst the chaotic mess of barbaric power, two beings met once again in the sky, bearing welcome gifts of teeth and claw!


Five heads stuck with vicious malice, eagerly ripping apart finned and rubbery appendages as the beast's nemesis ruefully struck back with enchanted claws! Wings tore, skin lacerated, scales chipped, tentacles clutched with desperate rage, claws broke under sheer power. It was total havoc, a primal bout of savagery, induced by a natural and instinctive, and dare I say... primordial hate.

And so, as the dimension morphed into a sick bastardization of a desert of rubble, instead littered with spatial anomalies, incorporeal constructs and cracked space, degrading further and further endlessly, two beings danced amongst teeth and claw, descending into inhuman atrocities.

" B O O O O M ! ! ! " The ground could not hope to bear this battle, and quickly collapsed in it's entirety, sending the landmass hurtling through the mass expanse of the mysterious dimension in a shower of Island-sized boulders and plates.

Some of the colossal plates were sent streaking across space, while some were devoured mercilessly by black holes. This dimension was doomed to an inevitable demise.

They did not care, too immersed in their frenzy to notice that they were no longer under the influence of gravity. They fought and fought, entirely unfocused nor interested in anything else.

Rip! Scratch! Roar! Rip! Regenerate! Claw! Boom! Regenerate! Rip!

A storm of hazardous blood and alien flesh.

" G̷̼̕͝r̷̬̓̚͜ā̶̰ḣ̸͙͝.̸̭͍̃͘.̴̲̱̈́ ̷̢̭͊̈́à̷͜-̴͎͐́ ̵͊ͅA̵̹̍̽ͅ ̷̭̲͠-̸̧̔ ̴̈ͅÁ̴͎ ̷͎̭̋-̴̹́͜ ̸̢͆A̷̟̿̂ " The alien creature growled unintelligibly.

"▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!!!" Another roared sending waves of undeniable power throughout empty space, neither intending to surrender.

They were completely spent, their physical forms were bruised in battered, decorated in wounds and gashes. Limbs bent unnaturally, and appendages were torn mercilessly.

looking at their enemy's injured form, both came to a decision that -

It was time! They unanimously decided, that it was time for one final attack! One that would decide everything!

Why you ask? The dimension was degrading at an alarming rate, while not lethal, it would most likely result in their mutual destruction, with the implosion weakening each to dangerous levels.

They could not accept that! Nothing less than victory was what each sought for in their own twisted minds.

Five pairs of malevolent eyes witnessed as the dreaded creature started to contort inhumanly. Muscles twisted unsettlingly, it's once barely comprehensible form had now become one that was completely beyond sense.

Cthulhu had decided to take on a more idealistic form, manifesting into a body that was beyond anything "real". The creature was now even more towering, at least the size of a continent! It's mere presence greedily consumed the space around.

The creature seemed to flicker in and out of reality, like it was but an illusion... a very real and dangerous illusion. The ends of its now very physical form was swathed in clouds that merged with the hollow black space.

An uncountable amount of limbs and appendages, thousands of red, malicious eyes that formed into two gigantic beaming slits of light that resembled an even bigger, single pair of eyes that dwarfed the famed Hydra's form.

Claws formed out of thousands of claws that were also formed out of claws... a paradox of sorts that contorted space into it's will, becoming impossibly dense because of the sheer volume of it's mass.

The only thing that seemed to remain was the singular, Kraken-like, bulbous anthropoid head that sat atop it's monstrous form! Tentacles wriggled disgustingly in eagerness...

N̴͖̾e̶̖̓B̶̋ͅų̸̈L̶͈͑ǫ̶̑U̸̜͝s̵̢̛... ̸͔͛U̸͎̚n̷͚̍F̵̙̅a̶͎͊T̶̟͝h̵̟͂O̶̳͆m̸̹͑Ä̸̮́b̶̘̚Ľ̵͖ẹ̵̓...Ĩ̵̙m̸͓̓M̶͈̾e̶͙̿Ḁ̷̛s̸̝͘S̴̹̃ŭ̸̩R̵̫͌a̵͎̾B̴̳̑l̵̲̄E̶̟̋...

The mountain-like Hydra looked like a small, mutated gecko in comparison.

But... the Hydra was not scared, nor terrified, like Cthulhu was expecting. Five heads stared unwaveringly at the cosmic nightmare that defied everything. Their draconic heart was thumping wildly, not from fear, but from excitement! Determination!

Until now, they had never stumbled upon a true roadblock! Never had they actually felt the looming threat of their demise!

However, now they felt it. The metaphorical guillotine that hovered above their myriad of necks.

Serpentine faces marred themselves into bastardized mimicries of delight, staring unflinchingly at the M̸̫̻̆ǫ̴̎N̴̞̍̎s̴̯͎̒T̸͚͙̉̏ë̵͖̭̀R̵̫͉̂͐ before them. The glow between their scales had never been brighter!!

--- To Be Continued ---

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