
Five years after my divorce, my husband comes running after me

After their divorce,he then realized that he had fallen for that golddigger woman. He searched high and low for her, went to heaven and came back to earth just to find her. He left no stone unturned and search crazily for her like a predator obsessed with a runaway prey. Five years after their divorce,he saw her again but not in a situation he had expected. She was with two cute and adorable little kids,a boy and a girl sharing a striking resemblance to him. But not only that,he also recieved an invitation. For what? She was getting married!!! Not just to anyone but to his playboy cousin. Blood may be thicker than water but his love is thicker than anything else in this world. But what happens when the girl in question is no longer in love with him,she even handed him a VIP invitation to her wedding in his own hands and said to him"I'll rather marry a playboy and a scumbag than come back to you again"then she left. With a smirk on his face,he clenched his fists and thought. You don't love me. But i do love you You don't want me. But i want you. You don't need me. But i need you. You want to leave me. Sorry but i don't agree. You want to get married to him. Sorry but you can only get married to me. Since then,he became clingy and fought anyone in his way to his woman heart including his uncle's son. But she still doesn't love him and even the kids hates him. But wait a minute. The father of the kids?. He doesn't care,he would take care of them as long as she's his. Required power stones for updation.. 15 power stones=2 chapters 25power stones=3 chapters 35 power stones=4 chapters 40power stones=5 chapters 50 power stones=mass release. OR 10 comments=2 chapters 20 comments=3 chapters 30 comments=4 chapters 40 chapter comments=5 chapters 50 chapters comment=mass release

Whitepurple · Urban
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22 Chs


"You are going! but she ruined your life and is probably with your ex husband yet you still want to celebrate her. Is this really Li Yanshu or a counterfeit?".

Li Yanshu was amused at his words, she's no longer the Li Yanshu that does things without reasoning.

Truth be told,when Li Yanshu and Mu Zhen divorced, the next day was Li Yanshu birthday, it was something that Li Yanshu never wants to remember because she doesn't want to remember the heartache she suffered and her drowned expectancy of Mu Zhen calling to congratulate her,how her feeble and naive heart got torn into pieces, Li Yanshu didn't celebrate it when she knows that she wasn't happy.

But one thing she knew was that she wasn't alone that day,she was with two other humans, more like foetus. She was with her babies.

This time she was going to make Wei Ye regret that she was born on that day.

"No,this is me. You do owe me one,repay your debt by taking care of my children for half a day".

Ya Shi thought about it for a while before agreeing.

Li Yanshu disconnected her phone call and went to her room.

The rest of the day went by after dinner and the whole family retired to their room to sleep.

Li Yanshu slept early that night because she knew that she had a lot of work to do tomorrow. She wouldn't have to waste her time on a person like Wei Ye but if she doesn't do something to ruin her special day,Li Yanshu would not feel relaxed,she would feel guilty for not avenging her children who grew up fatherless.

Mu Ze might have been by their side since but it wouldn't be the same as Mu Zhen by their side too.

That same night that Li Yanshu slept peacefully,Wei Ye was busy preparing for her birthday party.

Throwing big tantrums if she doesn't get what she wants,Mu Zhen had to suffer her tantrums by sacrificing his ears while the workers sacrificed their own body and sleep.

"Ah Zhen,do you think this color suits me?"Mu Zhen faced Wei Ye who was holding unto a blue gown with a v-line in the front,it was in the shade of ocean blue looking so beautiful.

Without hesitating,Mu Zhen said"No,chose another one".

Mu Zhen haven't refused her all day, always accepting whatever she wants but his sudden rejection made her crestfallen, since she couldn't take out her anger on Mu Zhen, she'd take it all out on the poor workers.

She threw the cloth on the floor and stomped on it, the workers all wanted to shed tears as they gave the cloth a one minute silence.

"You're all incompetent fools,how can you all choose this kind of cloth that isn't pleasing in the eyes,you,over there, you're fired and blacklisted. Get out and never show your face here"She said pointing at a female worker who did nothing wrong.

Her unreasonable dummy spit about the matter made the workers shiver,the power she held makes them hold their breath.

But one thing they don't know was that Wei Ye wanted to be in the spotlight,Li Yanshu would be there and this Li Yanshu seem different but change couldn't have caused much damage to her.

Wei Ye would make sure to get Li Yanshu image much more worse than before that Li Yanshu would never step her foot in City D ever again.

Wei Ye finally settled with a pink dress that had a tearing from the middle of lap down,a open back showing lot of flesh and a band at the waist.

It was also decorated with pink diamonds,they were the rarest kind of diamond and just one karat cost more than five million. Wei Ye held the cloth and said to Mu Zhen"Ah Zhen, don't you think this clothing is beautiful?".

Mu Zhen hardly paid it a glance but he still hummed, satisfied with his answer,she faced the terrified workers"I'll take this,as for this mall. It's getting a bad review from me and i'll not be recommending this mall to anybody nor would i visit here again".

In the workers mind_Yes, please don't recommend us to any of your snotty friends and we're really grateful that you're not coming back here again_.

They were so angry in their minds, how could a girl who claim to be rich buy only one clothing,with all the traumas they had to go through today.

As she walked out, they all stared daggers at her wanting to tear her into pieces and the way she walked high and mighty made them hate her even more.

They lost their sleep and didn't get time to spend with their families all because of a snotty brat,wait, she wasn't a brat,she was a grown woman with artificial body.

How dare she?.

After she had left,they had to start cleaning up the mall because of the destruction caused by her and when they were done,it was past three am.

They cursed her again in their hearts because of the two hours to sleep they had to get just because of her.

But what could they do?,they couldn't beat her nor bully her?.

The next day, Li Yanshu woke up to the knocking of the door. She rubbed her eyes and wore her home slippers, walking to the door,she opened it.

It was a young boy holding a package,he was wearing a blue uniform which Li Yanshu assumed to be a mail-boy,he smiled at her and said"Good morning, I'm here to deliver a package for a Miss Li,is she around?".

"I'm Li Yanshu,who sent it?".

"The person asked to be anonymous, please do sign here and have the package"Li Yanshu guessed the person to be Mu Ze but why doesn't he want her to know he's the one.

Well,the reasons are best known to him.

Li Yanshu signed and collected the package,she walked back in and met Mu Ze staring at her then at the package she was holding.

She didn't tell him thank you since he doesn't want to be known, she'd just pretend she doesn't know who got it for her.

"You bought it?".

"No,i recieved it from an anonymous giver"She responded succinctly making her way into the room.

Just before she entered,she faced him and asked"do you have anything to tell me?".

He shook his head and touched his chin"not any i can think of".

"Alright"she then shut the door and dropped the package on the bed. She gave Ya Shi a call telling him the time he should come over.

Li Yanshu sat down on her bed and began to open the present, immediately she opened it,she was blinded by the diamonds shining right in her eyes.

She closed her eyes and opened them only when she was sure she had adjusted her eye sight to the light.

She really felt like she should thank Mu Ze,this clothe would have cost a lot,she stood up and went to his room. She knocked on the door twice"I'm in the bathroom"he yelled. Li Yanshu didn't reply and just left for the kitchen.

When he comes out,she would thank him.

She began cooking and when she was done,she served it on the dining table. After arranging the kitchen and putting everything back in order,she left for her children's room. The both sides of the bed were empty and Li Yanshu could hear shouts in the bathroom.