
Five-Year Old Prophet is Pampered by Ten Brothers

The youngest in the Torres family was born sickly. She was sent to the Mystic Church for foster care at the age of one. Four years later, it was rumored that she was going to be brought back. The sons of the Torres household all expressed their opinions. Her first brother said, "I don't like her! I don’t want a sister!" Her second brother said, "He-he, we can tease her. I hope she can be a little unyielding. Then we can play fun tricks on her." Her third brother said, "What sister? Who is that? I don't even know her!" Lauren, the girl sent to the church, was not acknowledged by her brothers. Before she came back, she was ostracized by her brothers. Everyone thought that Lauren would be bullied every day when she returned home. However, at Lauren's fifth birthday party, strange things happened. The first brother who was stern and ruthless actually let her sit on his shoulders. And the second brother who liked to mess with others and bully others was actually busy looking after her. He was even more considerate than a maid. Those who liked to speak ill of Lauren were all ruthlessly taught a lesson by her brothers. They even declared, "No one can speak ill of her. Otherwise, they will become enemies of the Torres family." Everyone was shocked. Lauren, who grew up in the church, was actually so favored in the Torres family? It turned out that Lauren was no ordinary girl. After returning from the church, she could predict the future. She had predicted the first brother's death and successfully saved him. She predicted the second brother's economic crisis and successfully saved his company. She had predicted the third brother's early state cancer and saved his life successfully. The Torres family doted on her. She was such a powerful baby. How could they not like her?

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388 Chs

Who Was It?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

According to Mr. Hayes, Zelda started working for the Torres family three years ago. She had always been conscientious and did not mention much about her family, let alone her husband.

Later on, Lauren went to inquire about other servants. After all, when she was not busy, they would gather together and chat. Perhaps they could learn some useful information.

But they did not.

This made Lauren suspect Zelda again. After staying in a place for three years, she had never told anyone here about her family?

At a loss, Lauren thought of another person who could definitely help her -- her brother!

After Franklin woke up last night, he began to believe in Lauren's ability and promised her that he would cooperate with her to catch this male ghost.

On the 39th floor of Torres Corporation, Franklin was holding a quarterly summary meeting with the company's top management. The long conference table was filled with people in suits. Franklin sat at the head seat while his secretary sat at the side recording the meeting.

The general manager of the product development department was reporting the work of the previous quarter. "From December to February, our product development and design departments worked together and successfully developed nearly 30 smart chips. Two of them were even obtained as soon as they were released --"

Suddenly, Franklin's phone on the table vibrated. He frowned.

The secretary on the side began to sympathize with this inappropriate caller.

Franklin never picked up the phone during meetings. He had already warned everyone before, so no one dared to call at this time.

No one picked up. The phone stopped vibrating for a few seconds and then began to vibrate again.

The pressure in the meeting room immediately dropped.

Franklin picked up the phone with one hand and gently raised his other hand to signal the manager to stop.

In an instant, the entire meeting room was only left with the vibrating sound of the phone and the sound of the projector operating.

It was a call from the landline of the Torres residence.

This kind of situation had never happened before. The people of the Torres residence were worried that they would disturb Franklin's work, so they never called directly. Instead, they would open the secretary or assistant and let them pass the message on.

Franklin suddenly seemed to have thought of something. He pressed the green button and chose to answer the call.

Everyone in the meeting room held their breaths. This was the first time the president had broken the principle of not picking up the phone during a meeting. Although everyone looked indifferent on the surface, their ears were all perked up and listening.

Before they could raise the phone to their ears, they heard the voice of a little girl coming from the phone. The men and women in the meeting room were all shocked!

"Franklin, Franklin!"

This voice was too cute!

The secretary at the side could clearly feel that the pressure around the CEO had returned to normal.

In the next second, Franklin had already taken the phone out.

"Hello?" Franklin tried his best to make his voice sound a little colder. He could not let this little guy know that he had actually been touched by her voice just now, or else he would definitely be proud again.

"Franklin, it's Lauren!" Lauren's voice sounded very happy, as if she was still jumping around.

Franklin lowered his head and smiled silently. Lauren did not see it, but the walls of the meeting room were made of glass! The general managers and board of directors of all the departments saw Franklin's Smile!

Everyone's whispers became even more serious. Even the secretary could not help but start discussing in a low voice with the people beside her.

On the other side, Franklin did not know that his smile had already been seen by everyone. He even pretended to be cold to Lauren.

"What's wrong? I'm in a meeting. You're disturbing me."

The voice on the other side immediately sounded aggrieved. "Really? Then Lauren won't disturb Franklin..."

"Wait!" Franklin hurriedly opened his mouth and coughed as if trying to cover it up. "What's the matter? Since you've already disturbed me, just say it."

"Oh... Then Lauren will speak faster. Lauren feels that there's something wrong with Aunt Zelda at home. I suspect that she has something to do with the ghost that hurt brother. Can Franklin try to get a hold of Aunt Zelda's family situation?"

Franklin's fingers unconsciously tapped on his phone. This was his usual unconscious action.

"No problem. I'll get my secretary to check. You... didn't cause any trouble at home today, right?" After working hard at the company for the whole day, Franklin suddenly felt a little relieved when he heard Lauren's voice.

"Of course not. Lauren did a lot of good things today!"

"What good can a child like you do?" Franklin could not help but argue with her again.