
Five worlds and me

Vicky is a 16 year old teen who was born without powers or so she thought. She leaves her own world and travels through 4 other worlds, plus one, just to see how they view life but she ends up in one problem or the other, learns more about herself, have friends and also go on crazy adventures. By the time she goes back home, what would she have learnt about herself and her family history

Oyinsho · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8- Communication in different ways

The queen left me by the poolside still stunned but i got over it eventually. Monsters are actually the beings I've been looking forward to studying and meeting. Most people think they are the most dangerous but they are actually the most reserved and powerful too. They are very smart even though most of them act on instincts

I went to my room with some snacks from the picnic for Nicky since she hasn't been able to come out of my room, i mean she doesn't want to come out of the room. How can a dragon have a huge trust issue like this

Don't think I'm trusting them so easily, let's just say 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer' kind of thing

I was at the entrance of my room when i heard someone's footstep on the other side of the door and i immediately knew who it was. I swung the door open and yelled, "What the hell are you doing here?" I looked at Tyler straight in the eye, like what the hell, dude

Tyler looked at me like i was the one intervening in his private stuffs and I just felt like punching him in the face

"Easy, tiger. Just came here to talk" He said with a calm voice. "About what? How you are going to end me or throw me off a cliff for being a power being. And where the heck is Nicky? What did you do to her?" I quickly used my eyes to scan the room but she wasn't here. "She isn't here. She went for a flight. I guess she was tired of waiting in the room for you for a long time and when I came in, she informed me she was going for a flight and that I should inform you since I was waiting for you"

"Nicky, seriously; and what do you mean 'she told you'?" I asked confused. I thought I was the only one who could talk to her. "Yes, tiger. She did. Shocked? She can talk to me and some other beings in other worlds, she just didn't know that and so did you since you guys were trapped in that good-for-nothing world of yours" I decided to drop it since it looked like a topic that could be ego-lifting for him if I didn't choose my words rightly

"And what do you want to talk about with me?" I said with a stern voice and a raised brow

"I'm sure my mum has told you about my love for travelling"

"Of course you were eavesdropping" I rolled my eyes and walked towards the desk in the room. There were some books on the table which I'd left earlier. Yeah, I went to the library actually. I'm obsessed okay? But the books were arranged which I didn't do obvi but then Tyler spoke up

"The ones on the left aren't really useful while the ones on the right are the ones you should study because one, it would help you in adapting to our world. Two, it would help you learn the basics of all other worlds and three, it would help you in also camouflaging in each world"

"Did I ask you to sort it out for me?" I asked obviously irritated and annoyed that he was invading in my private space. "I decided to help so that you won't waste your time reading unnecessary informations"

"Did I ask you to do that?"

"It's called helping, Vicky. Why so worked out?"

"If you had unnecessary informations in your library, then dispose them. It's not that hard"

"Okay, chill. I get why you are upset. You left your world and you are in a foreign one with no loved ones but that doesn't mean the people in other worlds are bad. You shouldn't shut yourself from everyone. I can tell you are amazing, funny, cute, strong, independent and courageous. Don't shut such a beautiful behaviour out like that. You know what, let's go out. We have a fair around our mainlands today. Wanna come?"

He extended his hand and looked at me with a warm smile

Which made me have one thought in my head....

.... I'm still hungry

I stood up from the desk's chair, ignoring his hand and went to the wardrobe to pick out another outfit for the fair. Thank goodness I brought more then enough outfits. When I came out of the bathroom, Tyler wasn't in my room or around but I could still hear his distant footsteps and was about to leave till I heard Nicky's scream and she bust into my room like she was catapulted but she thankfully landed on my bed

"What happened to you, Nicky?" She looked dirty and rough from the way I saw it. I immediately took her to the bathroom, took my small face towel and went to the bathroom's zinc and switched on the tap. I took out a liquid detergent and started washing Nicky up. "What the hell happened Nicky?" I said as I was still cleaning her up

"I went for a flight, right?, and I was observing this surrounding because you know. So I was looking around when I saw a statue by the entrance which I didn't see yesterday and went in for a closer look and I was kinda messing around with it..."

"Of course you were"

"...But as I was about to take a even closer look, it transformed"

"To what? A bigger statue?"

"No. To a real life wolf"

"Oh. That's new"

"Right?!. And let's just say that was a new discovery for me"

"But that doesn't explain why you are so dirty"

"You know that moment of your life where you forget how to do some particular things, well let's just say that was my moment to shine"

"Keep shining then, little dragon" I rinsed her, took the towel and cleaned Nicky with it. "Okay, so I'm going to a fair with Tyler. You wanna come or not?"

"Nah, I'll stay. That wolf might have an eye out for me"

"Okay, if you say so" The little dragon followed me out of the bathroom into the room while I went straight to the door. "Stay out of sight, okay Nick?"

"Yes, Vick. Quickly go. Byee"

"Byeee" I ran out of the room onto the corridor. I mean I was actually running, don't know why but I felt so excited for no reason. I've only felt this way when I go for adventures but I guess this is like a mini adventure.

I got down with great enthusiasm, went to the living room and shouted without thinking "I'm ready"

By the time those words slipped out, I realised that it was only Tyler's mum that was in the room. "Keep it down honey. Don't forget that the walls have ears too. Tyler's getting the car ready and before he does, can you come here, please?" I nodded and went to sit beside her.

"Okay. I got this for you" she said as she brought out something that was neatly wrapped. It was cuboid in shape.

I unwrapped it and saw what it was and was shocked. It was a new phone. As if reading my mind, she said "This isn't just any phone, it is a device which you can use through worlds so I won't really classify it as a phone but, why not. I have one to communicate with Tyler when he leaves our world and takes too long before returning back. I always want to know how he's doing out there and how he's coping. We, monsters are creative. We made these devices in case another war happens and we have to leave our world. We want to be prepared for anything since we weren't back then. Since we weren't prepared back then". She looked kind of sad but before I could ask her anything, Tyler was already in the room. "Ready, tiger?"

"Sure thing, imposter"

Thank you for reading this chapter. I'm sure the next chapter would be fun. Maybe, but still do so to vote. Love you all and stay safe. Peace out