
Five Reasons

Heartbreaks. Tears. Depression. Move on. I make mistakes. I also get sick. I sometimes embarrass myself in front of my classmates. I never answered back to my parents. We live in a normal house, run a small store, and I have a normal love-hate relationship with my younger brother. I'm smart and talented. I easily learn lessons and help my classmates with some of their difficulties. As a matter of fact, I can say that I'm normal. However, things changed when I transferred. My heart raced for a person. The wrong person. The whole world would condemn us if we ever got together. I don't even know if that person would reciprocate my feelings. But I still fell. In the game of love, the first one who fall will lose. And I did. I fell. I fell. And I fell. ~~~ Disclaimer: The events in this story really happened in real life, except for some parts where the main character is not present. But those are supplemented by asking the point of view of those present. Names of the characters are edited to avoid shock and confusion from their perspective. But if they ever found out about this, we will have a long chat. Again, everything in the story is according to the point of view of the main character.

Sinner_of_Tomorrow · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Reason 5: I Like Her (3)

"Rae, are you busy?" Lisa asked me when I was compiling a few documents.

I only looked at her with a hollowed expression.

"You think?" I asked back. She awkwardly looked away and scratched her head.

"Rae still has to do her official duties, Lisa. You all can go home first. I'll make sure that Rae goes home safe, I promise," John approached us and helped me with the documents.

I had this blank look on my face for a few days now.

I still won't forget about how they pushed me to this hell.

I don't want to be an officer! It's only pain for students like me! I don't belong to the student council!

My friends went home first after a few promises from John.

They really left me behind. Traitors!

"The new project of the Supreme Student Government should be implemented by next week, so make sure that you inform our classmates about what they needed to know to avoid confusion," John advised as he left to pass the documents to the Supreme Student Government's office.

I sighed deeply as I was left alone in the room. I fixed my belongings and got ready to go home when someone went I side the classroom.

"Rae? Did you see Ella?" It was Blessie.

I nodded. I then wordlessly pointed the office of the Supreme Student Government. After that, I went back to my own business.

But the ice queen just won't let me off.

"Rae, do you want to join the basketball team this year? A lot of the members are not qualified to play anymore because of the age restrictions, and we already invited you since last year to join us," Blessie offered as she carried a ball with her.

It's just the first week of school and she's already thinking about the Intramurals. How advanced must her thinking be?

With my lifeless face, I just nodded to agree to her statement.

If I joined the team, my life might have a new meaning. Being an officer really drained a lot of juice from me.

Blessie took my agreement and left immediately.

Now, I'm alone once more.

How sad must my life be?

"Rae, stop being so depressed. Let's go home. I promised your pals that I'll make sure that you go home safe," John said as he entered the room and fixed his belongings.

I followed him and we locked the door of our room. We left the key with the guard and went home straight.

Such is my boring life.

But it all became a bit chaotic once more.

"Rae! You've agreed with Blessie with joining the team, right?! Right?!" Ella found me the next day to convince me to go practice.

"We still have a few months before the Intramurals. We can use this time to practice our cooperation because some old players won't be allowed to play anymore. We'll be recruiting new players!" Ella declared as she went around the room to recruit others.

She managed to convince Kaye and Shine to join the basketball team.

In the end, here I am, together with the whole basketball team, practicing during the afternoon after class.

"Rae, you're pretty good at three point shots. But we'll have to work with your teamwork skills. You see, basketball is a team sport, so you'll also need to run around the court and provide for your teammates. We'll teach you the silent language of the team next," Ella explained as I'm pretty much being weirded out by how much I had to learn to play basketball.

Isn't it just shoot the ball through the hoop to earn points?

Days went by and the First Grading Examinations happened.

I was so excited.

Hey, if you were in my position and didn't manage to get the First Grading Examinations since you were sick, of course you'll be excited!

I'll finally have the First Grading Examinations with my classmates.

Although I experienced the other grading examinations with my classmates last year, the First Grading Examinations is just different.

It's the first exam of the year that'll decide your grades and position in class. And I worked hard just to get a decent position.

*Slam* (sound effects may vary from person to person, but it's still slamming the table anyway*

"The Intramurals are by next month. So we'll decide for our coordinators once more."

As the vice president of our class (I'm already over it), I had to coordinate with the other classes for our grade level. The thing is, I can't be a coordinator anymore because I'm a class officer.

"Don't even think about it, Rae," Jean warned me as I almost managed to enlist myself among the Sepak Takraw players.

"At least let me put my name on it!" I tried to struggle as two other classmates were holding me back from writing my name on that piece of paper.

Let. Me. Play. This. Year!

Alright. I didn't manage it be a player of Sepak Takraw. Apparently, they still remembered what happened last year as I never had the time to play, even though I'm a potentially good player.

"This year, I'll play another sport other than Chess! I promise this!" my classmates listened to me as I rambled on this little obsession of mine.


"I think Rae's broken," Joana whispered to Jean and Lisa who are also watching the whispering girl on the corner.

The others are also watching the actions of the little obsessed girl with pity and worry.

"I think it started when we elected her as the vice president," Lisa stated, as she felt that it was the beginning of the problem.

"That's basically the first day of school, Lisa. Officer work might have stressed her a bit, but you should realize that we're talking about Rae. She got over it like, a week after. She has to have some other problems that's the cause of her actions now," Joana logically deduced. She and Lisa argued about the reason why Rae is acting like this.

Jean remained silent as she thought for a while.

"I think I know what's happening to Rae," she said, which made the two arguing girls' attention on her.