
Five Reasons

Heartbreaks. Tears. Depression. Move on. I make mistakes. I also get sick. I sometimes embarrass myself in front of my classmates. I never answered back to my parents. We live in a normal house, run a small store, and I have a normal love-hate relationship with my younger brother. I'm smart and talented. I easily learn lessons and help my classmates with some of their difficulties. As a matter of fact, I can say that I'm normal. However, things changed when I transferred. My heart raced for a person. The wrong person. The whole world would condemn us if we ever got together. I don't even know if that person would reciprocate my feelings. But I still fell. In the game of love, the first one who fall will lose. And I did. I fell. I fell. And I fell. ~~~ Disclaimer: The events in this story really happened in real life, except for some parts where the main character is not present. But those are supplemented by asking the point of view of those present. Names of the characters are edited to avoid shock and confusion from their perspective. But if they ever found out about this, we will have a long chat. Again, everything in the story is according to the point of view of the main character.

Sinner_of_Tomorrow · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Reason 1: I Was Fascinated With Her Tantalizing Smiles (2)

A week after the start of school, I'm having another challenge of my life.

"Come on, Rae! The seat arrangement is so obvious, and we are now partners for the acting session!" Gelu, my newly assigned seatmate who is so thin but tall and loves writing, said as she smiled and laughed by herself.

Shivers. Why do I have to be arranged here? Can't I just sit with my fellow transferees? That way, I'll feel safe in the least.

"Let's pick the appropriate classic line to act. Our grades depends on the lines we will say for a few seconds," I said seriously, intending to pick the most suitable character to portray for the both of us.


Gasps filled the room as Gelu slapped me.

This is it! The time has come! I have to say my line correctly!

Withstanding the ache of my recently slapped left cheek, I said my lines with utmost emotions. Our classmates and teacher were absorbed into the atmosphere we created.

As I said my finishing line and walked out of the mini stage in the room, our classmates managed to cheer and clap for our acting.

"The both of you are naturally gifted in acting, Rae, Gelu. However, Rae, is your cheeks fine? That slap was so loud and intense. Even the adviser next door sneaked a peek to check us out," our teacher asked with concern.

Even our classmates asked this question too. Huhu T_T. That slap hurt so much! Gelu used too much force! Did she secretly have a vendetta against me?!

However, not all classmates are worried about my cheek. Some are even sneering and jeering at me.

"Rae, can I also slap you?" Kaye asked as she raised her left hand. Kaye is a tall, skinny girl. She looks like a model, and I've heard that she just won a pageant in her district last summer.

I cringed and hid behind Gelu instantly. My cheeks are in danger!

"Spare Rae, Kaye. Seriously, you have to be at least kinder to her. She's too cute to be tainted by your ruthless means," Lisa said and comforted me. Ahh~ this is the life. Lisa, can you be my mommy?

"You should have stopped Rae from going home last week instead of pouring it all out on her now, Kaye. It's unfair, you know? She also reported gracefully that got us nice grades," Marie also came to defend me as she offered a lollipop.

Wait, why do I feel like a kid? For craziness sake, I'm 15! Just because I'm younger by two years for a Senior High schooler, doesn't mean that I don't have integrity anymore as a Senior! Ahh!

"Anyways, my birthday is coming up next week. What do you guys say we hang out at *Blue Star then? My treat!" Lisa said as we all cheered!

On second thought, Lisa and Jean just transferred schools. They still live in this district, unlike Kaye, Joana, Marie and me who lives in other districts. They know each section of the district, and can recommend good spots to hang out.

"Oh, you'll turn 17 by then, right? We'll have to prepare gifts for you. We can't have the others say that we are taking advantage of your riches, right?" Joana finally said.

If Joana hadn't mentioned it, I won't realize that Lisa is the richest among us in the circle.

Her aunt owns a land, building, and store in the capital city. It's said that land prices are highest in this district. She's always arrives at school using a branded car. She always brings different snacks that are obviously usually eaten by those in the upper stratum of society. Sometimes, I hear her and Jean talking about transferring to study in Canada with her uncle.

For me, she's obviously a big shot! Let me hug your thighs, mommy!

"If you're going to buy gifts, can it be a sketchpad, this number of pencil, color pens, crayons and such?" from the mature and benevolent aura she had before, after hearing about her gifts, she turned into a malicious entity that almost gobbled up Joana.

Jean held unto her sleeve to stop her from drowning Joana in her barrage of 'suggestions'.

"I'm so sorry about this. Lisa here already filled her bedroom with art materials. Anymore and she'll be scolded once again by her mother. So please don't give her any gift, or a simple letter will do," Jean said with utmost indifference while still holding Lisa's sleeves.

Since Lisa was still trying to struggle off her grasp, she proceeded to holding Lisa in the neck.

"Ack! J-jean!" Lisa choked, and that's when Jean stopped holding her neck.

"Even though you stopped your advancement, you're still a black belter in taekwondo after all. Your strength is so monstrous for a small body," Lisa commented that managed to bring in another round of discussion.

From her birthday, we're now discussing about Jean's strength.

"Let me tell you the legend of this fella in our old school! She's the strongest student in class, and aside from that, she's talented in arts and music. It's a pity that she's a little shy around others but still clinging unto me," Lisa said in a slight reminiscent tone.

Jean jabbed her that stopped Lisa from saying more.

"Lisa, I have a question," I said, which gathered the attention of my friends.

"I have a cousin, who once joined a camping. She said that she knows you. Her name is #### ###. Do you really know her?" I asked.

Lisa went to her 'thinking mode' and we can now spot a light bulb shining next to her head.

"I know her! We got especially close after that camp. We then met at other camps. So she's your cousins. Tell her that I miss her. I didn't manage to get her account, so we have no means of communications," Lisa said as she scratched her head.

"Oh! Speaking of camps, Rae and I met in a Regional Camp in Cebu. She's still the not knowing overly friendly weirdo who cut her bangs too short. She has to wear the camp hat to avoid being laughed at," Marie suddenly said that made my cheeks heat up.

My cheeks that were now fine from the slapping became red like tomatoes.

Really, Marie? You just love torturing me, right?

*Blue Star – a small cozy resto right next to the Provincial Hall. Many students from nearby schools hang out here because of affordable prices, lovely snacks, and relaxing atmosphere.

I still remember my friends and how Marie loves to tease me.

Back then, I was still the very naive transferee from the countryside, correct that, from the far away district.

I've been contacting them through the internet but right now, we are all busy with our studies.

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